
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, January 7, 2013

MACC is busy chasing cents, not dollars

YOURSAY 'It appears to ignore the ‘big crocodile' cases involving millions, preferring to threaten those who use Facebook during office hours.'

Penang DCM's aide nabbed by MACC

your sayFerdtan: The aide to the deputy chief minster should be asked to take leave and be suspended from his duties.

The party and the Penang state government, by doing so, not only protect their reputation of not siding with the accused but also to ward off the danger of MACC's (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) partisan persecution of the accused.

The way MACC jumped with such efficiency to arrange for the sting to trap the opposition members is too obvious, when there were many instances of MACC's reluctance in catching the big BN fishes involving millions.

So PKR, you have to be cruel to be kind - if it is confirmed true after interviewing the accused, the party if possible must sack him.

By taking such action the party takes the wind out of BN-MACC's sails. Don't give them an inch to manoeuvre for an orchestrated public humiliation of both the accused and the opposition for political mileage.

You can be sure once BN-MACC find that there is not much to gain politically, they will just move on. They will treat it as another ordinary case.

Michael ng 34f2: MACC, if your duties are not interfered with, and you can carry out your investigation on anybody regardless of political affiliation, I would be the first to congratulate you and take my hat off for your work.

But trouble is that, your office chooses to ignore the ‘big crocodile' cases involving millions of ringgit to catching all these smaller ones and threatening those who use Facebook during office hours.

2LAN: Have we ever seen MACC investigate BN people? This incident involving the Penang DCM's aide just proves MACC is toothless to go for BN. Why not investigate businessman Deepak Jaikishan's accusations?

Lisa----4: How about the female servant in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur who made a police report because an ‘important man' had groped her? The police report was later withdrawn and there was speculation that money was paid.

How about the security chief of a luxury apartment building in KL who made a police report when assaulted by a man working as a bodyguard for a young cigar smoking son of another ‘important man'?

Why was the fellow not punished but the case resolved outside court? It has never been published how the case was solved but there was speculation that money talked.

This woman in Penang must have agreed to accept the money otherwise she would not turn up for a meeting to receive the payment.

Where is the difference between the Penang case and the two other cases? I hope it is not because the persons involved are connected to the opposition. It would be interesting to learn how the two previous cases were solved so amicably.

Enuf: This just shows how weak Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng is in controlling his two deputies. Lim basically doesn't have the guts to voice or take action if it involves a certain race.

Just look around Penang and you will know how lawless it has become. Cars parked illegally, coffee shops extending their buildings into public walkways, illegal traders building structures on public beaches, etc.

Dont Just Talk: The RM30,000 in this case is peanuts compared to Amangate's RM40 million, the National Feedlot Corporation's RM250 million, the RM500 million commission for the Scorpene submarines and now the latest, Selangor Umno Wanita chief Raja Ropiaah Raja Abdullah's alleged RM130 million Selangor land scandal.

Malaysian For Justice: Is this bribery or settlement? Is it wrong to settle disputes amicably?

Spirit of Malaya: Even though I do agree with my fellow writers that this is a ‘small fry' case compared to the ‘mega' corruption by Umno-BN leaders and yet there's no urgency on the part of MACC, no incidences of corruption should be tolerated under Pakatan Rakyat.

Pakatan must be clean, from the top to the bottom and punishment must be meted out to the guilty parties.

Anonymous#70866269: I have seen numerous cases when the courts allowed out-of-court settlements. Why? Judges say such settlements are not corruption. These are personal issues; not involving government losses.

Hence, why is MACC taking so much interest when it is so obvious it is a personal matter between this man molesting the woman, and has nothing to do with the government.

It is a personal matter which can be solved using his own money - not using the rakyat's money.

The Mask: I fully concur with Anonymous#70866269 that it is a personal matter and the MACC should butt out. What government contract has the aide obtained from this? Or has the government suffered any financial loss?

If a minister requests another minister to give some money (his own money) to a sex worker to keep quiet over his illicit love acts, is this under the purview of the MACC?

Anyway, if the aide has truly broken the anti-corruption law, then he deserves to be punished, especially knowing full well that the Umno leaders are all out to catch every slip they make.

ABU: Well done, MACC. We are all proud of you for trying to nab the corrupt. But we are not so proud of your hypocrisy.

You are so brave to nab the clerks, the sergeants and corporals, the ordinary Ahmads, Ah Chongs, Arumugams, but no balls to nab the others. Indeed, we have lost faith in you.

Whatsup: This is yet another episode of super-efficiency demonstrated by MACC - always against the opposition but never Umno-BN.

Even though millions and billions of illicit funds had changed hands, they are blind to it and no sting operations were set to entrap them.

And yet an allegation against PKR members, they are swift and set up a sting based on a complainant's report.

Bash: Now, now, all things start small. It's better nip it at the bud before it grew into the problem that we already knew.

It doesn't matter which party or creed the corrupt perpetrator is, they have to be investigated and if proven, be prosecuted.

Mushiro: If this was true, we want MACC to act. I also commend MACC for acting very promptly and also confirming to the press about this arrest.

What I cannot understand is the MACC's lethargy at investigating the big fishes like Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman, Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud, PM Najib Abdul Razak and wife, Rosmah Mansor, following businessman Deepak Jaikishan's expose.

It will seem that MACC is castrated when it comes to acting on Umno leaders. - Malaysiakini

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