
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Key to our future is not with Mahathir

The question is, what does Mahathir want to achieve?
It’s been nine years since former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad “retired” from the political arena. His “retirement” came after 22 years of steering the wheel as the prime minister of Malaysia, thus making him one of the longest world leaders holding the position as a prime minister.
As prime minister, he is responsible for introducing the F1 formula race to Malaysian shores, the construction of the Petronas Twin Towers, the construction of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya as well as a long list of other mega projects.
As a still influential and widely respected statesman, he had the opportunity to live this retirement in peace and is no longer involved in the world of dirty politics. Yet, in this run-up to the 13th general election (GE13), he chose otherwise.
At one end, we see Mahathir as a respected statesman, reminding the public on the importance of remembering Malaysian history, yet the readers of his blog as well as his media statements might think otherwise.
Remembering history is vital, but remembering history through one myopic scope and not a panoramic view is not an idea to be encouraged.
Lately, Mahathir can be seen digging up the old ghosts of racial sentiments. He ominously warns the Malays that Lim Kit Siang’s win in Gelang Patah will bring bad news to Malays and at the same time, he is seen criticising and condemning the Malays as forgetful and lazy.
He endorses the screening of the controversial film “Tanda Putera” to Malaysians. According to him, “if a race controls certain interests and the other does not, it will spell out anger and this is not good for the country”.
Also not forgetting is his harsh criticism of the opposition which, according to Mahathir, has the tendency to politicise racial-based and religious issues.
Yet, before he shoots the opposition for raising racial sentiments and politicising religious issues, it was he himself who endorsed the call by Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) president, Ibrahim Ali, to burn Bibles containing the word “Allah” in those Bibles.
Adding insult to injury, Mahathir also noted that the burning of illegal books is a normal procedure.
His indefatigable support of the controversial Ibrahim does not end there. He is also seen supporting Ibrahim to contest a seat in this coming GE13.
According to Mahathir, the purpose of Ibrahim establishing Perkasa was not to promote himself, but to campaign on behalf of Barisan Nasional. Hence, Ibrahim is a man that deserved to be given a position.
The relationship between Mahathir and Perkasa is a symbiotic one. Mahathir gives his support to Perkasa and Perkasa gives Mahathir the opportunity to speak at its general meeting.
Mahathir reportedly warns of the possibility of the tragedy of May 13, 1969 recurring if it is forgotten by Malaysians. Yet it is he himself who is fanning the sparks of racism by stating that DAP’s Kit Siang is content if the Chinese hate the Malays.
In the same news report, Mahathir also noted that DAP is always undertaking measures to create a hostile environment between the Malays and the Chinese.
He asserts that peace and progressive development in Malaysia will never materialise if we were to squabble among ourselves. And yet, at the same time, it is he himself who encourages discrimination and prejudice between those two races.

What does he want?

This is the total opposite of what Mahathir said two years ago when he advised MCA to refrain itself from entertaining extremist groups if MCA wanted Umno to do the same with Perkasa, which was categorised as racist by MCA.
Yet Mahathir himself continues his support for extremist parties such as his backing for Perkasa.
In his relentless efforts to fan racial sentiments, Mahathir asserts that since DAP is carrying on the Malaysian Malaysia agenda (based on Singapore’s People’s Action Party), DAP is also fighting for the same concept of meritocracy which decreases the opportunities for the Malays in the field of economy and education.
According to him, meritocracy is not about a partnership; it is instead all about the winner taking all.
Mahathir paints a picture of PKR and PAS as political parties that manipulate and use the Malays while DAP is painted as a party that only wants to defeat the Malays as if the Malays are their enemy.
Yet, when one reads his blog writing as well as reads his media statements or his opinions in the media, readers are able to picture him as not as a proponent of unity between races in Malaysia.
The question is, what does Mahathir want to achieve?
He wants development for Malaysia. He wants Malaysia to be a developed nation as that is why he implemented the mega projects such as the Petronas Twin Towers, Putrajaya as well as Cyberjaya.
He wants the Malaysian name to be recognised on the world stage. Yet at the same time, he flames the fire of racial sentiments, pitting the Chinese and Malays against each other.
He describes the Chinese as a race that is is prejudicial towards the Malays and asserts that the Malays needs to protect themselves against the Chinese. And in his mind, this protection comes in the form of Malays supporting BN, Umno as well as Perkasa as only those three political parties can protect the interests of the Malays.
Let’s not forget that he himself describes the Malays as ungrateful and lazy bunch.
This igniting of racial sentiments has placed the Malaysian name on the world stage along with Mahathir’s mega projects and other achievements, however, it does not paint a rosy picture of Malaysia as planned by Mahathir.
Instead, is paints Malaysia as a country centered on racism and race politics. The Malaysian identity as a moderate Islamic state is sullied by the messy relationship Malaysia has with racism.
Is this the legacy planned to be left behind by Mahathir? A broken and a disunited country? Because that is where Malaysia is heading if race politics is played in repeat by Mahathir.
His special right
He want the Malays to be united and prosperous yet he himself has shown the tendency to belittle, criticise and humiliate any efforts demonstrated by the Malays.
He wants unity but he continuously supports the efforts of a political party that is associated with racist acts.
In a nutshell, Mahathir’s real intention is to stay relevant in the eyes of Malaysians as well as his beloved political arena.
He does not want to be forgotten by Malaysians nor his political colleagues. He has held the position of a prime minister for 22 years. It cannot be an easy task for him to let go of all that power and influence to someone else.
Power and influence are both very addictive. Having the power to decide the direction of those who depend on you is an addictive drug. So is having the power to steer the direction of a nation and having the freedom to defend you own private political interest.
Letting off of something that you have hold on for so long is never an easy thing to do.
Mahathir’s addiction on power and influence lead him to this path. He reminisces his days in the office of the prime minister. He is not a senile old man. He is a statesman and former prime minister that still has influences particularly within the political parties of Umno and BN.
As per the words of George Orwell “ all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. In his mind, that is what he thinks of himself. He opines that he deserves more than others for his ‘service’ to this country.
He realised that the only way for him to attract attention from his political buddies is to dig and unearth racial politics whilst placing the strategically placed blame on the opposition parties.
Since he is a political animal, it is not surprising for a seasoned politician who have spent so long of his life in the political world that he would anything to crawl back into the political world post retirement.
What else could be the reason for Mahathir to dig up racial sentiments if it were not for his addiction for the political world? The old thorn of race should not be dug up to come back and haunt Malaysians who want a different stroke for Malaysia based on transparency, honesty and meritocracy.
It is this meritocratic nature that scares Mahathir because he believes the Malays do not have the drive or capabilities to improve themselves. He believes he is the only qualified driver of the Malay fate.
Those notions are however far from true. The Malays do have the drive as much as the want to steer their own futures. The Malays have the ability to rise up to the challenge without any political meddling or the words of a politician. So is the Chinese. The Chinese do not hate the Malays and vice versa.
Mahathir may be a former prime minister, a politician and a statesman, but those does not give him special rights over others. He does not hold the key of Malaysia’s future.
It is the Malaysians themselves who hold the key for their own future. If he realises this, then he would not have taken this path. Because in the end, is the collective opinion of Malaysians that matter and not the opinions of one politician.
The commentary piece is submitted by Political Studies for Change (KPRU) think tank

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