
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 14, 2013

People's Uprising and Umno's sour grapes

YOURSAY 'Umno offered lucky draws, transported supporters to the stadium and paid them to come - so much for the support for a greedy regime.'

S'gor BN: KL112-goers were 'party workers'

your sayFerdtan: Selangor BN coordinator Mohd Zin Mohamed, it is meaningless when you say that you have not seen any significant Indian and Chinese supporters at the rally.

On top of that, you have insulted those of us who were there, saying that we were mere opposition party workers. We are not. We don't belong to any party; we belong to a party called Malaysia.

We saw quite a significant Chinese supporters' presence, especially those wearing green Anti-Lynas T-shirts. It is also heartening to see more Indians there too compared to the last Bersih 3.0 rally, despite the Pongal festival in the next two days.

Overall, it was a fun gathering - though under sweaty conditions with the hot sun overhead and the crammed stadium.

It was a roaring success for democracy and the message is clear that we, Malaysians, can come out in huge numbers to rally peacefully if the police and the authorities don't interfere, as had happened in the past.

There will be no more excuses for the police or the BN government in the future to stop any legitimate rallies or demonstrations. We have come of age as far as public rallies are concerned.

Fairnessforall: BN has to pay people to attend their events, and give them free gifts, hampers, prizes, etc. Pakatan did not need to pay anyone and everyone went on their own expense.

Ask BN to organise one event where nothing is given free and ask the people to attend at their own expense: no one would turn up.

Please stop making idiotic statements as we all know how BN spends the people's money to entice people to attend their functions.

Anonymous_40a7: I thought BN people can't get any dumber. I was wrong. They are even dumber than before.

Bender: Let the BN people bask in their own made-up glory. The more they live in denial the better the chance for Pakatan to succeed in the coming GE.

They can lie all they want, demean the people who truly love justice, glorify their own self-deluding leaders, and what all that will bring is just a simple feel-good feeling that they can use to have a shut eye at night.

From what happened last Saturday, it is clear that the majority of people don't buy into their propaganda any more.

The fact is they know that they have lost it, and what they're doing right now is to make that feel-good feeling last while they can (and of course, continue to plunder whatever remains to be plundered).

Anonymous #49297474: What a group of arrogant people from Umno. People in authority rarely respond well to being made a fool of.

It's a worrying fact that they seem not to have improved in their ways, but are getting worse.

Whatsup: Sour grapes! Umno offered lucky draws, transported supporters to the stadium and paid them to come. So much for the support for an evil and greedy regime.

They can't hold a candle to the KL112 or Bersih participants who seek to make a statement as Malaysians in demanding for change and an end to an evil regime.

Mushiro: Mohd Zin, your explanation must be "very convincing" to Najib and Umno. The PAS party workers on Saturday took LRTs from all the stations in Kuala Lumpur and none came by chartered buses. I guess your claims are just to fool Umno people again.

Why worry, the crowd will be even lower when the police make its third revision on the crowd size. And if you say there were fewer Chinese at the rally, it just means more Malays are supporting Pakatan.

Anonymous #33877536: Mohd Zin, the Chinese and Indians may not have shown up but don't judge the book by the cover.

This is not KTM (Keretapi Tanah Melayu) where you can post posters using the government machinery. The Chinese and Indians will show you in the GE13.

Silas Jugdip: If Mohd Zin is right about the rally, then why the big hoohah ordering teachers and students and others not to attend?

Clever Voter: The debate should not be on the numbers of those who attended an event; only the naive would do so.

In the Internet age, the focus should be on the outcome. How many more Malaysians, especially those fence-sitters, are more convinced that change is inevitable, rather than change is unnecessary?

The BN machinery despite support from the mainstream media has lost its plot, unable to articulate its case.

Wsoi: BN must learn to accept facts and admit its weaknesses, only then it can be stronger. It sounds like Mohd Zin thinks everything is still okay with BN, despite the few cronies taking tens of billions in projects. This is not what the rakyat think.

Vgeorgemy: We admit some of us are party workers and proud of it. We work very hard for our family.

We have never ‘tasted' taxpayers' monies as allowances or salaries or benefits, unlike what certain prominent ‘NGO' leaders supporting BN enjoy. These guys have no issues ‘eating' our monies excessively and become fat.

Their fat has even reached their brains, resulting in them losing the ability to differentiate good and evil.

No one can belittle us or shame us for our stand against evil. Evil is always evil, whether is known or unknown.

Jesse: Is it possible that the BN government belatedly recognises that it is better to respect the rakyat's constitutional right to peaceful assembly and the right to free speech? It would have been appreciated.

Now let them put forward their best policies for debate and match them against the opposition like a true democracy. That would have been more enlightening than bribing the people with small goodies and playing to old prejudges.

The rakyat is more educated now and and no longer prepared to tolerate excesses and corrupt use of power. Make sincere apologies for your mistakes, clean up the parties and come to the people with your policies.

Maybe, just maybe, you may yet win another election if fairly conducted. Stop this win at all cost and the nonsense about defending Putrijaya with crushed bodies and lost lives. They no longer washed with the rakyat.

Giudice: BN Selangor's response is another reason why BN must be kicked out. They do not have an ounce of honesty in them.

Steven Koh: They are in denial. They don't need voters, but psychiatrists. - Malaysiakini

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