
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Palanivel has nothing to fear

The MIC president is not a ‘tin kosong’ and his actions speak louder than his words, says a state MIC leader.
By P Gunaseelan
MIC SS2 Tengah Branch chairman S Padnmanagan once again has come out with baseless and wild accusations that the Public Complains Bureau under G Palanivel’s leadership in the Prime Minister’s Department has been idle.
He has also claimed that the department was active under the ex-deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department T Murugiah. He went on to state that Palanivel has to learn from Murugiah on how to run the bureau.
Padnmanagan’s allegations are utter rubbish and his accusations are just to satisfy his personal vendetta against the MIC president. He should get his facts properly before he wants to discredit Palanivel.
Public Complains Bureau under Palanivel has performed above expectations. The bureau received a total of 13,356 complaints from January 2011 to December 2011 and out of this 13,045 complaints were resolved and 311 are still in action.
It received a total of 11,784 complaints for the period from January 2012 to November 2012 and 10,615 complaints were resolved while 1,169 are still in action.
Working with the NGO
Padnmanagan’s allegation that Palanivel does not have proper discussions and relationship with NGOs is also utter rubbish as the MIC leader conducts frequent dialogues and closed-door meetings with various NGOs.
Palanivel is very concerned of the development of the NGOs in carrying out their activities and he personally took special initiatives to speak to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to obtain funds for the NGOs.
Ever since he took over the MIC leadership, he has provided RM13,076,300 for 649 NGOs directly from the prime minister.
Both the above facts and figures clearly indicate that Padnmanagan is initiating a losing battle to discredit Palanivel.
Payment to Indian contractors
On Padnmanagan’s accusations that Indian contractors were not paid on time, I think it is best that he forward these queries to the Education Ministry and the Finance Ministry as they are the parties who handle the fund.
These ministries have to go through standard procedures before they could release payments to the contractors.
They have to be accountable that payments released are in accordance to job done.
At the same time the contractors should ensure that all the paperworks are in order to avoid any delays in payments. They should keep regular contacts with the relevant ministries to speed up the payments.
All the accusations made by Padnmanagan only proves that there is a desperate move to discredit Palanivel.
The MIC president is not a ‘tin kosong’ and his actions speak louder than his words. He is a religious and a no-nonsense person and his track record is clean.
There is no reason for him to fear anyone.
The writer is the President of Malaysian Public Service Association and the Welfare Chief of Wilayah MIC.

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