
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, January 19, 2013

KJ John, You do Yourself an Injustice

Stop The Lies

mqdefaultI am not surprised to read Malaysiakini columnist and shareholder, USCI lecturer and church leader KJ John’s “Why I Will Vote Pakatan…”
This is not surprising to those who are familiar with his writings in Malaysiakini and elsewhere.
His political leanings and his anti-government stance are common knowledge.
So, this article was written as an attempt to influence others also to follow suit. I don’t think anybody would deny KJ John’s right to do that. But when he bends the truth to support his arguments, somebody must correct him so that others are not misled.
KJ John must stop passing off prejudices as Gospel truth. He must know it is unChristian not to tell the whole truth. It is unChristian not to be grateful for the many blessings he has received as a citizen of Malaysia.
I submit the following facts and observations for KJ John to consider.
First, KJ John says that if the government had listened to him in 2007, it would have fared better in the 2008 general election.
This statement is highly presumptuous. By what stretch of the imagination does he think he is an expert on the complex mix of Malaysian politics?
His father was a MIC party leader but KJ John has never been a member of any political party.
Second, he says his reason for wanting to vote Pakatan was because BN handled the ‘Allah issue’ badly.
KJ John must have been sleeping these past few months if he has not witnessed the flip-flop stand by Pas (in the PR coalition) over the issue.
Get your facts right, KJ John, it was not BN that handled the ‘Allah’ issue badly, but Pas and DAP.
Why is KJ John so obsessed with this issue anyway? What is the real issue here?
KJ John, does God not answer you if you do not call him Allah? You know you can call him Elohim, Yahweh, Adonal, Theos, or Kurios, and he listens. Indeed, would God be offended if you just called him Father?
God will not be confined to just a few names that have been included in the lexicons of the world’s languages.
Is there only one word in every language to which God will answer ? The written language is a human construct, not a divine revelation.
Would God eventually judge you by your words rather than my your deeds?
KJ John, why are you allowing the ‘Allah issue’ to blind you to all the blessings you have received?
You have all the fundamental freedoms to worship as you please, where you please–in your home or in your Church. Indeed you can worship him without restriction.
You can worship him, not confined by place, language, sentiment, mood, understanding, vocation, affiliation, inclination, education level, sentiment, clothing, mood, or physical attributes.
God listens to everyone who prays to him. Pray tell, KJ John, how have you been deprived, living as you have been in a Malay-majority, Muslim-majority nation all your life?
The non-Malays are assured of their rights and privileges as enshrined in the Federal constitution which is a very carefully and cleverly crafted document.
The rights and privileges accorded to one race or adherents of one faith are balanced by the rights of other races and religions.
Since independence in 1957, the Constitution has been amended about 40 times, but not a single amendment was made to these core provisions.
That must prove how the ruling government staunchly protects and upholds the freedoms of the people which they have enjoyed uninterrupted these past 57 years.
Third, KJ John, you said in your article, and I quote: “The federal government is still heavily dominated by Malays …(and the government has )been abusing the Malaysians of Sabah and Sarawak, much worse than the White Rajah has ever abused them!
Come on, come on KJ John, a little learning is a dangerous thing, as they say. You don’t even know the White Rajahs never ruled Sabah. Also, you have no idea how the White Rajahs treated the people of Sarawak. You were not born then, and were not even a glint in your father’s eye.
Again, you say, and I quote: “Why is it that after almost 50 years of this willing and voluntary merger (with Malaysia), their position and placement (with rights and privileges) as the bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak, is not better or equal to even the middle 60 percent of the Malay bumiputeras or even in the same category of non-Malays?
KJ John, you are woefully ignorant of the nation’s history, of how the Federal Constitution was framed, nor do you have any in-depth knowledge of the events that led to the formation of Malaysia.
Please get off your blinkered horse and mix with the people in Sabah and Sarawak. They will enlighten you and fill the gaps in your knowledge.
Fourth, and again, I quote you. You said: “…while our education system has uplifted many Malay bumiputeras from farmers and fishermen to IT professionals and engineers, and all this done within one generation, where then are the Orang Asli and the Orang Asal in all such calculations and performances?
KJ John, I don’t think you are qualified to talk about the alleged neglect of Orang Asli.
You were in Government service for more than 30 years, part of that time in the Prime Ministers’ Department. During that period, have you so much as helped one single Orang Ali?
You have had your share of the fruits of Government service– in terms of civil service promotions, PSD scholarships for you and for your children.
You were then in a position to help not only the Orang Asli but also the poor Indians, the poor Chinese, the poor people of Sabah and Sarawak. But what did you do?
If during that period, the nation did not benefit from the kind of wisdom you now pretend to exhibit, neither did you after you left government service.
Fifth, KJ John you speak of integrity as if it was a virtue that had guided you in the three decades of public service? Are you implying that, in the entire civil service then, you were the only officer with integrity?
To summarise, your only justification for voting Pakatan is because of the Allah. And on that issue alone, you pass judgement.
Never mind the heady economic growth over the past 50-odd years; never mind Vision 2020; never mind the policy to erradicate poverty regardless of race; never mind the opening up of vast educational opportunities; never mind the abolition of the ISA, the Printing Presses Act, never mind the relaxation of the rules of association; never mind the unprecedented GDP growth; never mind the progress in the fight against corruption; never mind the successes in putting Malaysia on the world map through its mega projects; and never mind the far-reaching government transformation programmes.
There are also the intangible achievements including the psychological freedoms and business confidence.
KJ John, you have ignored all these and instead have just zeroed in one one non-issue.
Where therefore is your integrity?
In my books, your ignorance of Malaysian history, of the Federal Constitution, of the position of the Malay rulers, of its economic development and of its international standing, disqualifies you as an informed voter.
But Malaysia practices true democracy, it does not deny any Malaysian, however ill-informed, however bigoted, however devoid of basic Christian values, and however bereft of dignity, his right to vote.

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