
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Indians And The DAP

Folks, do click on this link and read the latest DAP Insider's expose  :   DAP Political Strategist says DAP has lost a major segment of Indian votes (Part 1) 

These folks, whoever they are, seem to have the quality that is crucial to mold a truly multi-racial nation - honesty. They are saying it like it is - just like OutSyed The Box. If we are going to go anywhere as a united nation, then we must be honest. Just speak plainly and without anger.Apa susah sangat?  

In their latest posting, DAP Insider says that the Indians have been shortchanged by the DAP as well as the Pakatan. The Indian support for the Pakatan (especially the DAP) is well below 50%. Here are some choice snippets from DAP Insider. Do read the rest yourself.

  • First off, PM Najib has focused much of his efforts on the Indian community and they now can reach him directly 
  • promises are no use unless they are fulfilled. That is why BN’s “Janji Ditepati” campaign has great traction amongst Indians. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
  • The Chinese had never supported the Indians at any time. The Chinese were opportunists, they only use the Indians for their hard work with low wages.Even after getting overwhelming support in 2008, Pakatan Rakyat has failed to do much for the Indians.
  • The DAP is even worse – there is no real concrete program to uplift the Indians from their plight. Ramasamy claims he is an expert on Indian affairs but I have yet to see any blueprint from him or the DAP
  • Hannah Yeoh tried her stunt with the “Anak Malaysia” thing to register her daughter’s birth but ended up choosing to state that her daughter is Chineseinstead of Indian.  What a great hypocrisy and insult to the Indian man who is her husband. 
  • why did Hannah Yeoh NOT OBJECT to such an insertion of Chinese as the race of her daughter? See, the Indians are not stupid and blind – they see this and they know and recognize it as racism and they vote with their feet
  • most of the leaders from the DAP have truly failed to understand the mentality of Indians. They keep thinking at the same angle as the hypocrites from PKR and DAP but Indians are not idiots and they know what is good for them. They hate the hypocrisy and racist mentality of the Chinese in DAP and sadly this is true.
Wow!  A truck load of DAP horse shit has just been dumped in public. 

I like this point  "They hate the hypocrisy and racist mentality of the Chinese in DAP and sadly this is true".  

Here I have to remind the reader of the late JB Jeyaratnam in Singapore. Jeyaratnam was the fearless Opposition leader in Singapore who opposed the PAP (the parent of the DAP) and Lee Kuan Yew tooth and nail. He had two sons, one of whom (if I recall right) wrote a book where he described the Indians in Singapore as 'curry leaves' or 'daun kari' in Malay.  

The curry leaves are used to flavour curry only and then they are thrown away. It is not eaten. The PAP in Singapore used the Indians as the 'curry leaves' - contribute quietly and then stay in the background.  

This seems to be happening again in the DAP. Dont forget to check out DAP Insider today. 

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