
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Treachery in Johor?

Yesterday my hero Bhai Karpal said what I've been saying all along about Chua Jui Meng (CJM) - see The Malaysian Insider's Karpal says Jui Meng’s intentions ‘suspect’ in Johor DAP-PKR spat.

CJM left the MCA party for PKR ONLY AFTER he was unsuccessful in his attempt for a deputy presidential post.

He knew with Chua Soi Lek and Liow Tiong LIE controlling the party delegates he would have diddly squat chance of ever getting into the MCA top two posts. So he left for what he hoped would be greener pastures in Pakatan's taxi sapu, PKR.

But in leaving MCA for PKR he forgot to inform many of his MCA supporters, abandoning them to gasp for air when they heard of his shock departure from MCA. I know one of these supporters who had been so faithful to him - bloke expressed his utter frustration with such a 'leader'.

Politicians casting off or abandoning supporters (after using them) reminded me of a Chinese kungfu movie where the warlords were playing f* with their respective supporters who fought valiantly for them. The movie had the two opposing warring warlords having a friendly get-together, indulging in an orgy of women, wine and feast while gambling on fighting crickets - the bet was for the loser to withdraw from an agreed sector their men were then fighting over. Of course the movie script called for the loser of the cricket game to vacate his sector which many of his soldiers had just won after dying fighting for.

Such could be the callousness and lack of considerations of some 'leaders'. Hmmm, I wonder whether Gobalakrishnan is reading my post, wakakaka.

In a previous post Malaysia's Papal 'Indulgences' I had written about the medieval Catholic Church selling 'indulgences' which were religious 'pardons' for sins extended by the Church to those who could pay for them.

I stated that a papal ‘indulgence’ released a sinner from bearing the spiritual burden of all his or her naughty thoughts and misdeeds. The more money one paid, the more sins were pardoned, until there was a belief that sinners could buy their way into becoming a saint and thus allowed automatic entry into heaven ...

... which then led to the Great Reformation in Europe, and its subsequent similar* problems, especially in America.

* similar in many ways to medieval papal 'indulgences', wakakaka

In Malaysia we have such 'sanctified indulgences' too but of a political kind. But whether one needs to pay and in what form would depend on the political party. 

For example, PAS' Pak Haji Nik Aziz had in an earlier election (2004) promised those who voted for PAS would virtually get a ticket to heaven. 

Chinese and Indian towkays also had enjoyed, are enjoying and no doubt will enjoy 'indulgences' from UMNO and friends, where their 'heaven' is presided by the God of Wealth, wakakaka.

During PKR's wooing of MIC wannabe defectors*, MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek had expressed puzzlement as to how the supposed sinners (MIC wannabe defectors) who leave BN to join PKR could become overnight saints.

* wooing MIC wannabe defectors is essential as there has been a high turnover of Indians in PKR - don't believe me? ask Nallakaruppan, Gobalakrishnan, wakakaka.

Overnight saints? Mucho ‘indulgences’ then, wakakaka.

I also recall RPK had once written a piece that raised this same question about CJM, formerly one of MCA top leaders and now a PKR Vice President. In fact, CJM is PKR’s top bloke in Johor.

RPK has not only pointed out CJM’s ‘record’ as BN Health Minister but also posted this.

But let’s ignore RPK lah since many of you who previously adored him now detest him, wakakaka.

On the basis that CJM has been entrusted by none other than the Great One to spearhead PKR’s campaign in Johor, a state identified by Pakatan (not just PKR) as a vital election battle ground in GE-13, we have to accept that CJM, despite his not inconsiderable MCA background and what RPK has written about him, has no doubt been beatified and then canonized, and is now a saint, all thanks to the Great One who has already granted an ‘indulgence’ for lucky CJM, wakakaka.

Alas, we now have Karpal complaining about St Chua JM. Is Bhai Karpal playing Dr Mahathir's role, namely, that of the Devil, wakakaka?

No, it's just that CJM misread Anwar's appointment of him as head of PKR’s campaign in Johor. He thought he was head of Pakatan's campaign in Johor, wakakaka! 

Don't you think he and Azmin Ali share such similar mistaken beliefs, wakakaka - thunderous applause please, wakakaka again.

In another post Fixed deposits? What interests? I wrote of CJM as follows:

I am reminded he was once in MCA, and while we shouldn't hold that against him as we shouldn't hold an UMNO past against Anwar, there are conditions for excusing his MCA background, equally as there would be for Anwar Ibrahim's UMNO lamentable track record.

Chua Jui Meng (CJM)

For CJM, his move to Pakatan would have been more credible (like Zaid Ibrahim's) if he had left when he was still in power, such as in a party or/and ministerial position, thus indicating his preparedness to sacrifice his power, position and privilege because of his repentance in being a part of an ineffectual MCA leadership or recognizing the BN's general poor performance in governance, transparency and accountability.

He only joined PKR after he lost his bid to be a deputy president of MCA, very much like another sour grape, Anwar Ibrahim, who crooned reformasi only after he was kicked out of UMNO but not while he was in that party for 16 years, ...

... unlike Zaid Ibrahim who voluntarily resigned from his ministerial post under the AAB government to leave UMNO so as to come over to Pakatan.

What is this great rinsing party then (or Party Kan Rinse, wakakaka)?

The truth is that PKR (if we leave out the PRM component) has been KeADILan has been UMNO. It undeniably possesses UMNO genes and characteristics though it claims to be multi-racial, a claim somewhat discredited by Anwar Ibrahim's poor treatment of many of its erstwhile Indian members who left in droves, hence the necessary recruiting drive from MIC, wakakaka - but then, if they hadn't, would Azmin Ali have a chance of becoming party deputy president and one day no doubt the party president?

So while the ex-UMNO members represent the core of PKR (the ‘inner coterie’) and dominate the party policies and decision making, and precisely because of all these, the nons want so desperately to demonstrate their relevance in the party.

Guess what, there's the PKR Chinese faction, with its unspoken faction leadership reputed to have been originally assumed by Tian Chua, though I now wonder what with CJM in the party, what threat would he pose to the leadership of Tian Chua?

Anyway, long before all these, Tian Chua had been well aware that his Heavenly Snake* faction might not have a role at all in PKR other than as a multiracial window dressing for the party, if Anwar Ibrahim were to see and accept DAP as the Pakatan component to be given responsibility for constituencies with significant Chinese and Indian numbers.

*HS being a pun on his name of TC, wakakaka

Yes, Tian Chua had realised that while the Malay (ex UMNO) bloc of PKR would electorally contest against UMNO, his Chinese section would encounter difficulty in staking out ‘green pastures’ as the DAP had already been grazing on those plots for eons.

Thus, in order to prevent such a terrifying Pakatan status quo from setting in to the disadvantage of the Heavenly Snake faction, it wasn't strange that Tian Chua targeted the DAP rather than the MCA (or Gerakan), especially in the earlier days when Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang were talking about PKR and DAP (and PAS) forming a loose pact to defeat the BN.

He and/or his cohorts had the treacherous habit of making pre-emptive strikes against DAP on issues of seats allocation, by making unilateral media announcements of seat allocations for Pakatan (not PKR) which strangely, if you believe in coincidences wakakaka, usually favoured PKR. 

Azmin Ali has been one who also indulges in pre-emptive strikes on seats allocation against PKR’s Pakatan allies, wakakaka.

Of course those 'unilateral' announcements meant that DAP leaders would, after reading the morning news, invariably exclaim 'WTF!' wakakaka.

I get the uncomfy feeling that CJM has taken over this role of treating DAP as the enemy from my fave wannabe-martyr Tian Chua, wakakaka.

Let me just show you the DNA of PKR's Chinese faction from one of my earlier posts in January 2008 just prior to the March elections, Two tigers on one Opposition mountain (just a short extract):

Isn't it a bit rich of a PKR with zero presence in Perak to make such bully boy demands? Well, why stop there? Why not ignore the Lim-Anwar agreed formula and ask the DAP to surrender all its traditionally contested seats?

Then to add insult to avarice, the PKR has actually demanded Ipoh Timor, which so happens to be Lim Kit Siang’s own constituency. Lim Kit Siang was so disgusted with the PKR claim to his own seat that he remarked:

“If Perak PKR leaders are so insistent in wanting to contest in Ipoh Timur, let there be an agreement where a three-cornered fight is allowed for Ipoh Timur involving DAP and PKR, provided full agreement on a one-to-one fight against the Barisan Nasional for all other parliamentary and state assembly seats is immediately reached for Perak.”

Such was the treachery of PKR, to even demand the constituency of Lim Kit Siang!

When I remember the alleged disgusting behavior of PKR towards PRM which I posted in Is renaissance reformasi PKR scared of tiny little PRM? I hope the DAP will not give in an inch.

Leaving Islamic PAS aside, only one tiger may stay on Mount Opposition. 

Today DAP again faces treachery from PKR in Johor.

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