
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 21, 2012



RANAU : Apologists and sycophants for Tuaran MP Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing have been flooding the local media in recent days with distractions and disruptions to get cheap publicity for their so-called Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) and to take potshots at us.

To add insult to injury, Beaufort MP Lajim Ukin and his Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPS) have jumped on the bandwagon as well to mislead the Orang Asal in particular the Kadazandusun and Murut.
As Orang Asal, both Lajim and Bumburing could have at least done a less shameful exit of from proxy to stooge, from Umno-led BN to PKR-led PR, in the process making a spectacle of themselves for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver.

Lajim, as a Muslim, is now the local proxy of Anwar Ibrahim and his PKR while Bumburing, as a non-Muslim, is willing to be a stooge to Lajim and his PPS, both (LA-BUMBU @ Lajim-Bumburing) now being seen by Sabahans as the local proxies to yet another Malayan hegemony.

Many analysts observed that the fact that both Lajim and Bumburing are not together in one organisation shows that one is a proxy and the other is his stooge.

We cannot blame the grassroots if they read both as traitors, willing to betray the people to the Malayan mind for their nefarious self-serving purposes. Star have been receiving such opinions from the people but we fear they could not reach the ears of Lajim and Bumburing because of fear the duo would not tolerate it positively.

We hope that there is no truth to the allegation that their prolong stay in BN, in fact waiting till the very end to ditch it for a resurgent opposition, was not driven by self-interest, but rather to really fight for the Sabah's causes.

As for Star, the Malaya really had and wishes still to dictate and dominate the political landscape, based on proxies and stooges, an obvious trend since the days of Fuad Stephens and Mustapha Harun and extended to Harris Salleh's time until now, a factor that had continuously helped disunited the people of Sabah and Sarawak since 1963.

Once our unity was broken, the outsiders believed it is then easier for them to push in their agenda, but this time Sabahans would be united to bring and end to this proxy and stooge politics. We hope every Sabahans would read well into Sabah political history so that they appreciate the importance of being not a stooge and proxy of Malaya.

For UBF, beside wanting to regain our rightful place in the sun, it is also our purpose to ensure that our people stop being subservient, misled by local proxies and their stooges, to the politics of Malaya or Malaya Agenda.

Malaya groups are only interested in further stealing our seats in Parliament, already less than the minimum one-third plus one promised by Malaysia, to add to its political strength while weakening us at the same time in a double blow to keep us perpetually down under a vicious internal colonisation policies.

Some of them may steal less than the other but it is still stealing. We are also alarmed that Putrajaya is driving a wedge between the non-Muslim and Muslim natives when it comes to appointing Sabahans to head Federal Departments.

Borneo Agenda stands pledged to sweep proxies and stooges into the dustbin of history. Their presence here is a violation of the spirit of the 1963 Malaysia Agreement, one of the many constitutional documents making up our Federation.

The UBF is pledged towards ensuring compliance with the 1963 Malaysia Agreement, Batu Sumpah and other constitutional documents through the unwritten Malaysian Constitution being given its rightful place which has been usurped by jealous Malayan leaders, some of whom are still active in politics either in BN or PR now.

We pray that Sabahans do still remember who, and who their collaborators once were, who had been instrumental to get the illegal immigrants gained Malaysian MyKads by the backdoor.

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