
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 2, 2012

After all The Jingoism : Trust Them to Vote Them?

There was the usual firepower in the hall before the red brigade. Except that this year, it is not as heated as the year before and the last 40 years very likely because GE 13 is round the corner.

But nevertheless, the fiery battle cry was there. And all their keris this time was not the symbolic traditional daggar but were in words. They say the pen is mightier than the sword. But at the assembly, it wasn't the pen, but more the tongue wagging lashing that seemed most time disconnected with the intellect that was their WMD. Whenever they brought out the bogeyman May 13 and their 'real or imagined' enemy, the opposition, ie Pakatan and their band of evil fellows, they were wielding their verbal keris warning to those who dare vote them out!!!

To a lesser degree but no less venomous than a king cobra's venom, the other enemies were the LBGT, other Malays who are not for them but against them and those who advocate pluralism which mean their God is the truth and I should be prosecuted and sitting in jail because i also claim Jesus as the true saviour and God hah!!!

Supposedly being a race and very racist party for the Malays, they have no qualms to attack their braders and systars who are Malays ethnically than a piece of paper mind you. Which sends the message that a Malay is only worthy a Malay in their eyes if you vote for them and them only, else you are a khafir and not among the chosen ones worthy to be saved hah!

So it isn't surprising that this race racist party to protect the Malays have disregarded and since believe themselves to be God's chosen race and leaders to laud over the Malays and the rest- this chosen race party have kind of 'excommunicated' those sons of the soils who do not vote for them or on the other camp. And to make up their 'lost sheep' they have used their God given wisdom to also include Indian Muslims as now belonging to their tulen Melayu stock hah! As well as some cina apek who now worshipped their God as also as doubly tulen as them hah!

The commandments they issued, the most important obey thy leader and all those warning to bow down before their 'Hang' 1Malaysia leader, the battle and war cry they scream seemed over dramatic, making them real queens. Which even outdo the queers of the LBGT with no disrespect for the latter hah!

And tears they shed for their one leader moved by all the great good things done for the Malays first and then they remember they need the other kafir votes use their all inclusive concept called 1Malaysia!

There was so much confidence, over confidence really, with claims as convincing as Pakatan they will get 2/3 majority, the youths are with them, the Malays, chinese and others have returned to their fold and embrace and all are reminded that God has chosen them to rule over the Malays first then the rest.

The confidence even went to an extent of a leader making a dare to sacrifice one limb, ie cutting off the ear, making all us to go figure out what he was trying to mean. And true to political speak, it was later retracted on the pretext to test if the delegates England is powderful fo figure out what this figurative figure was trying to finger the delegates with his ear sacrifice dare. A case of too wet behind the ear or too much wax in it or it's the case of a dare gone deaf i supposed to the members, eh?

Which reminds us of their earlier call to their members, the youth, the martial arts groups, students and even babies we can supposed to sacrifice limbs and all that. Hmmm must be some metaphor to also test if the listeners 'oh my England' is up to mark. If it isn't blame the education system right?

So with the ear limb safely intact, reminder of being the God chosen party and people to lord over BolehLand, promise to prosecute LBGTs and those who claim pluralism ie other Gods are true than theirs, reminder of billions given out as if the money is theirs, and even more money to come....- would you still trust them and vote for them? 

Would you shed your tears alongside their party members believing every word uttered by their 1 glorious fuhrer? Would you, you be in their lead pack to prosecute those who worship other Gods, send LBGTs to become 'normal' via psychological torture or 'medical' cure, fire salvos of tear gas and arrest all those wearing yellow and green and any colour they considered as traitors to their race, God and royalty? Would you vote for them because you fear Pakatan will start May 13 Pakatan edition?

Would you trust and vote them because they tell you RM40 million is halal and everything is in good order and they deserve the donation? Or that all the billions paid for arms deal, building the MRT, all those cost overrun are money well spend and nothing wrong because they are for the good of the nation and people and right some historical wrong?

Fan worship that puts rock stars, Harimau and K-pop fans to shame eh?
Or join them because they are full of love for their No1 fan and lovable people you can trust. The wave of 'I Love PM' is unprecedented, a cue from their small brader's Malaysia Cowed Association's convention which also used the same placards really puts to shame all the BPL or Harimau fans, Elton John, J.Lo or KPop fans banners right? After all if you best in the rest of the world with twitter and blog fans, you need to be remindered how your fans love you more than J.Bieber we can supposed yah! Never ever have we seen such PM-glorification and adulation which must be a 'fan-tastic' shioksendiri for their fellows, of a leader whom we are reminded supposed to be a servant eh? And we are asked to ensure this 'PM-fication' to continue for another 1,000 years huh?

Or is this PM-fication just a PM-fiction to give confidence to the leaders that the people love for him is above all rest and will ensure victory? Plus all who vote for him really loves him hah! Tell this to the religious and rational minded and they will tell you they are turned off with such PM-fan worship that give them the nausea hah!

Yes indeed, their passion for their leaders is likely on the same level as their expression of loving their God, prada, lv, coach,gucci, victoria principal, favoured contracts, discounted homes price (even if they can afford) or cowdominiums (even if given easy money), limos and overseas travel we can supposed eh?

Would you vote for them because they SAID THEY HAVE CHANGED? or, they want to continue changing eh?

But chotto matte kudasai, if they have changed, why need another 50 years to change to what?

Or are they afraid the minute the other side wins they got to only turn 10 pages of Petronas or EPF or Treasury account books, the truth will be revealed?

At their assembly, they have resorted to their usual tactics ie when the Ultra Megalomaniac Nazi Organ bashes it is so that citizens shiver, yes? Even if they stopped the kris waving and threat to bath some non halal haemoglobin group they have replaced it with their wagging tongue and finger pointing which is just as lethal and toxic set for the kill huh?

They believed the citizens are returning to them in droves to save them from devils, evil doers and LBGT threat? There is so much confidence. And the citizens are really getting election fatigue. And we know if you are tired and fatigue waiting and waiting, you'd go against your better judgememt and vote on your frustration and anger. Or you are just disgusted by the arrogant show of firepower and gloating. It's like listening to them painting a bleak picture of oppression, how poor their race is, how threatened they are, how marginalised they are that they need another 1000 years of crutch support and how others are threatening making them poor - and when you are among them, as friends who were there - you see the opulence display... every branded item imaginable from their shades to their handbags, to the mobile phone and the footwear, not forgetting the limos that drop them off... and they still say they are marginalised, poor huh? Or,. they fear the opposition is going to take all these away hah!

So their battle strategy is all ready, so when does the battle begin and war starts? 

So with this on-slaughter of confidence and their army of red marching at you, will you shiver and quiver at the poll booth when you mark your 'X' ? Perhaps we need to remind some party and over confident folks that even if they have shown their 'tongue is mightier than the sword' the pencil that we use is mightier than their tongue or their keris whichever they choose to threaten us to vote for them hah!

Speaking of the chosen date by the chosen people and party, a tweedie bird in our head keeps reminding us that the erection...opps election can only happen when the real No1 gives permission and commands the official No 1 to have it hah! - YAHMEH!!!

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