
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ramli: 52 declarations made, all approved

Former Commercial Crime Investigation director Ramli Yusuff struck back at former Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan saying he made 52 declarations to his heads of department since he entered the force in 1970, and all of them had been approved and endorsed by the Inspector-General of Police.

Ramli said he also declared with the Anti Corruption Agency as required under Section 32 of the Prevention of Corruption Act in 2007, when the graft agency initiated investigations on him.

However, Ramli was charged by the ACA for non-declaration of his assets. He was then cleared by the Sessions Court judge and the decision was upheld by the High Court without his defence being called.

"The former IGP requested me to answer to the public my assets and personal wealth. I have done so under Section 32. My innocence was declared without my defence being called. I have explained how I acquired my assets to the ACA and I was never charged for corruption.

"I have informed my superiors 52 times of the purchases and selling of assets including shares, cars, property and land since I started service in 1970. It took me one and half months to prepare what the ACA required under Section 32. Before I submitted my declaration, it was also examined by CCID forensic accounting section, and later certified by public accountants before handing it to the ACA."

Challenge on Musa

Musa, he said was accused of graft in 2007 but he was never subject to declare under Section 32 by the ACA.

NONE"I challenge Musa  (right) and the ACA or the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission to force Musa to declare his assets. Until then I feel Musa will never be cleared of the allegation," he said.

"The allegation against Musa was much more serious then mine, as the allegation on the him was recent, involving millions of ringgit, whereas the allegation against me was that the allegedly underworld figure Moo Sai Chin paid money to several officers including me in 1999."

However, Ramli said in his case the court ruled the allegation was baseless and unsubstantiated as the predicated offence was not proven.

He was responding to Musa's call earlier this week for him to explain his enormous wealth.

Former Deputy Internal Security Minister Johari Bahrom had in 2007 lodged a report against Musa with the ACA alleging the former IGP received RM2.1 million which was revealed in Raja Petra Kamaruddin's blog `Malaysia Today' for releasing a group of gangsters.

However, there was no Section 32 notice served on Musa unlike in Ramli's case.
Johari was also investigated for alleged corruption on a Musa backed allegation that the deputy minister received RM5 million in kickbacks after releasing three underworld figures.

Musa was cleared by attorney general Abdul Gani Patail, three weeks after Johari lodged the ACA report, where it found no link between the former IGP to the allegation. Johari was also eventually cleared while Ramli was charged.

 'Absolute lies'
On allegations that he owned properties and wealth as alleged by blogger Bigdogdotcom, Ramli said these are absolute lies, exaggerated to paint a negative picture of him.

His declaration, Ramli said, had stated his current assets of which he is still continuing to pay loans with banks.

"I believe the exaggerated information was leaked by the ACA. The allegations leveled on me are not true. When I was charged, that story fizzled out immediately as the charge was only for two office units worth only RM500k each bought by way of bank loans. So, the RM27m or RM11m or RM8m are absolute lies!"

police parade 251105 bakri omar salute3Ramli also revealed that he was supposed to take the post of deputy IGP after IGP Bakri Omar (right) retired.

He said that he was informed by a former police commissioner the late Sedek Ali and other members of the commission in Sept 2006, that he was slated to be DIGP.

"All of a sudden my name was removed because of the ACA allegation where Moo framed meresulting in Najib Abdul Aziz being appointed as DIGP."

Ramli explained that between Dec 2006 and Oct 2007, he was appointed by the cabinet to head the unit in curbing the loan shark menace.
The former CCID director said at about the same time, Moo, one of the underworld persons whom he helped release, was used to implicate Ramli of a non-existent bribery allegation.

"Moo was being placed under the Emergency Ordinance sometime in early Oct 2006 until Dec 9, 2006, for an alleged murder allegation. He was then placed under restricted residence in Negri Sembilan sometime in Jan 2007 and subsequently was released not long after," he said.

Moo, he said then made the ACA statement alleging some police officers were under his payroll.

During Ramli's trial, it was confirmed that Moo made the report against some other policemen and not the former CCID director.

"In 2007, the mainstream media played out and demonised me as the RM27 million cop but in charges framed, my wealth was nowhere near," Ramli said.

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