
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 19, 2013

BN: A victim of their success ― Terry C

No one is to be blamed for the Malaysian Tsunami except the 55-year-old ruling government. I say this because Malaysians have been spoiled with the opportunity to see the world and be a part of their evolution.
Thanks to the infrastructure you built, 60 per cent of the population have access to the Internet, a third use a smartphone. With a smartphone, I am able to connect and receive instant news from my friends as well as celebrities, not to mention access a global variety of information source, be it CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera and many more.
I am fascinated by Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt (and their multiracial international brood), George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bono, Black Eyed Peas for advocating the good fight against injustice to both nature and humanity worldwide.
I admire Bill Gates and Warren Buffet for pledging more than 80 per cent of their wealth to find a cure to diseases and to promote education.
I have heard of John Lennon ― although he was assassinated not long after I was born. I read about him on Wikipedia. I am inspired by their selfless and noble act and their common intention ― to promote human development and peace. I watch their interviews on YouTube and follow them on Twitter.
What I am disappointed is none of the current ruling government leaders displays such principles, values and humility. There seem to be underlying personal interests in their actions and propaganda. They rely on giving us “little gifts” to pawn us into believing that they are here to fight for our good and then, contradict themselves later by telling us “if you want this, you have to do this for us”.
Now, how can we believe that they are sincere to serve the rakyat after contradicting themselves? Don’t tell us that all these celebrities are bad influence, because their contribution to humanity dwarfs anyone of us by all means.
So thank you TDM and BN for leading the country into this direction. We are and will be forever grateful and indebted to you for giving us an opportunity to open our eyes and see the world. And by being exposed, we also realise that justice is needed for the sake of our nation, and a clear change is the only way to go.
So let me assure you that there is no running away from this. I say this, as I am one of the young and connected Malaysians, who will be voting in the next GE.
So please, figure this out and evolve quickly, or there will be a (more serious) backlash from the rakyat ― surely!
* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.

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