
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Black 505 Kuantan dan NGO Melayu minta boikot perniagaan Cina...

Himpunan 'Black 505' di Kuantan...

'Suara Rakyat Suara Keramat' yang asalnya dijadualkan di Kuantan malam ini terpaksa ditukar lokasi ke Dataran Rakyat berdepan dengan Markas PKR di Jalan Beserah.. 

Menurut setiausaha PKR Pahang Kamaruzaman Mohd Yunus, lokasi asal yang dicadangkan bagi perhimpunan 'Black 505' itu adalah di Padang Mahkota Aman di Kuantan.

Bagaimanapun, mereka terpaksa memindahkan lokasi perhimpunan tersebut, hasil rundingan dengan wakil polis daerah Kuantan semalam, katanya.

Photo: Sambutan di Kuantan...

Photo: 8:15pm

照片提供: cykuan chan

Photo: 10:10pm

照片转至:Choy Poh Wan

 NGO Melayu gesa boikot perniagaan dimiliki Cina...

Beberapa NGO Melayu tampil menggesa kaum itu memboikot perniagaan dan produk terkenal milik pengusaha Cina kerana didakwa mendanai pembangkang dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13.

Ketua Aktivis Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM), Datuk Nadzim Johan berkata, tindakan entititi perniagaan itu telah memecahkan perpaduan dalam negara.

NONESambil menempelak Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Nadzim berkata, langkah itu juga bertujuan menghantar signal kepada syarikat-syarikat berkenaan agar "jangan kurang ajar".

Perniagaan yang mahu diboikot termasuk dua rangkaian kedai makan, rangkaian pasar raya serta jenama roti dan tepung terkenal.

Sementara itu, kenyataan bersamanya gabungan itu yang diedarkan menyebut, ia langkah mudah tetapi berkesan bagi mengekang Anwar daripada terus "menghasut rakyat" dan DAP daripada memperalat orang Cina.

Nadzim bagaimanapun berkata boikot itu buat masa ini ditujukan kepada lima syarikat sahaja kerana dikhuatiri akan menjejaskan kehidupan seharian jika dilakukan secara besar-besaran.

"Kalau kita boikot semua mungkin kita pun tak dapat meneruskan kehidupan," katanya.-malaysiakini

Poooodah... Bila Cina sambut tahun baru mereka, orang2 Melayu dah gelabah,kerana dapor tak bernyala...

NGOs urge boycott of 'Chinese pro-Pakatan' firms...

A group of Islamic NGOs has asked the Malay community to boycott several products and companies belonging to Chinese Malaysians, which it claims funded Pakatan Rakyat in the 13th general election.

NONEMuslim Consumers Association of Malaysia chief activist Nadzim Johan(left) said the actions of these companies have caused disunity in the country.

As such, Nadzim told a press conference this morning, the NGOs wish to “send a signal to the companies concerned not to misbehave”.

Among the products and companies in the firing line are two restaurant chains, a supermarket chain, as well as popular bread and flour brands.

The names of the companies are being withheld pending their reaction to the matter.

In a joint statement that was later distributed, the NGOs said the boycott would be a simple but effective way of curbing PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim from further “inciting the rakyat” and the DAP from making use of the Chinese Malaysian community to “obtain power”.

For now, Nadzim said, the boycott will only target the five companies because a blanket ban on all pro-Pakatan, Chinese-owned products may effect the quality of life of Malaysians.

Asked if the campaign could affect the livelihood of Malays working for such firms, Nadzim stressed that livelihood is the province of God and that Malays should not be worried.

"If only two or three companies (are boycotted), it should not be a problem. God provides. We want Malays not to question this, do not question God's providence," he said.

He further urged Malays to strengthen their economic standing to continue to command the respect of Chinese Malaysians.

"This is the natural order, if we are weak, we are poor, people will not respect us. If the Chinese do not respect us because we are weak, that is the norm," he noted.-malaysiakini


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