
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, May 20, 2013

“Chinese tsunami” at 13th GE: Implications for all Malaysians

“Chinese tsunami” at 13th GE: Implications for all Malaysians
Barisan Nasional (BN) politicians are still absolutely clueless and retain their foggy ideas about democracy as practiced in the past and have failed to realize that Malaysians no longer want to play by the rules of the past.
The 12th and 13th general elections clearly show that a new Malaysia is emerging and Malaysians now see partisan politics as out-of-sync with the prevailing realities of the country which is really in line with globalization.
What Malaysians of all walks of life want is not being adhered to by BN and that is precisely why the ruling coalition is beginning to lose a lot of ground and support and followers. And it is not just the Chinese who are dead set against the governance of BN.
If read carefully, the popular vote, which is steadily increasing in favor of Pakatan Rakyat (PR), goes to show that more and more Malaysians, as envisaged, are beginning to warm up to PR and are readying the opposition coalition to come to full power.
Clearly, it is merely a matter of time before BN is cut down to size. While this realization by BN is there, that they are going on their way out of favor with the people, the will and determination to change has not really been effected.
Why BN’s transformation is a farce
While on one hand there seems to be this grandiose transformation that is taking place by BN, on the other hand there is great obstinacy and stubbornness to make the changes the people really want to witness.
Therefore, there is this dichotomy between what is happening in the country and what the people wish for in this country. In other words, BN is not actually paying heed to the people. They are still playing by the rules of an old game.
This “old game” that they are playing is to show great favoritism and biasness towards BN-UMNO while forsaking the fundamental principles of parliamentary democracy which is fair play and meritocracy.
Instead of trying to level the playing field, BN’s so-called transformation drive is a mere eyewash as it has not made the changes the people want to see and which most Malaysians find that PR are more capable of pulling off.
What BN’s transformation drive is failing to do, PR’s reformation is beginning to prove that they are able to deliver and having sacrificed so much to allow for the bumiputras to draw level economically with the non-bumiputras through the 30-year tenure of the New Economic Policy (NEP) from 1970-2000, it is time not just for the Chinese community but Indians as well to now enjoy political equality.
Political equality does not exist in Malaysia
The reason why political equality does not exist in Malaysia is simply because of the non-existence of fair play and meritocracy ever since the NEP took effect till now.
Given that the NEP was stated as essential to help and assist bumiputras who were lagging behind (but they were actually lagging by their own doing), the non-bumiputras sacrificed greatly to ensure that economic parity of some kind was achieved.
In the process, the Indian and Chinese share of equity dropped drastically and this is why they have begun the bid to strive for political equality so as to ensure that there exists fair play and meritocracy.
The real quest by non-bumiputras now is to ensure fair play and meritocracy and they have little patience and tolerance for any more excuses from bumiputras that they are still in dire need of affirmative action.
The days of providing affirmative action based on race and religion should be considered as over and must be given no room in this era of globalization and these the non-bumiputras have come to realize.
By roughshod methods and bullying tactics used in the past during the tenure of the NEP, non-bumiputras suffered acutely and though they do not harbor resentment and anger nor have they an axe to grind with the bumiputras, all they want is for egalitarian values to prevail now.
This why the Chinese community has voted favorably in favor of the opposition coalition of PR and have send a strong message, which clearly spells out in no uncertain terms, that any government that holds power in Malaysia must practice political equality, fair play and meritocracy.
The way forward
The backlash suffered by BN in the 13th GE from the Chinese community effectively described as a “Chinese tsunami” has really been fomenting for some time now in the cauldron or melting pot of the Malaysian potpourri.
While the Indian community reacted and voted in the 13th GE in a mixed manner as they appear to have divided loyalties and there was no clear swing to either side of the political divide and the Malays are also seen as gaining interest in the PR manifesto, the Chinese voted wholesale in favor of PR.
This no-nonsense approach by the Chinese community, and without any fears of a backlash from BN-UMNO, shows that the Chinese recognize and value the fact that without them the economy of the nation has no standing whatsoever.
It is attested to and testified that the Chinese and Indian contribution to nation building was continuous and on-going since their arrival to this land while the Malays always seemed to need a crutch to support them with aid and assistance from the British and BN government.
The Chinese and Indian communities believe it is now payback time for all the years that they have sacrificed in giving way to assisting the bumiputras through affirmative action by the NEP and in the form of other guises since the NEP expired.
This is what the Chinese and Indian community believe is the way forward. They feel that they and their families are long overdue with having to bear the seemingly never-ending burden and woes of the bumiputra community in this country.
Time for political equality for all Malaysians
While, if bumiputras wish for further affirmative action, this time around the Chinese and Indian communities do not wish to be the scapegoat, they do not wish for assistance and aid to be given to the bumiputra community at their expense.
By stating and doing so, the Chinese community and to a lesser extent the Indian community have voted with a vengeance against BN. This is why invariably the majority of total votes cast are in favor of PR.
But PR needs to value and treasure the votes that have swung in their favor and go to the ground to try and seek a fresh general election on grounds that the Election Commission and BN failed to comply with the rules and regulations of the election procedures and hence there are irregularities.
These irregularities are enough grounds to seek a fresh and new general election and since the majority of votes belong to PR it does not take a genius to figure out how PR would have fared in a free and fair election.
While there are reasonable grounds and even beyond reasonable doubt to believe that the 13th GE was not conducted in a free and fair manner as any iota of doubt is enough to cast doubts and aspersions on the end result of the elections.
The fact that there is so much information flowing through social media of irregularities in the 13th GE, in all fairness and in equity, both sides of the political divide must go to the ground to call for a free and fair election that is beyond dispute and doubt.
Only then will the cause of parliamentary democracy be served in full and justice and law and order be strengthened and restored in this country as the rightful victors of the 13th GE will then be allowed to helm the country to the wishes and aspirations of the majority.
Let the popular votes, those with the majority votes govern the nation for better or for worse.
Malaysia Chronicle

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