
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, January 6, 2013

Samy a better Leader than Najib

At this eleventh hour the truth must be told,  it is extremely  important that it be told and  be made known less we Malaysians make the fatal mistake of giving this government to Najib Tun Razak.

The  truth is for all the flak, for all his misgivings, for all his rhetoric and for all the allegations made out against him,  Samy Veloo is  a much much better leader than Najib Tun Razak, so imagine giving this country to the likes of Najib, not that Samy is the best.

There is no denying it, it is an indisputable fact that Samy Veloo has achieved more as a minister than Najib  ever has, even Mahahtir Mohammed can't take that away from Samy Veloo,  as a leader of his party and and as Minsiter Samy Veloo outshone our present Prime Minsiter,  he is  light years ahead of Najib when it comes to leadership, in fact Najib Tun Razak is no leader at all Samy could  stamp his authority but, Najib is absolutely a chicken when it comes to exercising his authority in UMNO.

p balasubramaniam private investigator altantuya murder case
PI Bala
So if Najib is light years behind Samy what is his worth? Absolutely nothing.

All the alleged wrongdoings of Samy, that is,  the sum total of all his alleged wrongdoings will not end up in a fraction ofwhat has been alleged against  Najib, the Altantuya case alone has not been put to rest  right through his unelected term as Prime Minister, and he has hidden under the protection of that office and refused to budge and  is it because he fears that if he loses it will all come out in the open that he has dealyed the elections thus far?

najib tun razak and altantuya
The statutory declaration made by Private investigator Balacarries  with it damaging  testimony, testimony that will put Najib right in the middle of the murder, and that very SD was followed by another SD which Bala alleges was forced upon him, it was authored by someone else and he made  to sign it.

Now the man who Bala alleged forced him to do so, one carpet trader called Deepak allegedly a close confidante of Rosmah mansor the wife of the PM,  has come out and admitted to it, he has even named the lawyer who is alleged to have prepared it and the lawyer who is a senior member of the bar has chosen to remain silent.

Compared to this we have Samy Veloo, he  never brought his wife into the picture, his wife stayed away from politics, both at party and national levels, she did not claim to be the 'First Indian Lady," she was active in community work and never took or even attempted to take the limelight away from her husband.

Why, even for all we say about Mahathir Mohammed no one can ever deny that Tun Siti Hasmah was right regal to the very end of Mahahtir's tenure, she did not have to appear in the press every day, she never attempted to, she was apolitical in every sense, when she was there at the Badminton matches she was not seen as political ambassador of sorts for her husband, neither was she trying to hog the limelight, and even if she did that at that moment it was not she, it was the media and we all loved it although most of us were not barisan supporters, she was a class by herself.

The wives of all previous Prime Minsters too, including Najib's own mother Toh Puan Raha  never tried to hog the limelight they were seen as concerned motherly figures by all,  they never seemed to want to outdo their husbands.

On the other hand Najib's  wife  has hogged the limelight assisted by Najib and in one instance had  a full page advertisement in the United States announcing her as Malaysia's "first lady,"  both have been accused of complicity in the Altantuya murder case, a case that keeps haunting them and one in which they have not had the courage to come out in the open and take the accusers to task.

Malaysians just wonder what is it they have to hide and the more they hide the more Malaysians want to know.

This "close confidante" this  Deepak  has now come out with some disturbing revelations,  and it is quite clear this  is not an issue  on  the opposition's instigation  but rather arelationship gone sour with broken promises.

From the looks of it he was or still is a crony hoping to get what he was promised. Now this Carpet man Deepak, (who is revealing everything in installments) has  acknowledged forcing Balasubramaniam retract his first statutory declaration, and at the same time revealed that Najib had a role in the affair.

There seems to be great deal of delay in investigating Najib in fact there seems to be no effort at all.

Samy Veloo  was first appointed to the Malaysian cabinet in 1979, as the Government and Housing Minister. He then went on to serve until 1989, as the Works Minister. From 1989 to 1995, he became Malaysia's Minister for Energy, Telecommunication and Post. In 1995, he returned to the Works Ministry, where he remained until he lost his parliamentary seat to the opposition  in the March 2008 Elections.

Samy Veloo,  was one of the five leaders who dared defy his former president of the MIC V.T. Sambanthan and this was one of the major contributing factors that led to  Manickavasagam's   Presidency of the party.

Even in the face of adversity from his own deputy Najib does not  confront the man head on but rather makes excuses for him, it was not once but on many occasions that Muhyiddin made  statements that contradicted Najib.

Samy never stood for anything or anyone who contradicted his directives, and that was so apparent during his tenure?

Now, is Muhyiddin applying a Samy Veloo Strategy in taking on Najib?

Samy Veloo has  been credited with the building of the North South Expressway, the Penang Bridge, many privatised highways, not known to many  he initiated the idea of Malaysia having a Satelite as Minister of Energy posts and Telecommunications, to name a few of his achievements amongst many other projects. During his tenure at the Ministry of Works it was rated the most efficient ministry in the Government of Malaysia.

Samy Veloo even challenged mentris besar who locked horns with him, he told the press once, "Mentris Besar Come and Mentri's Besar go and I can't be listening to each one of them," and this was in reference to one powerful serving Menteri Besar a then vice president of UMNO.

Najib does not  even stand up to an ex Prime Minister,  he has fallen slave to that man, he has even denied his UMNO youth head a place in government in favour of the person Khairy defeated  the ex PM's son Mukhriz, what a shame for a "leader" to "kow tow" so low.

Samy may have had  a lot of accusations made out against him for all sorts of things, all of them might have been right and true, but cumulatively all that will not even cast a shade on what is being alleged agaisnt Najib Tun Razak.

Samy Veloo was only a minister in the Malaysian cabinet he has so much to show and be proud of, what has Najib got to show as Prime Minsiter, as Defence Minster and as Minster of Youth Sports and culture where he once sat.

Najib was moved from ministry to ministry, nothing significant was achieved, and yet he became Prime Minister of Malaysia by default, a position most Malaysians feel he does not deserve.

As Menteri Besar of Pahang there was a time when Kit Siang was questioning him about a timber concession given to person whose address was  a low cost home, it was never answered, operations lallang silenced the whole issue. Did Mahahtir have hand in silencing that issue by locking Kit Siang up.

His outstanding achievements in the Ministry of  defense does not need to much elaboration but just for the records, there was the purchase of Tanks for the Malaysian Armed forces, why spend so much on equipment that can hardly be used for battle here in Malaysia, unless of course we are anticipating desert warfare, and there is a famous Najib plan to send our tanks to fight alongside the Palestinians against the Israelis, what a noble cause but will he?

Then there is the submarines scandal one that will never go away as a murder has been linked to this scandal and most Malaysians are convinced that Najib has had some involvement here.

A short survey on this blog has the results you can see on the left of this page, where a mere 1 percent believe that he had absolutely nothing to do with the murder of Alatantuya Shaaribu, the sample may not be representative but it was survey nonetheless and that was the response.

His 1 Malaysia was torn to shreds by his deputy immediately after he launched it, so what has Najib really got to  show about his ability to lead this nation.

One would  suppose the answer lies with Mahathir bin Mohammed, he will be the shadow PM of Malaysia and maybe the fist shadow to cast itself as PM in the world and that looks like distinct possibility, in fact it is already looking like one.

Samy Veloo if he had the position would have silenced Mahathir by now, he has the capability, the daring, the record shows that he gave the damn if it was his portfolio it was his and no one monkeyed with him, Najib on the other hand claims it is not the case but is extremely subservient to Mahathir Mohammed and who would not, with such a huge scandal hanging over his head?

Najib has become easy meat for the UMNO power brokers, he is weak, is compromised by his failure to come clean, and as a result as lost the ability to lead.

Samy Veloo is far a better leader than Najib, no that I would have him for Prime Minister, but in terms of leadership and leadership qualities he is light years ahead of Najib, for that matter in the  present circumstances most ketua kampungs can take on Najib when it comes to assessing their leadership qualities.

Now do you still need  to consider Najib?

*An Important Notice___________________________________________________________________

Join the Jan 12 rally against oppression.
Organized by civil activists groups with the participation of the Pakatan Rakyat this rally promises to be the most peaceful in the country.
It assures businesses in Kuala Lumpur of good business as it is an event that is expected to bring 1 million Malaysians together  in what could turn out to be the best marketing event for business this country ever had.
Called the “Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat” (The peoples uprising rally) it is scheduled for 12th January 2013 at the  Merdeka Stadium Kuala Lumpur, bring your friends, your neighbours and all who care for this nation.
Block off this date make sure you are there.

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