
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 21, 2013

PKR to exploit loophole to stymie Boustead land deal

PKR's political bureau gave its go-ahead for director of strategy Rafizi Ramli to exploit a loophole in the contract of a controversial Boustead Holdings Berhad land deal, involving a company owned by Selangor Wanita Umno chief Raja Ropiaah Raja Abdullah.

"It was decided that I shall write in officially to the Selangor government to request that they initiate compulsory acquisition of the land, under the Land Code," Rafizi told Malaysiakini.

"A clause in the contract states that if any authority were to put in notice or initiate compulsory acquisition over the land involved, then there are grounds for the company to terminate the contract," explained Rafizi.

"I can initiate legal action to nullify the contract as minority shareholder to protect my interest in the company (from a lopsided deal). But I need something to go to court with (the compulsory acquisition by the state)."

NONEHe saw no barriers to the acquisition as the land was not utilised for the purpose of building an army camp as when the state ceded it to the federal land commissioner, in the 80s.

The matter, Rafizi (left) believes, also involves safeguarding the interest of public.

"This is prime land. I think there are other uses for it which are more beneficial to the public then to give it to Raja Ropiaah.

"Some consideration may be involved though, as it involves compensation - we have to see if it makes economic sense," he said.

He explained that while representatives from the state government were also at the meeting, he still had to write in officially to them as procedurally, the party apparatus and state government are separate entities.
Findings tabled
The decision was made at the political bureau's meeting yesterday evening where Rafizi tabled his findings regarding the Boustead documents that he was allowed to peruse as a minority shareholder.

He had previously bought one block of shares in Boustead to have access to two contracts:

1) A tripartite land development deal between Boustead's wholly owned subsidiary Bakti Wira Sdn Bhd, Raja Ropiaah owned Awan Megah Sdn Bhd and Astacanggih Sdn Bhd that once belonged to controversial carpet trader Deepak Jaikishan.
2) The papers detailing Bakti Wira's acquisition of Astacanggih from Deepak (right).

The clause he was referring to is in the tripartite land deal mentioned above.

It first courted controversy when Deepak, frustrated with Raja Ropiaah for allegedly "cheating" him out of his fair share of the multimillion ringgit 223-acre land deal, mounted a one man crusade to expose what he claimed were abuses in the award of the contract.

He also disclosed the alleged involvement of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and family in corruption, and the cover up of the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Different angle
PKR attacked the deal on a different angle, alleging that military veterans and servicemen's contributions managed by military trust LTAT, were being used to finance the deal to bail out Raja Ropiaah and pay off Deepak for his silence.

LTAT owns 60 percent of Boustead with its funds heavily invested in the government linked investment and development company.

From the documents he perused, Rafizi had yesterday detailed"bonuses" and windfall that Boustead through Bakti Wira accorded to Raja Ropiaah's Awan Megah but omitted to disclose to Bursa Malaysa.

He also claimed that the contract for Bakti Wira to acquire Astacanggih also contained a gag order on Deepak which he believes confirms his theory that it was an attempt to silence the carpet trader.
Malaysiakini has contacted Boustead's official representatives to verify Rafizi's claims but has yet to receive a reply.

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