
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Karpal: PAS an important, principled ally

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DAP chairman Karpal Singh, in calling for a change in government, declared PAS an 'important ally'.
PETALING JAYA (Dec 15): DAP's 16th national congress opened in Penang today to fire and brimstone speeches by its top leadership in a move to rally members and supporters ahead of the country's 13th general election.
In their speeches, chairman Karpal Singh and secretary-general Lim Guan Eng hailed the party's triumphs, established its stand on contentious national issues and repeated its call for a change in government.
Karpal reminded the 2,500-strong audience at the Penang National Sports Arena that the next general election could be Pakatan Rakyat's only opportunity of replacing the "enemy" that is Barisan Nasional at the national level.
"I have no doubt that Pakatan can achieve this objective especially with Penang setting the example of being an effective government under the leadership of the Penang chief minister, Lim Guan Eng," he stated.
The Bukit Gelugor MP also sought to solidify DAP's relationship with its two Pakatan allies by describing PAS as a "solid principal partner" and voicing support for PKR de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, as prime minister should the opposition coalition take over Putrajaya.
The latter statement follows recent calls by PAS for the premiership to be held by its president, Abdul Hadi Awang, if Pakatan forms the next federal government.
Karpal has been seen as the strongest critic from the DAP of Islamic measures associated with PAS that may affect non-Muslims, especially in PAS-led Kelantan. Today, however, he openly declared PAS an "important ally".
"We may have our differences with PAS but it is a solid, principled party and an important ally," he said to cheers from the crowd.
Present at the congress was PAS vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar. 
Karpal acknowledged that DAP had not foreseen a working relationship with PAS in the past but that the Islamic party had proven to be an important component in the opposition alliance. 
"We too must change with the times or the times will change us," he said. "In politics there are no permanent enemies or permanent friends but there must be permanent principles."
Lim, in his speech, underlined DAP's loyalty and contribution to the opposition coalition and requested that this loyalty be recognised through additional seat allocations in the next general election.
"We would like three extra parliamentary seats and 10 extra states seats in Peninsular Malaysia," he said. "East Malaysia will handle the seat negotiations on their own."
DAP contested 47 parliamentary and 102 state seats in last election, and won 28 and 71 seats respectively.
Lim also spoke up in defense of PAS over two recent controversies plaguing the party - the summonses on non-Muslims for indecent behaviour and plans for gender segregation in hair salons. Both issues are centered in the PAS-ruled state of Kelantan.
"MCA is trying to paint PAS as a party that is imposing Islamic laws on non-Muslims like khalwat which we know isn't true at all," Lim stated.
An English daily had reported that Kelantan enforcement officers had fined four non-Muslims for khalwat, an offence under syariah law.
PAS however clarified that the summonses were for indecent behaviour, which is an offence under local council laws.
But the move still received flak as two of those who received the summonses were men who were plane spotting in an open space.
In light of that, Lim expressed hope that the summonses would be void to show that PAS is able to ensure justice for non-Muslims. 
"If not, then this will give BN the opportunity to exploit the issue and make it difficult for PAS and Pakatan to make an impact in BN fortresses especially in Johor," he said.
"As for the hair salon issue it is an administrative problem that is being resolved," Lim said.
Lim went on to list DAP's achievements especially in Penang and pledged that the state would the first in Malaysia to eradicate poverty in 2013.
He also pointed out the party's good performance in Penang and Selangor which boasted a combined RM50 billion in investments from 2009 to 2011 thus contributing one-third of the total national
"Penang and Selangor have introduced important legislative reforms and governance measures like the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act," he added. "Clearly Pakatan can govern well and deserves to rule
But for this to happen, Lim said, Pakatan must focus on the 4 million voters in "middle Malaysia".
He added that the next general election is not about the fate of political parties but the nation's destiny and the people's readiness for change. 
Yet he admitted that many voters have questioned whether Pakatan is ready to forge a new beginning.
"In its quest to retain power BN has exploited race and religion, which has caused much fear and distrust," Lim stated. 
"But if we choose to be bound by the past we will never move forward."
Karpal (center): We too must change with the times or the times will change us.

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