
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 15, 2012

PR comes out with alternative budget for Perak

The Opposition pact doles out goodies for the silver state in an attempt to win the hearts and minds of Perakians at the upcoming general election.
IPOH:  Perak Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has proposed an alternative 2013 state budget,  calling for prudent economic management of the silver state to uplift the social and economic status of the people in the state.
The alternative budget would be PR’s answer to the official 2013 state budget to be tabled at the Perak Legislative Assembly by Menteri Besar Zambry Abdul Kadir on Monday.
The alternative budget, which promises  goodies for Perakians if the opposition pact takes over the state in the coming general election, was unrevealed at a media conference here yesterday.
The media meet was headed by former menteri besar and Pakatan state leader Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin. It was also attended by state DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham and DAP state secretary Nga Kor Ming.
Nizar said the balanced alternative budget was a far cry from the continuous deficit budgets presented by the BN during its rule of Perak for the last 55 years.
He said the BN’s 2012 Budget generated only RM865.12 million in revenue and showed a deficit of RM50.14 million compared to Pakatan’s proposed budget which would have collected a total revenue of RM1.26billion.
The Pakatan state chief said the BN-led state government’s poor financial management, corruption and wastage of the state resources were reasons for the continuous deficit budgets.
“Pakatan will not subscribe to BN’s political play of backdoor dealings, corruption, wastage of public funds and cronyism that has contributed to the BN’s deficit budgets over the years,” Nizar claimed at the press conference.
Instead, he said if PR were to rule the state, Perakians will see an open, transparent and accountable state government with open tenders for all public undertakings that will further enrich the state’s coffers.
The vocal PAS leader said the proposed budget was set to optimise revenue collection and fully utilise natural resources of the state that will vastly benefit all Perakians without imposing new taxes.
Meanwhile, Ngeh said if PR were to capture the state at the next general election, it will revamp the Perak Agricultural Development Corp and the Perak Water Council (Lembaga Air Perak),  which will generate an estimated revenue of RM60 million.
“At present each of the LAP staff are getting a 4.5 month bonus… which should not be… such revenue generated should be given back to the people and not monopolised by only one group,” he added.
He said if Pakatan comes to power, it will revive the state’s mineral industries including  tin that will generate additional revenue.
Ngeh claimed that there were many instances where state land were sold below market price to selected people and this practice had dampened state coffers.
Pakatan’s people friendly budget has four thrusts covering all aspects of the state administration. Below are the few assailant points of the proposed PR 2013 Budget for Perak;
Concentrate on institutional and economic democratisation, which will encourage integrated farming approach based on food and cash crops supported by downstream and related cottage industries.
The Perak Agro Industrial Board will be established to mainly promote downstream activities in developing alternative uses for biomass while a RM 3 million special annual fund will cultivate a new generation of young agriculturists, specialising in food crop farming.
A proposed RM15 million interest free micro credit scheme will see a maximum loan of RM20,000 per applicant to stimulate activities in business, farming and other light industries amongst the people while targeting single mothers, the urban poor and people with disabilities.
An allocation of RM15 million to fight crime with installation of more CCTVs in local councils and the provision of a local auxiliary police force.
A RM10 million allocation will be given to NGOs for community service and social outreach.
A fair and systematic funding allocation amounting to RM250,000 annually to all  the 59 state assembly elected representatives irrespective of their political standing, for micro projects and the betterment of the people.
A RM40million to eradicate poverty by ensuring all household income meet the minimum standard level of RM760 through the Perak Poverty Aid Programme for all qualified Perakian families stricken by poverty.
RM10 million to establish a Tabung Upaya Perak for poverty eradication programs while another RM10 million for taking care of the disabled community, senior citizens and single parents.
Families with household income of RM1,000 will enjoy a monthly 20 cubic meters of free water while  each new born will be given RM200 under the Tabung Anak Perak programme, while RM1,000 funeral assistance given to the next-of-kin of deceased Perakians.
All employees of the state government and GLCs will enjoy a minimum wage of RM1,100 each while RM15 million will be allocated to Non-Muslim Affairs and another RM10million to Orang Asal Affairs.
Encourage and promote Agro-tourism and medical tourism industries while SMEs will be promoted with the RM7.5 million SME development fund.
A RM5 million business aid scheme allocation for promising entrepreneurs.
Empowerment by aiding optimisation of land use to improve contribution of SADC through independent institutions.
RM15 million for vernacular, religious, government –aided and independent schools with an average of RM30,000 per school over a period of five years.
Deserving qualified Perakian students pursuing higher education degree will get scholarship assistance of RM2,000 each from the proposed RM5 million allocation fund.

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