
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, December 14, 2012

Cut a long story short

What your lame brain cannot figure out is that whatever all these people are saying today I have already said in the past. These people are just repeating almost word-for-word what I had already said before. However, in the beginning, when I said all this, they said I was lying. Now, they have done a U-turn and are repeating what I said in the past.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Have you been following the interviews, press statements, news reports, videos, allegations, counter-allegations, denials, threats of civil suits, etc., that have been all over the news and the Internet the last few weeks or so?
Carpetman cum bagman Deepak Jaikishan, ex-private investigator cum ex-police hit squad member P. Balasubramaniam, ex-IGP cum underworld boss Musa Hassan, ex-CCID chief cum lawyer Ramli Yusuff, whistleblower cum PKR leader Rafizi Ramli, Sabah Chief Minister cum Umno Sabah chief Musa Aman, philanthropist Robert Phang, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, Opposition Leader cum Prime Minister-forever-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim, etc., have all come out to sing like canaries. And they are all also accusing each other of lying.
Actually, for most of you who are recipients of a Malaysian and/or a mother-tongue education, I am sure all those ‘facts’ are just too much for your feeble minds to follow. I mean you can’t even understand the difference between the word ‘reiterate’ and ‘withdraw’.
When I said in my mainstream media interview that I reiterate what I signed in my June 2008 Statutory Declaration, many of you insist that ‘reiterate’ means to do a U-turn. Even Anwar Ibrahim who is supposed to have written a great book called The Asian Renaissance can’t understand what ‘reiterate’ means.
And he wants to lead the country as the next Prime Minister? Pleeeezzzz.
Anyway, let’s cut a long story short. Never mind what all these people are saying. Whatever long grandfather’s story or cock-and-bull story they are telling us, all that can be summarised into just one short and simple sentence.
And that short and simple sentence is: whatever Raja Petra Kamarudin has been saying over the last five years plus since 2007 is correct, he was not wrong, he did not lie.
What your lame brain cannot figure out is that whatever all these people are saying today I have already said in the past. These people are just repeating almost word-for-word what I had already said before. However, in the beginning, when I said all this, they said I was lying. Now, they have done a U-turn and are repeating what I said in the past.
Hence, instead of repeating everything I have already said and confuse people by making it appear like this is a new revelation, just make it simple. Cut a long story short and say: whatever Raja Petra Kamarudin said in the past is true and I would just like to confirm that he told the truth and did not lie.
Kan ke senang macam tu?
By the way, a certain prominent lawyer met up with an ex-IGP in Australia this week (not Musa Hassan though) to discuss many issues. However, just to punish you for being stupid, I am not going to reveal the names of these people or what they discussed.
Wow, I just love being able to do that.

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