
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, January 5, 2013

Didn't Add Properly, Sure or Not?

Now we know why our education system is so bad or is it our fellows are really Dumb At Practicing the arithmetic they teachers taught in school eh?

The supposedly political party that have high hopes of blasting away the occupants at Putrajaya, to occupy it in the next GE isn't as smart as they make themselves to be.

And this DAP that are always ridiculing the EC or Election Commission, though some think it more an Enslaved Commission to the ruling BN government (mind you the boss is affiliated to the ruling party) for playing dirty and the new votes numbers are not mathematically sensible, is not seen to be rather very suspect in their motive to call for a clean election.

They have come out to confess in the name of transparency and what have you after a month of their party election where they kena bash kau kau for their members rejecting Malays into their EC, executive council that is. And to save face, junior LGE nominated Malay members to the CEC.

Now it was revealed that actually one Malay leader did get voted in due to a mistake in counting of the votes cast. The DAP fellows have been bashing the BN for the bad education policy and the Dumb Arithmetic comPutation by their fellow member who Didn't Add Properly must be one proof how bad the teaching of maths is in school. Or it's the fault of the student who is arithmetically challenged that blame the best education in the world that BolehLand government claim it has eh?

Hmm not sure if that DAP fellow who counted wrongly got his arithmetic education in BM, English or mother tongue. Surely he deserves all the tongue lashing for showing the Dumb A$$ Party/People they are hah!

Some called the counting fiasco, a 'schoolboy' error and we can't blame that returning officer for having a bad education given the state of education in BolehLand eh? Some think it's just an excuse to show the DAP fellos do recognise they are capable leaders than Cina colour in their party hah! While others point to this flaw as reflecting the serious lack of professionalism, competency and capability of their members in managing the state of affairs of the country, if they can display the kind of juvenile mentality even in their party elections hah!

The EC, ie, Election Commission is tickled we are told with the unclean DAP election and together with the BN fellows are having a filed day firing salvos and barrage of criticism against the unclean manner the DAP party election was conducted. And isn't it a classic case of pot calling the kettle black or rather the DAP rocket is emitting black smoke hah!

Surely Bersih must come clean on one of their supporters now and whack them too right?

It's really laughable to not quickly amend the mistake but to wait and call for internal and external auditors. Isn't it skinning the CAT too much of trying to show you are being transparent and all that. Does it matter at all to bother about saving face immediately with the issue of non one Malay face was elected?

Sad that this supposedly best democracy in the world proclaimed by 1Malaysia does not allow democracy to be practiced for people to decide who they should vote based on merit and capability than along colour? Why so much fuss race is the determining factor in a democracy or is it we use democracy to supposedly correct the RACIAL imbalance as opposed to letting members decide who they want as leaders?

Ok DAP members many are haram consuming members and still think along colour racial lines even if they claim not to be a race based party. But for race based party to ridicule DAP for not having a mix of colour in their white and red colour meeting is laughable hah LOL, LOTF and all that right?

Ok for UMNO it's right they can comment because they are a race based party who in fact is much better in reflecting their flexibility than DAP. You see, in UMNO they can elect those who have converted into the religion and changed their race from say Indian to Malay and get elected to the high office? Try that in MCA if an Indian can claim to be a Chinese or in MIC where a Chinese can claim to be an Indian hah? So UMNO has every right to say they are not race based by virtue their members can be from different DNA race. The final proof would be if this tea drinking fellow who converted is elected into UMNO central committee and that would prove UMNO has lived to its founder's original desire!

To our DAP fellows, the MCA is really painting the town red (see how the iron lady J is scalping our rocket manhere) with your flip flop making you look rather a Dumb Actionless Party that deserved to be dumped at the next GE13 hah. Who is doing a con on the people now hah!

Yes 1314 indeed and DAP being very cina apek colour and composition didn't see the omen to the superstitious chinese belief in numbers hah. And they seemed so confidence in their rocket launched against their BN opponents, especially a party that has a yellow star as it's party logo 

To our DAP rocket men, when you try to shoot at that bright star in the blue yonder, pun intended, make sure you get your calculation correct or else you will veer off course and instead your rocket will turn around and blow you back in the face. Which it did, like a month later hah!

And if you want to shoot for the stars, no pun intended, make sure you don't miss a screw or has an office with a screw loose to miscalculate your trajectory hah!

So to those ABU fellows, they must now be very afraid of the DAP's fire and forget ARSEnal of smart weapons they are training on BN to penetrate Putrajaya hah! With such flawed fellows assemblying such firepower to battle BN, our fellows in Putrajaya must be having their banana fritters and air bandung with nasi lemak and lemang with lembu rendant (courtesy of NFC) and a relaxing time to fear their fortress will even get a strike - given the off course trajectory of their rockets due to the incompetent and arithmetic challenged professions in the DAP hah!

Does this schoolboy error mean all is rotten in DAP which also reflects their other component party in Pakatan too!? With such Dumbo Acting People in the DAP, the BN fellows really have no fear in their rockets heading towards Putrajaya. After all, DAP's rockets carrying WMDs are really Weak Mathematically Deficient firepower and due to their miscalculations, the rockets will not even dent the paint on Putrajaya's wall hah! But then if their professionals are arithmetically challenged, the rocket won't even go off their launch pad and implode instead hah! And they accuse external forces of sabotaging their march to Putrajaya when their internal technicians are doing that fine hah!

Miscalculated rocket trajectory
Perhaps thanks to the Dumbo in Arithmetic People in the DAP, their supporters are already jumping ship and doing a Dump A Party Gang-together dance away from the DAP than  prefer to gangnam with them and feel safe riding in their rocket now hah!

How many DAP fellows do you need for their Rocket to misfire?
One returning officer hah! 

Know why the mistake was made?
He used a calculator

He didn't know how to use the add function on his latest mobile gizmo
He didn't use the abacus
The only numbers he knows is damacai, empat ekor or mapui 

An sms sent to DAP supremo after the launch of the Ubah Rocket Style
Miss-ion control we have a problem! We miss calculated and the rocket is doing an Ubah Rocket Style heading back in our direction. Shall we stop the gangnam but ask our gang to run now instead?

Opp's miscalculated


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