
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Cecil can do better than a 'no comment'

VOXPOP ‘To remain silent or more precisely to merely say no comment in such circumstances gives a very negative impression.’

Cecil Abraham refuses to comment on SD2 allegations

Giudice: This really does not look good for senior lawyer Cecil Abraham and son. To remain silent or more precisely to merely say no comment in such circumstances gives a very negative impression, although they may have their own reasons for doing so. 

As for the Bar Council, they have said they are investigating. They must be allowed to go through the process. We all crave immediate justice but we must appreciate that there has to be due process. Do we want the Bar Council to rush and screw up the case?

 For those who have secured comfortable seats on the Umno gravy train, a bad reputation is of little consequence. As far as these characters are concerned, Malaysians outraged by the blatant act of subverting the course of justice can go fly a kite.
Anon: Silence what does that imply? Does it imply anything legally? If he did not do it why is he silent? It looks very obvious doesn't it? 

‘Cecil Abraham’ - where did I hear that name. Was it at a PAS ceramah? No, no, no. Was it at a PKR seminar? I really think not. Was it at a DAP seminar? Nay, not at a DAP seminar.

Did a carpet merchant mention his name on Youtube? Well, I think I heard someone tell me that.

Malaysian Born:
 I don’t think it is appropriate to make any assumptions yet under the circumstances. 

Since the matter is under investigation by the Bar Council and the carpet guy says he is going to provide evidence, I think we should wait and see. Perhaps the senior lawyer may yet take legal action, makes more sense to wait a bit before jumping the gun on this one.

Anonymous_5fb: It’s sad that the Malaysian judiciary has to deduce to such low level. A supposedly senior and respectable lawyer like Cecil Abraham should uplift the independence and integrity of judiciary, even to the extent of losing personal interest, but he just remain adamant to what he is accused of. 

It looks like the rakyat have no other option left but to do it our own,

Tidakboleh: When someone calls you a thief in your face, you just keep quiet. What does it say about you? What does it imply?

Odin: This is just one of the very many results of the consuming greed of one man so depraved and despicable that you can't find an evolution. level low enough to consign him to. 

US$500,000 was only equal to ±RM1.65 million, and yet he refused to honour his end of the deal, although he had raked in some RM700 million. How many more yet-to-be exposed seemingly honourable men - and women? - will be dragged down with him?

Rolling Thunder: Let the Bar Council go through due process of investigating, but in the end, there must be an answer. Continued silence can only mean guilt. Both father and son should know better as lawyers.

Vijay47: I cannot understand why VK Lingam had to engage a Queen's Counsel to represent him. He should have engaged his partner Mahathir Mohamad. - Malaysiakini

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