
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 2, 2012

WARNING for Najib: You are forgiven, but NEVER AGAIN

WARNING for Najib: You are forgiven, but NEVER AGAIN
Prime Minister Najib Razak’s statement of 'apology' for Barisan Nasional’s shortcomings has prompted a response from PAS vice president Salahuddin Ayub.
Saying the apology showed that Najib was weaker than his predecessor Abdullah Badawi, Salahuddin said it was also an acknowledgement of Najib's failure in administering since taking over in 2009.
“Maybe the people can forgive UMNO-BN, but that does not mean they would again give them a chance,” said Salahuddin.
Najib openly 'apologised' to the nation for BN’s past mistakes during his maiden speech at the UMNO 66th annual general assembly.
“Where on this earth are there people, or leaders, or companies or parties that have never stumbled or committed a mistake? As the leadership of the party and government, we put our palms together in apology for any oversight,” said the UMNO president.
Such public expression of regret was Najib’s third throughout 2012.
Last March, during a visit to Kedah, he offered his apology to Kedahans for BN’s past mistakes leading to UMNO's defeat in 2008.
This followed similar remarks to Selangor voters two weeks earlier.
“To forgive is okay, but the people must never again vote in failed leaders in the coming election,” said Salahuddin.

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