
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 23, 2013

A journey of no return for detained Indians

YOURSAY ‘The moral of the story is, don't be an Indian in Malaysia. If you get caught by the police, it's a journey of no return.'

Worst custodial death case since Kugan, says Surendran

your sayP Dev Anand Pillai: The Indians will never learn. Despite all the promises and the "nambikei" which the revered leader of their choice asked of them, they are still culled like goats. This will be another cover-up and another number added to the statistics.

Indian life is cheap and this is proven time and again and yet we hear of so many Indian boys and girls waiting in line to join the uniformed units of the civil service.

Whatever happened to the Indian MPs from the MIC, the deputy minister of Hindraf-BN and those from the rest of the Indian-based parties?

Bender: Don't be surprised if someone later claims that N Dharmendran stapled his own ear and that he fell down while doing it (thus explaining the other injuries in one fell swoop).

And Utusan Malaysia and TV3 will play that story over and over again until 'no further action' is stamped on Dharmendran's file.

Pahatian: The moral of the story is, if one may, don't be an Indian in Malaysia. If you get caught by the police, it's a journey of no return. Deputy Minister P Waythamoorthy, what have you got to say?

Cala: The Indian community has been marginalised, sidelined, and bullied by the powers-that-be in the past few decades. Their sorrowful stories are no longer a secret (see Rasiah, 2011, ed.).

How can Malaysians hold their heads high if this minority community is ignored? Where is democracy? Where is human rights? Where is righteousness?

First, can we not establish that the duty of the police is to maintain law and order.
Second, one is supposed to be innocent unless found guilty of an offence to be determined by a court of law and nobody else.
Third, following from the above, if an ordinary citizen is found dead in the police custody, the officers on duty are deemed to have committed a wrongdoing.

They must be charged with a crime as they have used the police station as a torture chamber as if we are in the middle of a war.

Finally, who else but deputy minister Waythamoorthy should help the family of the deceased (Dharmendran) since this is one of his official duties - to account for and to reduce the number of deaths of the Indians under police custody.

It looks like the Umno-led BN regime is back to their old habits.

Visu: PKR vice-president N Surendran must first ask Dharmendran's family whether they voted for Pakatan Rakyat or BN. If they voted for BN, then please insist that they be justly rewarded.

If they had been aware of A Kugan, C Sugumar and all the other custodial deaths then they would not have voted for BN or MIC.

Of course, if they had been with the opposition then they should be supported with all the necessary efforts to bring these murderous police officers to justice.

Hang Tuah PJ: Why Waythamoorthy? Aren't Indian Malaysians the rakyat as well? Do we need a Chinese minister to resolve Chinese problems or a Malay minister to resolve Malay problems.

Is Waytha the minister for Indian affairs? In Singapore, do they need a minister for Indians or a minister for Chinese?

The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) should protect all rakyat, irrespective of our skin colour or religion.
Why are they behaving worse than animals? Is human life so cheap? How can they see such suffering and pain? And how can anyone condone this?

So why should we need Waytha? By the way, I am a Muslim.

Multi Racial: We can see the rot within the BN government. Illegal acts seem to be swept under the carpet. Not a single people's representative from BN spoke against the matter.

It is always the opposition which goes to great lengths to expose such wrongdoings. My God, what has happened to this country?

Tiru: This is not about politics or race. This is about human life. No one should die in the hands of the police.

If a person who is detained is sick, he must be given immediate medical attention.
The police should not wait to see if the detainee is play acting. This is the only way deaths like this can be prevented.

The police should also be accountable and they should come out with a statement on the matter before anyone else. This is called transparency.

What have the police and the higher-ups learned from the earlier custodial deaths?
How do you give us, the rakyat, confidence in the police force when this repeatedly happens.

Anonyxyz: Waytha's response: Give me five years and I will resolve this case.

Baiyuensheng: My heart aches and I am in disbelief. Dharmendran, please go in peace knowing you will suffer no more and going back to God's embrace.
However, for us, the torch of justice will continue to shine. - Malaysiakini

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