
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 14, 2013

Seeing double - perhaps the cops need their eyes checked

YOURSAY 'The initial police estimate of those inside the stadium was pretty accurate - 80,000. Too bad they were forced by their political masters to lie.'

80k crowd tally due to double counting, say cops

your sayLin Wenquan: Let's not argue with the police over the numbers. After all, they do not possess much IQ when numerical efforts are required.

They need to soothe the nervous Umno-BN robber barons and downplay the real numeric strength of the 'people's uprising' against a corrupt regime that has plundered the nation's wealth and thus affected the livelihood of the rakyat across the racial spectrum.

The police, like the mainstream media are treating their masters like mushrooms - keeping them in the dark and feeding them bullshit.

May these numbers translate into votes for a better Malaysia come GE13.

Hang Tuah PJ: On Saturday, I went back home quite early sometime after 3pm because I could not take the packed crowd in Stadium Merdeka. As I was walking towards the Hang Tuah LRT station with many others, I noticed many more were heading towards the stadium.

These were latecomers. Some stopped to ask me whether the rally was over. I said no, so they continued walking to the stadium.

Indeed, if there was double counting, what about these latecomers? Many left the stadium and were replaced by new ones. So perhaps the 500,000 crowd estimation could be correct.

Opah: The initial police estimate of those inside the stadium was pretty accurate - 80,000. Too bad they were forced by their political masters to lie.

Whatsup: Dang Wangi police chief Zainuddin Ahmad, what a shame you are to the rakyat. You can't be so blatantly and unashamedly supporting Umno with lies.

As a professional, you should be apolitical but you chose to kowtow to your masters and do their bidding, despite knowing their transgressions.

What purpose do you think you can achieve by downplaying the support shown by the rakyat. You may be able to live with this corrupt and evil government but we can't.

We are not blind. Such blatant denial and downplaying of the crowd size shows your bias and inability to carry out your responsibilities.

Even this, you can't tell the truth or act ethically, what more our safety and future? Shame on you. I'm sickened to the bones seeing people like you in such respectable position.

ABBN: I propose that should Pakatan come into power, all the men and women in the police force, regardless of ranks, must sit and pass a compulsory simple math test before allowed continue his or her service.

Bluemountains: It is an opportune time for Umno-BN to call for the general election now as there was not much support for the opposition rally, which the police have estimated the crowd to be only about 40,000.

How about it, PM Najib Razak?

Dude: Concentrate on police work and forget about politics. That is what the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) should do.

Mushiro: So we thought that only DAP make mistakes in counting, but the police too make simple counting mistakes.
Cops pass PR test but fluff the math

James1067: This is an open declaration from the police of who their master is. It shows that they collect their salaries from the public, but their loyalty lies with their political master.

The truth will always stand tall because it has been proven time and again that it cannot be concealed. For behind the truth is the creator and no human has the power to hide it.

JMC: It doesn't matter how many came but the fact remains - large numbers came in droves at such short notice just to be part of the historic gathering to demand for change.

For every one who participated there were 10 others who could not for various reasons. They may be elsewhere but their hearts were with the participants of the rally on that hot, humid and sweaty afternoon.

MrM: Notice the important thing. This time the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) was not present. If the FRU were there, there would be trouble.

The police know they have to think using Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein's brains. Indeed, they should have announced a figure of about 10,000, which they have done many times before.

---------: Terence Netto, why are you and many in the opposition so concerned about the numbers? Maybe the police don't know how to count, but that does not make your math any better as well.

Who cares whether it was 100,000 or not. Did you comment that PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu said he expected one million? If Pakatan cannot gather 100,000 for this people's rally then they should bungkus (wrap it up) and go home.

How about Bersih 3.0? Did they also count correctly? They had 200,000, they claimed. Forget the numbers; it's the counting at GE13 that will matter.
Good vs Evil: The police wanted to please their Umno masters and make a fool out of themselves... ordinary capacity in the stadium itself is already 30,000 but pictures taken yesterday shows that the stadium ground itself was jam packed with people all over.

It's impossible that there were just 45,000 participants. Having said that, without violent and interference from the police, i.e. with water cannons, tear gas, etc, it was a peaceful and successful rally.

Mind you, 100,000 are physical participants but what about those who did not participate physically, god knows their number.

Bravo to those whom have participated in the rally, you are the new independent Malaysia heroes and may god bless you all and blessed our beloved country and its peace-loving citizens.

Starr: Obviously, the police can't count. But then, what does it matter when the message is loud and clear? - Malaysiakini

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