
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 16, 2013



STAR through their Information Chief Edward Linggu had it all wrong about APS and their perception on Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Bumburing. Their latest media statement is nothing more than an act of covering their track which clearly seem to have gone wrong all the way.

Firstly, let me clearly state here that APS as percieved by Edward Linggu is not operating under any particular party in PR but having equal membership status with other members that make up PR by the fact that Datuk Wilfred Bumburing is a member of PR National Council and sit alongside the presidents of the other parties in PR.
Secondly, Edward's claim that STAR is willing to work together with PR is clearly contradicting the stand taken by his boss (Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan) in not cooperating with parties that in their philosophy is 'Malaya-based' party.

This stand was clearly spelt out by his boss when launching Paginatan Star in Kg. Togudon Baru in May 2012 in which Jeffrey has labelled PKR as being worse than UMNO. It is Edward that must go back to his drawing board and see if what he said about their party's stand is consistent or not.

Thirdly, the antics by Edward as the Information Chief of STAR clearly shows that their agenda is not about bringing a change in government but all about splitting the KDM support for the opposition and eventually enabling BN to win in the coming general election.

Every political observer in Sabah can now clearly see and read the real political motive behind why Dr. Jeffrey chose the Sarawak-based party to carry out his political agendas in Sabah.

STAR and its leaders seem to be not interested in attacking the unpopular policies of BN and its components party members but they are only engrossed in attacking fellow opposition parties and its leaders just because they are losing out their membership numbers to the other opposition groups.

Edward should also be the one to check his facts about STAR's proposal to moved the State Capital fromKota Kinabalu to Keningau which was clearly explained by Dr. Jeffrey if STAR should form the next State Government.

There has been no clarification by any leaders from STAR with regards to any form of misreporting by the local papers over this particular issue. Only now when the people react to this proposal as being the most rediculous proposal ever did Edward came out with an explanation labelling it as kind of misreporting.

We again reiterate our claim that indeed STAR Papar has been crippled when its entire Divisional Committee comprising 15 members resigned enbloc on December 28, 2012 to join APS. We have their Statutory Declaration jointly signed and attested by a Justice of Peace.

For the record, let me remind Edward that APS cannot and will not stop anyone of its membersor supporters leaving APS to join another party either in the opposition or otherwise and we will not stoop too low and attack the parties that would accept this people, if any.

Likewise, STAR should not be attacking APS and discredit its leaders just because some of their members start abondaning their party to join APS or other opposition group.

It is our hope and objective whereby all opposition parties team up together to form a fromidable front in facing the massive BN machinery in the coming general election.

APS would be willing to discuss and seek a conducive solution on seat allocation if the other parties who are not yet in the PR coalition can sit together with us and discuss on forming a united oppositin fronts among the local Sabah-based parties.

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