
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Story Behind Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming Corruption Scandal

Actually what Kit Siang said is true where no matter how corrupted is DAP leaders proven to be the public will just shut their eyes on them.
Shen Yee Aun 

After Mac 2008 , Pakatan Rakyat had successfully captured the state of Perak where DAP won 18 seats , PKR 7 and PAS 6 . At first they get a shock where they never expected that a Tsunami politics will happen and because of this they never really plan the allocation of position before they capture Perak. So the question of who is the Menteri Besar of Perak was never a question in Pakatan Rakyat before the General Election. Only after they won they are in deep dilemma where DAP itself won the seat more than both PAS and PKR added up and yet since they do not have any Malay candidate therefore it is unlikely to have a non – Malay Menteri Besar from DAP.
Then ,   DAP Quickly call for a  Central Executive Committee, at its emergency meeting in Penang on Sunday, 9th March 2008 and in their meeting their finalize that the Menteri Besar should either be DAP Ngeh Koo Ham or Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi from PKR. On the 10th of Mac , PAS top leadership secretly send their people to meet up with both Nga Kor Ming and Ngeh Koo Ham to lobby for a PAS State Assemblyman to be the Menteri Besar. PAS knew the weakness of PKR in Pakatan Rakyat where they are the weakest political party in PR in terms of grassroots and even the quality of their candidate. They saw a light to politically bring up their man in the state of Perak to further expand their Islamic agenda.
PAS is a very sincere political party that hardly look for money benefit and willing to sacrifice money for their religious cause. PAS top strategist advice the negotiator to use money as a trade for a Menteri Besar position with the powerful lions in Perak ( Nga Kor Ming and Ngeh Koo Ham ). Since the only resources PAS is having after Mac 2008 is only Kelantan dan Kedah but it very hard to close a deal from the Kedah Menteri Besar Azizan. So , PAS top leaders secretly seek Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz to award a back door close deal logging investment worth RM 30 million to both Ngeh and Nga to lobby for a PAS State Assemblyman to be the Menteri Besar. PAS spiritual agree where according to him he is willing to do anything as long as it for an Islamic cause. So both Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming secretly close the deal with PAS representative without the consent from both top DAP and PKR leadership. They plot a way for Nizar to be the Menteri Besar of Perak to by pass PKR Malay State Assemblyman that won 1 seat extra more than PAS.
Later on , Kit Siang call DAP to boycott the Nizar ( PAS ) as the Menteri Besar of Perak in his press conference and also in his blog writings
DAP is prepared to accept DAP chairman and Assemblyman for Sitiawan Ngeh Koo Ham or PKR Behrang Assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi as Perak Mentri Besar.
As the appointment of PAS Assemblyman for Pasir Panjang Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin as Perak Mentri Besar representing the third and smallest political party in the proposed coalition has not received the mandate of the CEC, DAP Perak Assemblymen will stay away from the swearing-in ceremony for Perak Mentri Besar scheduled tomorrow. http://blog.limkitsiang.com/2008/03/12/no-dap-cec-mandate-for-pas-menteri-besar-in-perak/comment-page-19/
Both Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming silently stay away from this battle and let Kit Siang fought against Nizar. Earlier , nobody in DAP or PKR ever know that there is already a secret deal between Ngeh and Nga with PAS leaders. They just silently plot a way for it to happen and since they are more powerful than Lim Kit Siang in Perak therefore they do have their ways to make it happen.
On 17 Mac , Nizar from PAS successfully became the Menteri Besar of Perak with the help from Ngeh and Nga from DAP. After that , both Ngeh and Nga continue to expand their power and political base in DAP . They knew the facts that Lim Kit Siang is already too old to be in DAP for a long time and the arrogant Lim Guan Eng will need to step down as the Secretary General of DAP after his 3rd term. They are young and time is with them. They became so powerful that Kulasegaran a previous Vice Chairman and National Leader in DAP even loses his power in Perak.
Lim Kit Siang is not happy with the latest development and strength of both the nepotism Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Ming.  It will be a threat to the Lim Dynasty influence and power in DAP. Therefore , he hand over Nga Kor Ming wife tailoring contract to UMNO to play it. Another corruption of DAP leaders in Perak. It is a sign of pre emptive strike and a sign of warning from Lim Kit Siang to both Ngeh and Nga to slow down in whatever they are doing in DAP to expand their power. When that happens DAP DC call up Nga Kor Ming for investigation. According to DAP internal sources , the DC will let Nga Kor Ming off if he start to behave and stop expanding his political strength. Being a smart politician Nga Kor Ming just agree with it and that is why DAP DC conclude to let him off.
But then the young Nga Kor Ming is a very combative politician. He will never surrender to sure threat. That is why he took even more step further to cut off Lim Kit Siang right hand man in Perak ( Kulasegaran ) right after this incident to send back another message to Lim Kit Siang that he is the real warlord in Perak. A revenge strike happen when Nga Kor Ming uses his influence in DAP to dig out list of DAP Selangor corruption that is related to Lim Kit Siang camp ( Teresa Kok , Teo Nie Ching , Ronnie Liu , Lim Lip Eng ). He secretly leak out this news to MCA top leadership to play up the issue and the battle will be seem from MCA side but politically it is impossible for MCA to know if all this sources , details and news is not from DAP internally.
Lim Kit Siang then uses his influence in DAP to ask 60% of the total delegates in Perak DAP latest convention to boycott and that is why they only got 40% delegates attending. The fiery and combative then uses his political aide Teng Chang Khim in Selangor to create another revenge strike in Selangor that resulting in just 27% of the total DAP delegates attending. Nga Kor Ming wanted to send a message to Lim Dynasty that not only in Perak you lost control but even in Selangor there are many people who are not happy with your cocky , arrogant and tokong son ( Lim Guan Eng )
They became so powerful that Lim Kit Siang as the Chief Strategist of DAP do not have a choice but to proceed for DAP internal election in year 2012 although General Election is nearing he still decided to go for it and try best to bring down both Ngeh and Nga in the internal battle to show who is the real boss in DAP at National level. Lim Kit Siang game plan almost succeeded where Ngeh Koo Ham almost lost his bid for DAP CEC to be at the 20th position although being such an influential man in DAP. Even Kulasegaran did way much more better than Ngeh Koo Ham in the election. Another message send to Ngeh who is the real boss where you even lose to my dog ( right hand man – Kulasegaran ) in the CEC ranking.
Earlier , both Ngeh and Nga trying to plot their influence in DAP Youth ( DAPSY ) where they openly campaign and back up Wong Kah Woh ( their Perak aide ) to fought against Lim Dynasty man through Antony Loke to bring up Teo Kok Seong. Again , Ngeh lost to Lim Dynasty in the battle of the Youth Wing.
Since no secret can be kept forever therefore the news of both Ngeh and Nga RM 30 million logging project scandal corruption already reach to Lim Kit Siang hand way earlier . As a experienced and great politician Lim Kit Siang is keeping this issue in his hand to wait for the right time to strike. Since he had failed to totally kill of both Nga and Ngeh in DAP internally and when they still made it to top 20 without even the blessings of the Lim Dynasty DAP list.
A day after the election Lim Kit Siang plot his way to use a neutral source to leak out this corruption scandal to top UMNO leadership and the next day ( 2 days after the election ) it became a big news in the media and DAP let both Ngeh and Nga fought this battle alone until today.
Another sources from DAP claimed that they question why leak out this type of information to bring down the party when General Election is nearing ? According to Lim Kit Siang he had fought many political battle and had been in politic for many years. He knew this issue will never affect the confidence and support of the Chinese community towards DAP. It will only be a liability to 2 individual and not the entire political party. We have already got safe deposit of 70 – 80% of Chinese support in majority of area in entire Malaysia. They community hatred is so much against MCA and BN that even no matter what DAP did they will still support us. Then that person ask Kit Siang again what if people knew you leak it out ? He say politics is an art of manipulation. We just need to deceive the public that DAP do have integrity to even exposed our own people corruption.
The lesson of the story will be NEVER EVER MESS UP WITH LIM DYNASTY INSIDE DAP.
Actually what Kit Siang said is true where no matter how corrupted is DAP leaders proven to be the public will just shut their eyes on them.
Now when this issue surface . Not only it never affect DAP at all but even DAP Cyber Troopers and their hardcore supporter can continue to defend DAP and push all the blame to UMNO and BN . Hail Lim Kit Siang for shooting 2 birds with 1 stone ( Ngeh , Nga and BN ).

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