
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Anwar's Taharin Square?? So That's The Real Reason

Thats what Rocky's Bru says. Please read Rocky's take of  Anwar's Taharin Square.  Rocky says :  

"Perhimpunan Shamsidar. Just so you know, tomorrow's political rally promoted by Anwar Ibrahim's Pakatan as the protest of 1 Million People has also been labelled by Umno portals as the Perhimpunan Shamsidar, after Shamsidar Taharin, the wife of long-time Anwar aide and now Pakatan big wig, Azmin Ali.

Shamsidar is due to appear as a main witness for the Anwar Ibrahim vs S. Nallakaruppan epic court battle. Anwar is suing his former tennis partner for RM100 million for calling him "bisexual". Both Shamsidar and Nalla were big players in the first sodomy trial 15 years ago."

So that's what this thing is all about. It is just a smokescreen to distract peoples' attention away from the trial that is scheduled to begin next week. 

Again as usual Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim has fallen for the taunts. Nallakaruppan was openly challenging Anwar to sue him for slander. So Brader Anwar decided to sue Nalla for his usual amount of RM100.0 million - nothing less. Nalla is totally unafraid.  Nalla said he has video tapes and all sorts of evidence against Anwar. Plus his lawyer is none other than Dato Shafee Abdullah - a well known trial lawyer.   

Now the case is up for hearing. If what Nalla says is true - that he has video tapes as evidencethen this trial is going to be a blockbuster. I really hope that in the interest of the public the Court will not allow any application for the case to be heard in camera or restrict the Press from reporting freely on the case.  This is a matter of public interest.

For 15 years now this country has seen chaos and havoc ever since September 2nd, 1998 when the whole world found out that the brader was not exactly the 'saya pemimpin Islam' that he claimed to be.  The whole world was also shocked at all the shady revelations about the brader. 

Unfortunately the opportunists in the Opposition (who were anti-Anwar Ibrahim until September 1st, 1998) suddenly hoisted him on their shoulder - just to exploit his popularity.   Imagine Mat Sabu who openly taunted Anwar Ibrahim with 'aku sel*k Azizah nanti' and was the first person to use the phrase "Al-Juburi" or Karpal Singh who is on the Hansard in Parliament that there were accusations of sexual impropriety against Anwar Ibrahim - suddenly they all  became Anwar's strongest supporters. 

There is no better description of hypocrisy anywhere.  This shall also be Karpal's permanent  damnation.

The Utusan Malaysia today has also repeated Nallakaruppan in their report Himpunan   Shamsidar:  Apa  muslihat   Anwar?       Among other things the Utusan says :
  • muslihat mengadakan Himpunan Shamsidar pada 12 Januari ini.
  • beberapa hari sebelum kes saman fitnah
  • beberapa hari sebelum Shamsidar Taharin menjadi saksi 
  • peluang Azizah dan Nurul dengar Shamsidar di kandang saksi bukan di jalanan
  • "Sehingga hari ini Shamsidar dan Azmin enggan menyangkal dakwaan Nalla 
If we backtrack, some of the previous demonstrations and rioting were also held around the same time as the other court cases. There were demonstrations and rioting during the 1st Corruption case, the 2nd case ie the Sodomy Trial and the 3rd case ie the Coffee Boy trial. 

Here is another bit of trivia. The colour of Anwar's white ambulance has since been repainted. The boys say that the luxury coach, paid for by the Selangor Menteri Besar with money from we dont know where, has now been repainted a red colour.  So now it looks like a blood red coffin on wheels - the colour of the tokong tanah perkuburan.  If the colour fits, why not wear it.   

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