
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 11, 2013

Checkmate, Syabas water woes to be history

YOURSAY 'If you continue to deprive others of their basic needs for water, you will have to face the wrath of the people.'

Selangor bent on axing Syabas concession

your sayTholu: This current fiasco of the water shortage in certain parts of the Klang Valley is nothing but an elaborate evil manipulation by BN and Syabas to cause the affected parties to be infuriated with the Pakatan Rakyat government that rules Selangor.

BN is desperate to take over Selangor so that its politicians can plunder its wealth. Well BN, I have got news for you. Even if I have to walk four floors up carrying water in pails for my household use, it will be still Pakatan that I will vote for.

At the end of this crisis and when Pakatan still retains Selangor (and takes over Putrajaya), BN would have gained nothing but an accumulation of sins which they would be punished for in the hereafter.

Ex-Perakian: Five out of five people I spoke to agree that the ‘no water' situation is the result of Syabas not carrying out proper maintenance work.

We are the ones suffering but still have to pay our water bills because we are not staying in landed properties.

Apartment dwellers are not rich yet we are not given free water because Syabas makes it difficult for us to apply for individual meters (the need for consensus of x % of owners, etc).

So okay, we pay for our water but now we have no water because Syabas didn't do the necessary maintenance.

Petson01: Yes, that is the way to go. I fully support your decision, Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim.

And make sure all those responsible for sabotaging Selangor's economic development by deliberately mismanaging its water supply and bringing untold sufferings to its citizens, be jailed for their crimes.

Senior Citizen: Yes, it is absolutely vital that the MB get rid of Syabas as the company managing the state's water resources. Remember, water is an essential commodity and nobody should be allowed to play havoc with our basic needs.

Nobody should be allowed to play politics over our water supply.

Longjaafar: Like all ‘privatisation' projects, this one stinks, and we all have to pay to upkeep their expenses, lifestyle and political contribution.

Should the state government take over Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas), please do a thorough audit and trace the money flow...

Bystander: It does not need a rocket scientist to know that the recent water shortage was a result of sabotage by Syabas.

Syabas CEO Rozali Ismail thinks that Khalid is as stupid as him? I can't understand how he could command such an indecent salary of more than RM200,000 a month given his incompetency.

Of course, he is placed there to milk the taxpayers' monies, such as Syabas buying pipes from his own company in Indonesia.

Very soon, Malaysians will be treated with a video clip showing people "suffering" from water shortage.

Remember they shot footage in Section 17, Petaling Jaya, a few months back using some extras to act as residents lining up early in morning waiting for the arrival of water tankers.

Tailek: The CEO of Syabas who earns millions of ringgit salary a year is good for nothing when he cannot even solve this water problem.

Syabas has not upheld its obligations when water supply was privatised to them, because they have a monopoly on the water supply in the state.

It is crucial that the state takes back the water supply functions and terminate Syabas as soon as possible.

Enlightened: Dear federal government, the people are all observing you now. If you continue to deprive others of their basic needs for water, you will have to face the wrath of the people.

King crab: The best way to solve this is to change the government, and then the Pakatan Rakyat government can clean everything up.

Luckily, Pakatan took over Selangor in 2008, otherwise the contract would have been signed. It is evident that the rakyat must change the government so that Pakatan can stop all the thieving and robberies done by the Umno-BN government. The rot must stop, otherwise our future generations will suffer.

Imagine if RM200 billion flew off into Umnoputras' pocket. The ordinary Malays, Chinese, Indians, and others will continue to struggle to survive whilst the Umnoputras laugh all their way to the banks.

MKinifan: All this goes to show that MB Khalid is very good in his decision-making, very rational, and thinks before making his moves. It will soon be checkmate, and Syabas is going to be history.

Goh Yu Loong: Thank you, menteri besar. Show them that you are in charge and that you mean business. Don't let those bozos play dirty politics with our state. You are in charge and will kick these idiots out if they cannot perform.

Abasir: A non-performing Umno crony bent on subverting the state has to be removed. And that is what MB Khalid is seeking to do... which all Selangorians should support. - Malaysiakini

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