
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, January 10, 2013

THE BLUNDERS OF NAJIB RAZAK: Dr M waits in the wings to 'rebuke and whack'

THE BLUNDERS OF NAJIB RAZAK: Dr M waits in the wings to 'rebuke and whack'
According to a report, the former Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, has called on UMNO members not to publicly talk about Najib’s weaknesses, at least not until the election is over. He desperately wants Barisan to win the 13th general election first and then ‘we can correct those mistakes and wrongdoings for the interest of all… when the time comes we can rebuke and whack.’
In other words, this very senior man in UMNO admits that Najib has many flaws in him but he wants the matter to be swept under the carpet for fear that Barisan may lose in the next general election.
But the rakyat may disagree with him. Many in UMNO even would prefer Najib to leave the scene immediately or else Barisan will lose heavily in the next general election.
A liability
Najib as the Prime Minister is perceived by the rakyat – even within the UMNO circle – as a weak leader and apparently is perceived by the majority to be carrying too much baggage to become a politician. This has become a liability of sort to UMNO, Barisan and the nation in general.
There is an old saying, ‘If you chose the wrong parents you would still be happy but it would not be the same if you had chosen a wrong spouse.’
The latest shot to hit Najib is the confession by a controversial Carpet Man who was at one time very close to Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Najib until their business relationship – reported to be over RM3 billion –  had turned sour. Being very close to the ‘First Couple’ at one time, he even appraised their personal qualities in a book ‘The Black Rose’ purportedly written by him.
The Carpet Man had divulged to the press his controversial roles in the Najib–Rosmah– Bala (P. Balasubramaniam) saga that has shocked the nation. This also involves millions spent on jewellery for the First Lady and the trails leading to the shocking murder of model Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Thus far, Najib or the First Lady has provided no substantial answers to the noxious accusations by the Carpet Man – further implicating them to the cover-up over the murder of the model and to the kickbacks from the disreputable French Scorpene submarine deal.
To the rakyat these are not trivial issues as it involves the rakyat’s hard-earned money and there are people who have gained and also victimised in the chronicle.
First Lady was desperate
The Carpet Man had mentioned in his press statement the involvement of a prominent lawyer in getting Bala to retract his first SD (Statutory Declaration), which allegedly implicated Najib and the First Lady in the death of Mongolian translator Altantuya.
He specifically mentioned that the lawyer was chosen by Najib and that the First Lady was so desperate after Bala came up with his first SD that she had to seek the Carpet Man’s help to make Bala retract his SD.
Bala through his lawyer had maintained that he signed the second SD under duress and what he came up with in his first SD was all based on truth. And of course in this exposed saga a few other prominent names were mentioned by the Carpet Man.
Bala’s first SD was avowed and endorsed on July 1, 2008. The second SD, which contradicted the first, appeared on the following day.
From the Raja Ropiaah Raja Abdullah – UMNO Wanita Chief of Selangor – controversial land deal to the events leading to the second SD by Bala, the First Lady’s role in the saga was explicitly mentioned during interviews and press statements made by the Carpet Man. He cannot be lying as he risks being sued for libel if he had done so.
With all these stunning revelations UMNO cannot help to change the negative perception of the rakyat on the ‘First Couple’ and the party. It would be natural for critics to revisit the many other allegations against them in the past that many including those in UMNO are not happy with.
Millions spent on jewellery
There was a prime land deal as confessed by the Carpet Man and evidence that millions were spent on jewellery for the First Lady as seen in the PDF file documents found in a book ‘The Black Rose’. And similar documents were available earlier on PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli’s website.
This cannot be a mere coincident. There must be some truth in all these tacit dealings involving the Carpet Man and the ‘First Couple’.
Perception or real, the First Lady before this had been alleged to have a proclivity for a classy lifestyle and a penchant for jewellery. There was at one time the issue of the RM24million diamond ring that was linked to the First Lady. It was first alleged that Rosmah had bought the ring from Jacob & Co for a whopping RM24 million, which of course some sources had later denied this.
A set of import and export declaration documents showed that the ring was brought into the country by Jacob & Co under the care of Malca Amit Kuala Lumpur. Jacob & Co are producers of the ring. And the First Lady’s name appeared on the Custom’s computer screenshot to be the ‘recipient’ of the ring.
After the screenshot disclosure, it was later reported that the RM24million “natural fancy blue cushion cut diamond ring” was brought into the country on April 16, 2011 for a private exhibition by an ‘unknown VVIP’.  In a later report, however, it was mentioned that the ring was sent to Singapore on April 20.
After 19 days, the First Lady finally denied she purchased the RM24million diamond ring. She should have explained to the rakyat why her name had appeared in the Custom Declaration Form. Perhaps she should also have explained why she had to examine the ring if she had no intention to buy.
The rakyat also would want to know who paid RM24, 2670.00 shipping cost and insurance for the diamond ring to be sent all the way from New York to Kuala Lumpur by courier on a CIF basis.
Engagement and birthday bash
There were also allegations that Najib financed his daughter’s engagement ceremonies using public funds. Party strategic director Rafizi Ramli said he had receipts to show how RM409, 767, which was the cost to hold a lavish dinner event at a five-star hotel in central Kuala Lumpur, was billed to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). The bill, for an event on June 13, 2011, disclosed that RM18, 792 was spent for 36 VIPs and RM309, 975 for 862 attendees while handling charges amounted to RM81, 000.
Among the dishes included in the menu were an array of lavish Wagyu beef (imported from Australia), smoked salmon, lobster bisque and scallops. Officials denied that it was the PMO that settled the bill.
Before that, the engagement of Najib’s daughter was already mired in controversy. It was reported that the extravagant ceremonies, including a reception in Kazakhstan, was financed by taxpayers.
There was also an allegation that another private event, Najib’s birthday party on June 24 2010 was billed to PMO, causing further confusion over the public and personal use of the department.
The event took place at Sri Perdana, Putrajaya, and cost RM79, 053 for around 100 guests. Shangri-La Hotel KL had catered for the event. According to the Banquet Event Order (BEO) from Shangri-La Hotel, the bill was not only addressed to the PMO but was also billed under the PMO’s account.
PKR strategic director, Rafizi Ramli, asked why the event was billed under the PMO’s account. ‘It is okay for the bill to be addressed to the PMO but why is it also under the PMO’s account? If Najib says that he is personally footing the bill for the event, it should come in his personal account,’ he told reporters in Parliament.
Officials again denied that it was the PMO that settled the bill.
Money on travels and shopping
Prime Minister Najib and his wife spent slightly more than RM17million of taxpayers’ money on travels from 2008 to June 2011. The figures were released by the Prime Minister’s Department in Parliament in reply to a question from an opposition MP in 2012.
Najib and the First Lady’s travels in 2008 amounted to RM1.7million, RM4.81million the following year, RM5.41million in 2010 and RM5.42million up to June 2011.
Opposition lawmakers had accused the ruling coalition of siphoning off public money to finance hefty private travels of the two – an allegation the government had denied.
In October 2011 at the Commonwealth Summit (CHOGM) attended by Najib, it was flashed in ‘The West Australia’ daily that ‘one First Lady’ was known to have bought $150 000 worth of WA pearls while Malaysia’s Prime Minister Najib Razak’s daughter was believed to have spent $60 000 in David Jones’. Some ministry officials denied that the First Lady and her daughter went on a shopping spree in Australia during the Summit.
The ‘First Couple’ had also been reported to have stayed in posh hotels in Dubai, Australia and many other countries while overseas at the expense of taxpayers’ money.
Not only her ‘posh lifestyle’ that has incurred the wrath of the rakyat, it has become a common perception that compared to her predecessors she is seen as being more involved in government affairs, giving rise to the opinion that she exerts strong influence in her husband’s administration.
The Carpet Man did not miss this subtle point in his confession to the press and in the book ‘The Black Rose’.
The wrath of the rakyat
The ‘First Couple’ have been quiet since the first day the Carpet Man made his confessions to the press. They have not denied the accusations or taken legal action against the Carpet Man. All the past dishonourable events and dealings that have inflicted the ‘First Couple’ – perceived or real – cannot anymore be hidden from the public.
The Carpet Man’s confession can be considered as the ‘mother of all shots’ that will end Najib’s career as prime minister.  By the ‘First Couple’ remaining silent over the many issues affecting them signals that the allegations made by the Carpet Dealer and the Opposition do have some basis.
Not many in UMNO are happy with the ‘First Couple’ today but with their feudal mindset they are remaining silent.  But all these ‘misdemeanours’ by the ‘First Couple’ – perceived or real – have now become fodder for the Opposition to mangle UMNO and Barisan in the way forward to win the 13th general election.
There is more to come. As for the Carpet Man he has promised to reveal more and this will be done in series, according to him. To the ordinary rakyat, they now want to see justice done. These serious matters affecting the country cannot just be swept under the carpet, as how Mahathir prefers it to be done.
Malaysia Chronicle

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