
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 3, 2012

NAJIB AN INCREASING LIABILITY: Umno's war-cry sunk by Altantuya & Deepak bombshells

NAJIB AN INCREASING LIABILITY: Umno's war-cry sunk by Altantuya & Deepak bombshells
Umno's much-touted 66th general assembly ended with a whimper, its cries of being able to snatch two-thirds of the seats in Parliament downed by missiles that emanated from its own base boomeranging badly on its top leader - the scandal-plagued and embattled Prime Minister Najib Razak.
Despite acknowledging that Umno's notorious corruption was its own worst enemy, Najib failed to speak up against graft, introduce serious pre-emptive reforms or to even promise a new horizon where transparency would be the rule and not the exception.
His political rivals were not surprised, attributing this in large part due to at least 3 major pieces of shocking news that erupted just days before the Umno assembly started.
"What is there to say. It is so clear Umno cannot change. Its leaders can order the mainstream media, the TV and newspapers to black out the news. They can shout at how confident they are to win the 13th general election but Umno delegates and members have that sinking feeling in their hearts," PAS MP for Shah Alam Khalid Samad told Malaysia Chronicle.
"Inwardly, many grassroots are disappointed and disgusted by the dishonesty and corruption of their leaders but they won't do much because this is the nature of Umno. It has always been. Those who can't stand it will leave, those who stay will hang on and hope for a piece of the gravy train even though they know it is corrupt."
TRIPLE bombshells, more to come?
The first news break that shocked the country came from French lawyers, who revealed that the investigative judges hearing the RM7.3bil Scorpene case in Paris had decided that, contrary to the Malaysian government's claims, murdered Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu was involved in Putrajaya's acquisition of submarinnes from naval giant DCNS and would be requesting for full records of her murder trial.
This news set tongues wagging as Umno members thronged the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur where their annual congress was held. Perhaps the news reverberated all the more because Najib had foolishly refused to allow the French lawyers to come to Malaysia to brief Members of Parliament on the latest status of case, thereby increasing the suspicion against himself and his wife Rosmah Mansor, both of whom have been accused of involvement and whose former bodyguards were sentenced to hang for the murder.
Next were the twin bombshells dropped by carpet trader Deepak Jaikishan, a former close friend of Rosmah's. According to Deepak, the first couple enlisted his help in overturning a statutory declaration that implicated them in the Altantuya murder. The news sparked calls for a re-opening of the Altantuya murder trial which has been questioned for its 'quality' of justice, with the court accused of ignoring evidence that the bodyguards may have been merely the hired killers and that the people who gave the order to murder still at large.
As if that were not enough and Umno members were not already reeling at the alleged misdeeds of their president and his wife, Deepak went on to accuse a "member of Najib's family" of taking millions of ringgit for his approving the RM100 Puspahanas project, a research centre commissioned by the Ministry of Defense which despite being privatized in 2005 remains only about 20% built today.
"Umno’s 'war' 66th General Assembly has ended with UMNO leaders confident and euphoric, with the Umno Secretary-General Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor and other Umno leaders declaring that Umno will not only triumph in the next general elections, but will win back the two-thirds parliamentary majority as well as all the four Pakatan states including Kelantan and Penang," DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said in a statement.
"However, 'Man proposes, God disposes'. Although the  just-concluded Assembly was painstakingly choreographed and orchestrated, with a lot of do’s and don’t’s for those who spoke at the four-day Umno Assemblies to optimise Umno’s appeal in the 13GE, the ineluctable conclusion of rational and thinking Malaysians  is that despite all the talk of “transformation”, Umno leaders and Umno are incapable of change so long as Umno remains corrupted in the corridors of power.
"Umno and Barisan Nasional have become synonymous with corruption in Malaysia and the 44 months of Najib premiership have shown that Najib is only good at mouthing anti-corruption slogans but totally lacking the political will and commitment to root out corruption, especially grand corruption involving political and government leaders.
"This is why the 66th UMNO General Assembly presented the sad spectacle of the Sabah Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman, successfuly performing the “disappearance” act despite valiant efforts by the media representatives on a look-out for him to respond to demands by Sabah UMNO delegates that Musa explain the scandal of the RM40million “political donation to Sabah UMNO” which involved him and the Sabah timber trader Michael Chia.
"Also most disturbing is the backing out and silence of the Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi  coupled with the failure of Najib to respond to the serious allegations of integrity about a RM100 million defence ministry project in 2005 raised by businessman Deepak Jaikishan implicating the Prime Minister’s family and which is also related to the high-profile and long-running Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case. Haunting Najib at the 66th UMNO General Assembly was the ghost of Altantuya Shaariibuu. Why couldn’t Altantuya’s ghost be appeased?"
Malaysia Chronicle

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