
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, January 7, 2013

We now await Muhyiddin's rebuttal to Khalid

YOURSAY 'Is it any wonder why the DPM is figuratively quaking in his boots? I have yet to read about the DPM's rebuttal against Khalid's argument.'

Umno-BN, stop the lies against Selangor

your sayMoontime: What else can we expect from DPM Muhyiddin Yassin who faces the bleak prospect of losing his job after the next GE?

Umno's culture of spreading lies, slander and half-truths is long ingrained - hence the statement by the DPM.

Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim is right in admonishing Muhyiddin by highlighting all the achievements after Pakatan Rakyat took over the state government. Judging by the state's performance, I believe that Pakatan is ready to form the federal government.

Is it any wonder why the DPM is figuratively quaking in his boots out of fear? I have yet to read about the DPM's rebuttal against Khalid's argument.

I doubt it very much the DPM has the intelligence and clear sense of mind to do it anyway, as he is just Dr Mahathir Mohamad's minion.

The former PM should realise by now that he is an expert in nurturing minions not leaders. All good leaders have left Umno as a result of his own doing. You reap what you sow, Tun M.

Mangodurian: When Najib Razak took over Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as PM, we were relieved and hopeful that the new blood educated at a missionary school and holds a proper university degree would change for the better.

That thinking was old school. We were just looking for different shades from the same BN colour.

We were so ingrained in BN rule that we forgot that there are other colours, and now, we really see the light that instead of hoping for different shades, we indeed can feel the entire colour should be changed.

Realis: From the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selango (MES) website, a whopping RM586,303,080 was spent for "free" water - 76 percent of the total RM766,913,379. What a waste!

This is the kind of things that the state government cannot back track as a result of its election promise. So much for a clean and kind government.

Changeagent: Realis, RM586,303,080 spent of free water is about the same amount that Najib and cronies pocketed from one submarine purchase deal alone.

Of course, that is just a drop in the ocean compared to the RM872.8 billion of illicit outflow from the country between 2001 and 2010. So much for the type of 'clean' and 'kind' government that BN is.

Clever Voter: It is rare to have a sincere and committed government as demonstrated by the excellent performance of the current Selangor MB and his team.

Let's not waste time listening to the lies and the deception perpetuated by the DPM, whose government is exactly what he described of the Selangor government.

Anonymous #99251194: I have to confess that I voted one state seat to the BN and one parliament seat to the opposition in the last election.

After seeing Pakatan rule for four years in Selangor, I will definitely vote 100 percent for Pakatan and I also insist that all my family and relatives to vote Pakatan to Putrajaya in this GE13.

Bash: I can tell you that 2020 will surely arrived and it does not matter if we have achieved 'developed' status.

Without real money in the pocket, a decent quality of life, clean environment, peaceful mind and a government that works for all, that status will be meaningless.

Worst still, if the gap between the rich and poor widens, the result will be disastrous. Indeed, 2020 is not an end point, it is just the beginning, hopefully of a better future for all Malaysians and future generations.

Civil Servant: An amazing article by Khalid. I will keep my migration plans aside for now.

Hermit: Khalid is the finest MB in Malaysia. His administration displays the highest standard of good governance.

If only Malaysia could have all its MBs and CMs standing tall like Khalid, this nation in no time could redeem the disgrace of 50 years exploited by Umno-BN.

Confused: This is what I call a quality MB who speaks sense and provides basis and justification for his arguments. Well done Selangor government, we are proud and happy of your administration.

Ong Guan Sin: Within just four short years, the truth is clear for the rakyat to see and so much more painful for the Umno-BN to endure.

Not only has the Pakatan state government under Khalid exposed the corrupt regime prior to 2008, it has proved to the rakyat that Pakatan is a credible alternative to rule Putrajaya.

And now we witness the third dimension of Khalid's government - the blocking of Umno-BN conspiracies to siphon public resources for their cronies and leaders, including the Langat 2 project and the recent Raja Ropiaah Raja Abdullah-Deepak Jaikishan land deal.

No wonder Umno-BN is so determined to bring the Khalid government down.

Queenie: A question that will have no reply from the BN cybertroopers: Which past MB of Selangor was not corrupt? - Malaysiakini

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