
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 14, 2013



Anwar Chickens Out Of Libel Suit Saying He Is Deceptive & Not Fit To Be PM. This is fresh from the Courts this morning. Anwar Ibrahim is suing former Deputy President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat Dr Chandra Muzaffar for RM10.0 million for somethings that Dr Chandra had said about Anwar.

The three things that were part of Anwar's suit against Dr Chandra were:
i. for saying that it would be an unmitigated disaster for Malaysia if Anwar became the Prime Minister;

ii. for saying that Anwar was deceiving the people;

iii. for saying that Anwar had threatened a Hindu temple in Penang (in March 1998) that the "temple's bells would stop ringing"

Well everyone turned up in Court this morning except Anwar of course. In a dramatic turn of events, Anwar's lawyers applied to the Court that they wished to withdraw (yes folks withdraw) TWO out of three charges against Dr Chandra Muzaffar.

They applied to the Court and the Court also granted their request that i. and ii. above :

i. it would be an unmitigated disaster for Malaysia if Anwar became the Prime Minister;

ii. that Anwar was deceiving the people

would be dropped from their libel suit against Dr Chandra.

This means that Anwar will not object anymore (thru libel suits in Court) if people say that it would be an unmitigated disaster if he became Prime Minister and that he has been deceiving the people.

But there is another way of looking at this. If he had kept his mouth shut and not said anything about Dr Chandra's statements (or if he had not made that Police report against the 50 Dalil book in 1998, or if he had kept quiet and NOT made that Police report against that China Doll video, or if he had kept quiet and NOT sued Nallakaruppan for slander) it would have avoided him tons of trouble.

But its too late now. It is a different scenario. First he sued Dr Chandra, and then he is withdrawing two out of three points of his contention. To the ordinary man it comes across that since Anwar has withdrawnthese two charges, it means he is agreeing that yes it will be an unmitigated disaster if he became Prime Minister and yes that he has been deceiving people.

Daripada dulu sampai sekarang, Anwar Ibrahim's single biggest problem is that he cannot think very logically. His actions have always been knee jerk and stop gap actions. Has anyone figured out why he ran to the Turkish Assembly after he heard that Saiful had lodged a Police report against him for sodomy?

If any of you think he knows anything about the economy then just ask him : will you abandon the entire New Economic Policy? Just answer yes or no.

Let me tell you folks - his answer will be no. He will not abandon the New Economic Policy. Habis apa program dia yang lebih bagus atau yang lagi beza? The brader has got no ideas. Lights are on in the factory but the machinery is not working.

He has dropped these two charges against Dr Chandra because he did not think when he first filed the suit. Saying that he is an unmitigated disaster and that he is deceptive is not libelous. It would not have stood up in Court. It is an individual passing a judgement on someone who wants to be the PM. What is wrong with that?

I mean dont the Pakatan dunggus say (everyday without fail) that the PM Najib is deceiving people and that it is an unmitigated disaster for Malaysia if Najib remains the PM? You guys say it everyday. Apa nak sue libel lah, sue slander lah, sue ini lah, sue itulah. So should Najib sue you when you say the same things against him?

Stop being childish and stupid and stop suing people in Court for every single thing they say.

My view is that Anwar Ibrahim is as dumb as they come. He barely graduated with a weak degree in Malay Studies. That was the place you went to if you could not get into the other faculties in University Malaya.Instead of talking about Malay studies he started talking about religion.

Then he took over ABIM - Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia. Until today we can see the disastrous impact of the ABIM influence in Malaysia.

Yes it will be an unmitigated disaster if someone with such poor talent became the PM of the country.

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