
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, January 5, 2013


2013 will most likely be the beginning year of Correction, Restoration and Renewal, while 2012 was the peak of Malaysia’s manipulative politics, said political activist and STAR Sabah Chairman, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan.

Malaysia was envisioned to be a great new Federation when three infant nations (Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak) were forced by circumstances (due to national security, post-World War II consideration and de-colonization) to be rushed into a merger with Malaya by a 1963 agreement (the Malaysia Agreement) with many pre-conditions. Under the circumstances, Malaysia was a confusing concept right from the start.
For example, how was the existing Federation of Malaya to be merged with newly self-governing /independent nations of Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak who aspire to be free and independent?

Are these nations to be partners of Malaya under a New Federation or to be absorbed and taken over as one of the existing states of Malaya? Historical records (British documents) show that it will be the former and not the latter. Thus requiring, as a pre-condition, a completely new Constitution. But that was never carried out.

In fact, the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and its many pre-conditions were never really implemented to this very day, even 49 years after the merger! To be fair, the Malaysia Agreement 1963 was most probably rendered meaningless when one of its signatories (Singapore) was forced out of the Federation barely two years after its formation.

The failure to adhere to the various pre-conditions (new Constitution, the 20-Points, the Cobbold Commission and the Inter-Governmental Committee recommendations, etc.) has now rendered Malaysia to become a failed Federation.

Malayan leaders became arrogant, patronizing and condescending to Sabah and Sarawak. They took upon themselves the role of the colonial masters to slowly subjugate the two partners into states of Malaya and to manipulate situations to their (Malaya’s) advantage.

They also took advantage of the Borneo States’ inexperience and political naiveness by giving them minor roles and making Borneo State leaders believe that they (Malaya leaders) are the Bosses. This soon led Sabah and Sarawak to become dependent on Kuala Lumpur for political leadership.

By 1970, Malaya has taken over Malaysia almost completely. Today, Malaysia is Malaya, Malaya is Malaysia. The Federation of Malaysia does not exist, only the Federation of Malaya as defined by Article 160 of the Federation Constitution. Sabah and Sarawak have been cheated outright!

That is why Sabah and Sarawak are now merely referred to as the 12th and 13th States (of Malaya).“Malaya” is actually masquerading as “Malaysia”. This is the beginning of the failure of Malaysia as a federation and the roots of the many problems today for Sabah and Sarawak.

The Insurmountable Problems

Malaysia/Malaya today faces many insurmountable problems because of the blunders and mistakes committed by its leaders – some by default but most by design. These blunders and mistakes have resulted into what Malaysia is today.

-A highly corrupted nation (No.1) – more that RM300 billion unaccounted for. Where has the money gone?

-A highly geared nation of about RM500 billion in national debt (about 55% of its GNP) – who will pay for this debt?

-Its economy/revenue highly dependent on oil and gas. What happens when they run dry?

-Its political survival dependent on the votes and exploitation of illegal immigrants and foreign workers.While natives are marginalized and their lands are being taken over by private corporations in the name of profits.

To maintain its grips on power, the current BN government have also resorted to a spending spree of billions of dollars in subsidies and welfare assistance to the point of buying voters before the 13th General Election.

All these activities are adding to the blunders which are likely to compromise national and internal security, sovereignty and our check and balance in the system.

Clearly, the system is no longer working for the people but for its leaders. In desperation to stay in power, the UMNO controlled BN government may commit even more mistakes.

Already the Prime Minister has visited Sabah seven times last year but remain deaf to the demands of Sabah. National opposition leaders PR/PKR have also come around no less frequently to get the support of the Borneo States. Why is Sabah so important?

The Solution Lies in Sabah?

Sabah may be the key to Putrajaya. That’s why Sabah is important. To save Malaysia, we must save Sabah first. But the way out of this quagmire, is to face the truth that the country needs to stop all these nonsense and to do something about it!

How do we do it and what are the options?

-First, Malaysians must care and act in the national interest;

-Second, ordinary Malaysians must take responsibility;

-Third, a change of the current leaders and government.

For Sabah and Sarawak, the solutions will not be just a mere change of government or leaders, but a whole lot more – much more. At stake are our state rights and position in the Federation – our autonomy, the Malaysia Agreement, the 20-Points, our oil and gas resources, our land, our political franchise and our security.

We have to resolve these once and for all - we have to put right what is wrong. This new year must be a time for a correction, restoration and renewal. How can we achieve this in an environment of “berat sebelah”, “divided and ruled”, “Malay/UMNO hegemony”, “Project IC” “BRIM 1 + 2 payouts”, “media control” and “Tangki Biru 1-Malaysia”?

Every Sabahan/Sarawakian, including their leaders should understand that there is no better opportunity than now to strike a deal with Malayan leaders (Federal Government) due to the Borneo States’ unique political fortune arising from the political Tsumani of the 2008 General Election.

The 2008 politcal Tsunami has brought political misfortune to BN/UMNO because of the blunders of its leaders and a big win to opposition Pakatan Rakyat producing a 50/50 power equation and a two-party system in Malaya. Outside of the Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak have become a potential Third Force. Yes, Sabah and Sarawak have become “Kingmakers”.

Without Sabah and Sarawak support, BN could have lost Putrajaya. In other words, switching Sabah and Sarawak’s support could have created a new PR Federal Government. That is the potential power of the Borneo States that can be brought to bear and leverage to achieve our objectives. But to achieve/maintain this Kingmakers’ role, Sabahans and Sarawakians must be united.

FIGURE 1: Sabah/Sarawak As Kingmakers

Sabah and Sarawak as “Kingmakers”

How can Sabahans/Sarawakians be united?

First, they must understand and capitalize on this unique “Window of Opportunity”. Second, they must be motivated enough to achieve a common goal or objective (e.g. the Borneo Agenda).

And third, they must understand the need to win, keep and leverage their parliamentary/DUN seats under their own state banner/flags.

This is important as anything else would render the formulae useless. If Sabahans/Sarawakians succeed in this, we will be in a unique position to decide our path to the future and our destiny. It will be like pre-1963 once more but under different circumstances – Sabahans and Sarawakians are now educated and experienced. We know what we want and we understand the world stage and who we are.

Three Choices

There are 3 choices Sabah and Sarawak must consider:-

1. Maintain the Status Quo;

2. Freedom and Separation;

3. Correction, Restoration and Renewal.

To consider the Status Quo would mean allowing subservience, internal colonization, 'Ketuanan Melayu' and continued exploitation of Sabah and Sarawak – to continue the injustices to Sabah in particular. This is totally unacceptable!

To do the opposite and consider total Freedom and Separation from Malaya, while ideally attractive, may be a bit drastic to most Malaysians to think about after years of indoctrination. Many would probably be put off by this suggestion.

That leaves us with the third choice of Correction, Restoration and Renewal as the most acceptable choice. Most people would consider this as reasonable and wanting. How will these choices be translated in the coming General Election?

Agenda Borneo vs. Agenda Malaya

Consolidating a one-to-one fight is something in the minds of many people come PRU-13. They would often say, without thinking, that a one-to-one fight with the BN is a must to defeat the latter. A one-to-one is, of course, a good concept but in a democracy, it may be easier said than done as anyone qualified to contest is allowed to do so.

The PRU-13 will see three political groups vying for the 222 Parliamentary seats. These are the BN/UMNO, the PR/PKR and the UBA/STAR. As shown in the illustration (Figure 1) above, BN/UMNO and PR/PKR are the key players in the Peninsular (Malaya) and are competing intensively for Putrajaya, while UBA/STAR only focuses in Borneo. At stake is the 222 seats, 166 in Malaya including Labuan, 25 in Sabah and 31 in Sarawak.

How will the battle be fought? How will the voters decide, particularly in Sabah?

Is there a better way to rationalize a one-to-one contest? Yes, there is, by grouping the competing groups into only two categories, i.e. Agenda Borneo vs. Agenda Malaya.

Sabahans must regard BN led by UMNO and PR by PKR as having a similar agenda (Agenda Malaya) i.e. to win the election, take over Putrajaya and to continue their agenda of making Sabah a subservient state of Kuala Lumpur/Putrajaya and to control our resources without restoring the long standing demands for the implementation of the 20-Points, other pre-conditions to the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the oil rights.

The Buku Jingga, for instance, talks about restoring autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak only in the context of the Federal Constitution – which means treating Sabah as the 12th state and Sarawak the 13th state (of Malaya) and NOT as one of the equal three partners. Similarly, increasing the oil royalty to 20% does not in anyway resolve nor restore the oil rights to Sabah/Sarawak.

In other words, under PR/PKR, Malaya and Petronas will continue to control 80% of the oil revenues.Likewise their attitude on the issue and exploitation of Project IC and illegal immigrants. Therefore, in this PRU-13 General Election, it is best to categorize BN/UMNO and PR/PKR as harbouring similar agenda on Sabah.

Sabah is actually a prize to be won to win Putrajaya. But nothing much will change in Sabah if we allow others to dictate our future and our destiny (whether UMNO or PR).

Sabahans/Sarawakians must make their own stand and state their own independent position this time around. We can no longer afford to be led by our noses and be controlled by Malaya.

This does not mean that we are against them or cannot work with them. It only means we no longer want to be Malaya’s colony. We want to be equal partners in the Federation.

We want to work with them (Malaya) but not under them. It means sitting down as our forefathers did to discuss our partnership on terms that are fair and acceptable. That is what the Borneo Agenda is all about.

In the context of PRU-13, Sabahans/Sarawakians must decide whether to continue being exploited and internally colonized by Malaya under UMNO/BN or PKR/PR (Agenda Malaya) or to be free of this shackles and to pursue the Borneo Agenda under UBA/STAR as a Third Force equivalent to BN/PR. Sabahans must decide what is best for them. There is no better time and opportunity in the PRU13.


2003, Time for Correction, Restoration and Renewal

2013 is here now but it will be gone “tomorrow”. Like the “Window of Opportunity” that exists today for us to take advantage of, it may be closed after PRU-13. So, take lead.

Wake up fellow Sabahans and Sarawakians! There is no time to waste.

Unite! Act now or forever regret. Selamatkan Sabah, Tanah Air Ku! Think Agenda Borneo. Make 2013 the year of Correction, Restoration and Renewal. 2013 is also Our Jubilee Year (50th year) in Malaysia.

Success in uniting Sabahans and Sarawakians will mean correction of past mistakes, restoration of our rights and dignity and a new beginning for all of us. Yes, a better future decided and charted by ourselves and not by others.


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