
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Yet another towering Malay cut down to size

YOURSAY 'Bravo Azrul! This is what professionalism is all about. You stood up to be counted, by refusing to lie and expressing an honest opinion.'

Bank Islam chief economist suspended

your sayLittleGiant: What happened to Azrul Azwar, the chief economist of Bank Islam, can also happen to any executive or senior professional in the country's banking and finance industry.

It is a clear warning to all senior executives in the corporate sector to 'toe the line' and not to say or do anything that Umno-BN does not favour, no matter how realistic or how truthful the report or the analysis is.

So much for BN government trumpeting about their liberalisation policies for a free and just society.

Anonymous #19098644: Bank Islam says that it is the personal opinion of its chief economist and does not have anything to do with the bank. If that is so then why is the bank suspending Azrul for articulating and presenting what is his personal opinion?

If he is representing the bank then Bank Islam can take action. However, if it is his personal opinion then it is persecuting Azrul for having a personal opinion that is not favourable to the ruling party.

Ferdtan: For crying out loud, it was only an opinion by Azrul that he predicted a narrow victory by the opposition Pakatan Rakyat in the 13th GE. How can that be the cause for his suspension by the bank?

It makes a laughing stock of Bank Islam. This has definitely spoilt its image as a progressive and professional financial institution. Who would in his/her right mind wants to seek financial consultancy from the bank with such a tainted image?

No advertisements can repair its tattered corporate reputation by this cowardly act against its employee. On top of that, the name of the bank should be changed - there is nothing Islamic in the action by the management.

Where is the justice for a person who is brave enough to express his own opinion?

Dr Nik M Zain: Azrul, you are working with Bank Islam and you should comply with the procedures and policy of your employer. If you are interested in politics, then be a politician. I cannot blame your employer for suspending you.

James_3392: Azrul is an economist, and a new political landscape will have tremendous impact on any economy. Therefore analysing potential changes to a political landscape is an integral part of economic analysis.

Azrul is doing a job that is very basic to his profession. Whether his analysis/opinion is accurate is for his audience to judge. He is putting his reputation on the line.

The action taken by Bank Islam is counter productive, not only for the bank but to BN and our country as a whole.

FellowMalaysian: Azrul Azwar showed true grit, courage and tenacity in defending his beliefs on the results of upcoming GE13 voting scenarios.

He has also predicted the possibility of BN being returned triumphant in one of his senarios, but obviously his service as chief economist in Bank Islam was not suspended because of this reason.

The action taken against Azrul by Bank Islam showed that this bank is managed by and under the control of BN cronies who will leave no stones unturned in its effort to quell dissents of the ruling government.

We witness yet another atrocious and vicious act by BN in using their might to intimidate dissonant voices. Using foul tactics to suppress freedom of expression by a regime which professed to be the best democracies in the world speaks little of its sincerity in fulfilling its promises.

Ex-Wfw: Azrul, Umno is fearful of people like you, capable of thinking outside the box built by them. Anyway, it is only your projection based on what you know and understand.

Are they implying that you have accessed to such vital information that your reading was death accurate? This only prove how desperate Umno-BN is; a sure sign of self-destruction in progress.

It is such action that will hasten its downfall; being desperate, you can do silly things in life: and here is one.

Ah Boss: I would have thought that Bank Islam would be more Islamic. Is it haram to speak the truth, or at least to say what you believe to be the truth?

Faz: Bravo Azrul! This is what professionalism is all about. You stood up to be counted, by refusing to lie and expressing an honest opinion.

Still, you might be wrong, but to be punished for expressing it was uncalled for. I suppose, you are saying that if expressing an honest opinion is wrong, then you prefer to be wrong, in the face of the Umnoputras.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Analysts in Malaysia can only remain as analysts if one only predicts a big BN win in GE13 and paints a false but rosy picture of the Malaysian economy.

Otherwise, you will get sacked. This is the level and extent of dishonesty practiced by the Umno-BN establishment in this country.

Observor: How can Bank Islam humiliate an enlightened and intelligent Malay who see the nation's ‘future' and was honest and bold enough to speak the truth.
Sorry, by suspending Azhrul, the truth will certainly not go away. It's sad that BN cannot accept the truth; the reality of them losing the next election has not sunk into them.

Hopeful123: The government can tolerate intelligent Chinese and Indians, but not one intelligent Malay.
It really makes them shiver in their pants because they know that their jolly good times of robbing, plunder and rape will be over when too many Malays get more intelligent.

That is why the education policy is so screwed up. Everything in Malay in the name of promoting the language. The Malays must open their eyes to the reality and do the right thing.

Anonymous #76965586: Imagine that the kind of environment which you are living doesn't allow differences of opinions. You will be punished if you don't fully submit to the authorities, regardless of right or wrong.

You have to follow their rules, otherwise you will be destroyed. What kind of Malaysia is that?

JooGuan: Just wondering, if Azrul had predicted that BN will win in all three scenarios, would he still be suspended? - Malaysiakini

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