
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

PAS-led Kelantan: Let's hear it from the Chinese

PAS-led Kelantan: Let's hear it from the Chinese
In Kelantan’s politics, one name towers above all, Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, affectionately known as Tok Guru Nik Aziz. What is the secret to this man’s almost cult-like appeal to Kelantan folks? Let's hear it from the Chinese in Kelantan.
Kelantan’s political history is as enigmatic as itself. Having had the distinction of being the first state to be won by an opposition party in 1959 when Malaya was still in euphoria over Merdeka, PAS ruled it from 1959 to 1977. PAS’s tenure in Kelantan was briefly interrupted by BN’s political scheming in 1977 through an emergency that lead to a 12 year BN interregnum.
In the 1990 general elections, BN suffered its most devastating electoral defeat in history when PAS and its erstwhile ally, Semangat 46 swept all the parliamentary and state seats in the state. And PAS has ruled the state since then.
Having run Kelantan for 40 years, especially since 1990, PAS under the leadership of its spiritual leader and Menteri Besar Nik Aziz, has consolidated its grip in the state. Nik Aziz’s popularity with Kelantan folks is due in no small part to his clean and upright leadership and willingness to live out his religious convictions.
In his 1990 inauguration as the Kelantan MB, his first acts were to reduce his official salary by 40 percent, cut down on state official entertainment expenses and eschewed staying in his official MB residence for his own house. With his humble and modest lifestyle, he has won over many Kelantan folks’ respect and admiration.
Unlike UMNO leaders’ willingness to manipulate religion to divide and rule the people, Nik Aziz lives out his religious convictions while not abusing religion. In his world view which is coloured heavily by Islam, racialism is not acceptable as he believes everyone originates from a same forebear and hence deserves to be treated equally.
Equal treatment for everyone – is that not a dream for all Malaysians?
Why PAS is winning hearts
Kelantan has treated its minorities fairly through monetary support for their religious places.
Has Kelantan under PAS being so Islamised that non-Muslims fear living there? Kelantan Chinese Assembly Hall (KCAH) chairman Oie Poh Choon has this to share.
“Once, I attended an official event where Nik Aziz was the guest of honour. The attendees included mostly Malays, Chinese and 10 Thai monks.”
“The Thai monks started to recite Buddhist chants after having the meals. Not only did Nik Aziz not stop them, he even asked for microphones be provided for them and sat through the sessions, in full view of 1000 plus Muslims. He has a favourite phrase: 'If PAS has ever forced anyone to convert to Islam, please show me the proof'."
Contrary to the mainstream media’s demonization, Kelantan’s other religions get equal treatment and development opportunities. According to the PAS supporters’ club (DHPP) chairman, Hu Pang Chaw, KB has many non-Muslim religious places such as churches and Chinese temples. Among these places are a 450-years old temple, a temple that houses a 108-feet Guan Yin statue, and a Buddhist temple that houses a 100-feet sleeping Buddha statue.
"The Thai monks started to recite Buddhist chants after having the meals. Not only did Nik Aziz not stop them, he even asked for microphones be provided for them and sat through the sessions, in full view of 1000 plus Muslims. He has a favourite phrase: 'If PAS has ever forced anyone to convert to Islam, please show me the proof'..."
Some of these temples are even built on Malay reserve land. Some temples also received annual grants from the state government. In Kelantan, the churches and temples are not subjected to the policy restriction of having buildings taller than mosques like in some west coast states.
Minority perspective
KCAH chairman Oie Poh Choon opined that the Chinese lead a happy tranquil and peaceful life there thanks to the state government’s fair treatment and righteous governance.
“Unlike what the mainstream media’s lop-sided portrayal of us being side-lined, we lead a happy and pleasant life here. We have an exemplary MB. Our living condition here is good, which is why we have chosen to remain here. Kelantan is a good place to reside in.”
He believes that the Kelantan government is like many other governments in the world, who takes care of its minorities. Besides the many policies that promote fairness, it has additional policies that also take care of the minorities.
“Kelantan state government is the first in the country to implement the ‘land sustains school’ policy which was followed by the Perak PR state government in 2008. Kelantan’s only independent Chinese secondary school, Chung Hua Independent Secondary School, was allocated 1000 acres of land by the state government for its usage in 2000. Now the school earns around RM 300,000 annually from the land rentals.”
In addition the school is allocated a RM 20,000 grant annually. The Chinese vernacular primary schools are also well supported, even by the Malay community.
DHPP’s Hu  explained that of the Kelantan’s 15 Chinese vernacular primary schools, only two are wholly Chinese populated. The rest have between 20 to 50 percent Malay student population. In Kelantan, many Malays take pride in learning Chinese.
In my visit to MB Nik Aziz’s residence, I met his grand children. Five of them could speak Mandarin fluently. Nik Aziz even praised them for being able to converse in Mandarin and lamented of his inability to do so!
Systematic Allocations
KCAH chairman Oie Poh Choon has praises for the state government’s fair treatment of the Chinese.
According to Oie, every year the state government will allocate RM 1.7 million for the Chinese community here. “If we are short of funds, the Chinese state exco, Dato Annuar Tan will ask for more from the treasury. Nik Aziz will usually approve it.”
“RM 1.7 million is not much. However we know that the state government has limited revenue. Yet it is able to provide funding regularly to the Chinese community. We recognise their earnestness, unlike some parties who often promised much but don’t deliver. With PAS, when the amount is announced, the cheque is already prepared.”
As for KCAH’s youth wing advisor Lau Chit Fang, the Kelantan Chinese community doesn’t doubt the state government’s sincerity in taking care of the minorities as the non-Malays can’t decide Kelantan’s political fate.
“The Chinese voters are only present significantly in a few state seats; we are not politically influential. We don’t doubt about the state government’s sincerity or honesty in treating us fairly.”
“On the other hand it is UMNO who seems bent on wrecking the people’s relationship with the state government. They go around telling the Malays that PAS is selling out to the non-Malays.”
“PAS on the other hand has continued to stick to its principles in treating everyone fairly. For over 20 years we have not felt threatened here,” Lau added.
If PR wins Putrajaya, how will the non-Malays benefit?
PR can emulate Kelantan’s policy as we don’t practise racialism here. I emphasise accepting Islam, not converting to Islam. Everything in this world is created by Allah. We can’t say that because a durian’s seed has no creator. A durian comes from a durian tree. Likewise the same too for a human being; he is a descendant of the first human beings, Adam and Eve.”
Hence, PR can copy us. Have we ever killed any Chinese? Have we ever denied anyone from getting license from running business just because he is a Chinese?
Will PAS win the next GE?
I believe PAS can do well in the next GE if the elections are run fairly. However, we all know PAS don’t own any radio or TV stations. I have been an MB for 22 years, yet I was never invited by any Malaysian TV stations for talks or interviews. We also don’t have daily newspaper, only a twice weekly party newspaper. UMNO knows if we ever get fair media coverage, we will be able to counter their lies.
If PR forms the federal government, will it implement the hudud laws?
PR’s common point is to remove BN’s dictatorship. Why is Kelantan’s development fund being administered by the federal departments? As to how much funds have been spent on building schools, hospital and roads in Kelantan, we are not told. The projects are not even opened for public tendering which is unlike PR states.
Kelantan under PR has observed true democracy and voting system whereas BN has even resorted to using phantom voters. PR’s common goal is to remove all these abuse of power. As for hudud, it will only be implemented on the Muslims unless the non-Muslims request for hudud laws to be extended to them.
BN has often said that PAS is being manipulated by DAP and vice versa. What is your view of that?
Show me the proof! Its all nonsense.
- The Rocket.

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