
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 13, 2012

‘Purge Bumburing from Sabah politics’

In the next general election, the minority communities stand poised to rule Malaysia with the moderates of the Islamic faith, says Sabah STAR.
KOTA KINABALU: In one of its more tersely-worded statements yet, State Reform Party (STAR) accused fellow opposition Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing of being a traitor to Sabah’s cause, having defected from Barisan Nasional only to sleep with another peninsular party, Pakatan Rakyat.
STAR’s Sabah chapter deputy chairman, Daniel John Jambun, said Bumburing’s comment in the local media on Tuesday that the Orang Asal, especially the Kadazandusun and Murut, should not pin their hopes on STAR is patently mischievous, misconceived and misleading.
“It should be condemned in no uncertain terms by all right-thinking Sabahans, deplored and exposed as ‘the mother of all lies’ by a political has-been who shamelessly continues to be a stooge of the local proxies of the peninsular masters,” said Jambun who also leads a UK-based Borneo’s Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo).
On Tuesday, Bumburing painted a picture that there is no future for the natives in STAR but in PKR-led Pakatan Rakyat. He suggested that his newly-minted NGO, Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS), is the right one for new hopes for the Sabah natives especially the Kadazandusuns.
But hawkish Jambun in his statement today reminded Bumburing that STAR is all about the dignity of the people of Sabah and Sarawak, and that man does not live by bread alone.
“Bumburing, being a long-serving Upko deputy president before defecting to Pakatan, was a stooge of Umno in Upko. Now he appears wanting to continue to be a stooge but this time in Pakatan via his so-called Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS).
“The people here look at these Sabah and Sarawak proxies and stooges of peninsula-based parties, especially those operating in Borneo, as traitors who must be driven out from our politics…” Jambun claimed.
He also stressed that by driving out such traitors it would be like cleansing Sabah natives’ spirits of the politics of self-serving leeches, parasites and bloodsuckers which has plagued them since they lost their self-determination on July 22 (Sarawak) and Aug 31 (Sabah) in 1963.
“The issue before us is clear. We must oppose the Malayan Agenda, which is very obvious to our eyes now, which is all about internal colonisation.
“Opposing internal colonisation is the thrust of our Borneo Agenda struggle which is in line with what the Borneon natives want. This we will put it to the voters at the coming election.
“We shall walk that path from generation to generation for an eternity, if necessary, until we are finally free again and the Malayan colonialists have left our nations in Borneo,” said Jambun.
Divided Malays
Jambun also said the more Bumburing and his APS speak bad about a resurgent STAR, the more they appear like a puppet of the Malayan Agenda.
“We hope it shall be revealed to Bumburing and his small group of armies soon that they are no better than a puppet.
“They must be treated with the utmost contempt, rooted out from our body politics and destroyed if self-dignity and Borneo empowerment are to be realised at the coming general election.
“This is the only way that we will be able to stand on our two feet again and regain our rightful place as nations in Malaysia – Sabah and Sarawak – if not as free, independent and sovereign countries in the community of nations recognised by the United Nations,” Jambun added.
He also said that Sabah has a historical window of opportunity before her to strike a blow for Sabah and Sarawak.
“The 12th general election in 2008 divided the politics of Peninsular Malaysia, in particular the Malay-speaking communities – Bugis, Javanese, Minang, Achehnese and Indian Muslims – or the 55% majority, forever.
“The 45% minority communities, divided by ethnicity, language, religion, geography and economics, stand poised to rule Malaysia with moderate elements from the Islamic faith.
“Sabah and Sarawak will be the beneficiaries of the emerging new politics in Malaysia on both sides of the South China Sea,” he said.
He said compounding the complexity of the new politics will be the emergence of a third force led by STAR in a hung Parliament, which will emerge from the 13th general election.
“This third force will come from both Malaya and Borneo since not everyone will be committed to the Barisan Nasional and Pakatan.
“All these developments are beyond comprehension of people like Bumburing and other local political parties which are being held to ransom by the peninsular parties for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver.
“The Orang Asal in particular have a real opportunity at last to neutralise the illegal immigrants on the electoral rolls and end their marginalisation and disenfranchisement engineered by BN and likely to be continued by Pakatan in the absence of a third force,” Jambun added.

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