
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Special Branch on his tail? But Musa has too many stories to tell & he's DESPERATE

Special Branch on his tail? But Musa has too many stories to tell & he's DESPERATE
When you have a shrewd prime minister (PM) like Mahathir Mohamad, a compliant top cop (IGP) like Musa Hassan and a highly questionable Attorney-General (AG) like Abdul Gani Patail, so many things can be concocted to maintain the status quo and 'disguise' if not outright hide the system painstakingly built by Mahathir and his UMNO party to siphon out the nation's money - right to the very last drop.
We all know of Mahathir's misdeeds such as his abuse of power, wastage and plundering of the national treasury without saving for a rainy day, thus leaving the Malays 'high and dry' like beggars in their own birthplace.
Make no mistake, Mahathir managed to create some Malay millionaires and even a few Malay billionaires, but like an ex-MRCB chairman said, “What is the meaning of having a few billionaires when tens of thousands other have to close shop?” Still, in Mahathir's book, he is the grand savior and hero of the race and no one should question him. It is not him but the "ungrateful" Malays who are to blame for their own plight.
Pit of crocodiles
Now, let's get back to Musa Hassan, who retired as Inspector General of Police in September 2010 amid a public quarrel with Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. Musa and his two other famous siblings Jalaluddin, the actor, and Fuad, the former Ampang Jaya UMNO Member of Parliament, were born to a very religious family. They grew up in a strict but not too rich environment. As a result, they have had to work hard and fend for themselves.
With such a background, it is not surprising that Musa is able to show he has a mind of his own despite having been Mahathir's purported lapdog for decades - in fact, ever since the infamous sodomy accusations against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in 1998.
Musa was once the Johore Police Chief and most Malaysians have read about his alleged involvement with the loan shark syndicate boss Tengku Goh based in Muar. Yes, the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission did perform their perfunctory 'investigation' but the AG ordered the case closed even before the probe was completed, citing a lack of evidence!
But that's Gani for you. The AG has also been accused of several incongruous acts unbecoming of his post as the nation’s chief prosecutor. At one point, Gani was even alleged to be keeping a mistress and that he had bought a house for her in Alor Gajah with money purportedly given by one of the directors of a local construction group. The buzz was that he had given some 'help' in the courts pertaining to a few problematic business deals the company had been facing. Gani was also close to Tajudin Ramli, the ex-MAS chairman and once 'blue-eyed-boy' of Mahathir crony - ex-finance minister Daim Zainuddin.
There is no question that Musa like Gani is of dubious character, with friends of similar dubious character and sad to say, all of them seem to have strong connections with Mahathir, whom many will agree is becoming shadier by the day.
Breaking from the pack
So why has Musa suddenly chosen to break from the pack and run by himself? Is he turning pro-Opposition and why? Is he joining PKR or PAS and why? No doubt, the answers will become clear enough in time.
But until the story comes out, the most intriguing plot involving Musa, Gani and Mahathir is still the trio's alleged framing of Anwar Ibrahim for Sodomy I in 1998. The sodomy sentence has been overturned and Anwar freed in September 2004 after languishing in jail for 6 difficult years. Musa, who was then the investigating officer, had played an instrumental part in Anwar's persecution. But for that, Mahathir promoted Musa to the post of IGP and the rest is history.
Musa's U-turn began in October this year when he suddenly withdrew his ‘Black Eye’ defamation suit against Anwar. News reports of Musa meeting with PAS Spiritual Adviser Nik Aziz set tongues wagging. Speculation was rife Musa wished to join PAS and indeed it has become a trend of sorts for many ex-top civil servants especially from the police to join either PAS or PKR to 'atone' for sins they say they had no choice but to commit whilst under the Umno-BN administration.
Now, Musa Hassan is claiming that Najib's cousin, Hishammuddin Hussein the Home Minister, is interfering with police work. Why did Musa blare it all out just when UMNO was holding its general assembly? Many have suggested that there must be some powerful people - either from the Opposition or from rival factions within UMNO's own doors - instigating Musa to do so.
Timed to get the maximum attention of the Umno leaders
It was also odd that the 'revelations' were made almost simultaneously with the Deepak Jaikishan exposures on Prime Minister Najib Razak, his wife Rosmah Mansor and Selangor Wanita chief Raja Ropiaah regarding a land privatization scam. While Musa gave Hishammuddin a bad name, Deepak yelled out loud and clear that Hisham's cousin, Najib and his wife Rosmah, were no better.
Whatever Musa's motives, it is clear he is trying hard to save his neck. Yes, the 'stubborn as a mule' Musa Hassan has realized his foolishness. During his heyday when he was influential and consorted with the likes of Tengku Goh, Gani, Mahathir and other big shots, Musa offended many people along the way. He didn't realize it at that time but the straw that broke the camel's back was when he refused to play ball with Hishamuddin. That resulted in his service being terminated without any benefit of any chairmanship in some glamorous GLC or government-linked-company.
Musa had refused to play ball because of he thought he could still bank on his 'experience' or past errands done for Mahathir. But he found out the hard way that Mahathir's heirs had no intention of continuing the 'patronage'. So it was that Musa got zilch! nothing!
And to rub salt into the wound, Mahathir pretended not to notice even though at 87, he is still the one pulling strings over Najib and the other top UMNO 'warlords' to enrich his sons.
Mahathir is simply too old to last much longer while UMNO is in deep trouble. So it was Musa figured he had better make good whatever he can before Pakatan Rakyat takes over Putrajaya. Musa is afraid of his past misdeeds and he knows he has to distance himself from all these dubious characters and come clean if he is to have a chance to avoid 'jail' and prosecution for corruption and abuse of power.
Many people have passed their used-by date and have been discarded by UMNO. One recent example is Musa Hitam, the former deputy premier who suddenly ‘resigned’ from the chairmanship of Sime Darby. So like his namesake Musa Hitam, Musa Hassan too is counting his days with no one to back him either. In such a situation, doesn't it make sense to suddenly 'awaken', 'take the moral high ground' and speak up for the people - something he should have done a decade ago when he was still influential.
The Ramli Yusoff factor
So far, not many people are willing to help Musa because of his own dubious character. With his background and dark record, who or which party would want Musa? Sad to say, but Musa Hassan is toxic.
But apart from self-preservation there is still 'one thing' that scares Musa Hassan. What is this that could make a man like Musa shake in his shoes ad rush to unzip his once-tightly shut lips?
The answer to that , my friends, is the Ramli Yusoff case against the AG and himself. A former senior cop, Ramli was allegedly framed by the MACC in the “27 million cop case”. Ramli's lawsuit against Musa is really bothering him because the case is too clear cut. It is going to stick in court and Musa will be the scapegoat because he “provided” the evidence for them against Ramli.
So it is that after all the bad things he has done, Musa Hassan is now trying to say,” Hey, I am clean, I have done nothing wrong and it is them, all of them who forced me to do all those bad things!”
Special Branch on his tail
UMNO and Najib should take note because Musa Hassan has too many stories to tell and he is desperate. He holds so many of UMNO's dark secrets that it would be the height of foolishness and arrogance to ignore him.
The Opposition too should open their eyes wider as what harms UMNO usually benefits them. Anwar and PR leaders should try to reach out to Musa to 'pick his brains' or even broker some sort of solution that is acceptable to society that will allow Musa to be 'rehabilitated' and walk tall once again.
As for Musa, in his desperation he has failed to realize that he has poked into a hornet’s nest. Yes, it is the cousins' - Najib's and Hishamuddin's - own nest.
Sources say this is why the Special Branch police are now tailing him, their former boss just 2 years ago. It is clear Najib has to stop Musa from doing more damage to his political survival as well as UMNO's , especially with the 13th general election just around the corner.
Malaysia Chronicle

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