
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Crave For Power, Anwar Lost The Plot

Gross miscalculation on Anwar's part. His narcissistic character and political grandstanding killed his chance of becoming the prime minister. The massive crowd in towns misled him into believing that taking the trophy will be a walk in the park. He lost sight of the fundamentals. He ignored the rustic rural communities where politicking are made easier by the smaller number of voters in each constituency.

Anwar beware! UMNO knew the game well. They will continue to win elections. The year 2018 will see a marked increase in support. 

He and his Pakatan people can go on crying wolf, organise big rallies but nothing is going to change the fact that they have miscalculated and ignored the power of the rural voters. 

These bunch of sore losers are now using allegation of frauds against BN to cover their biggest political clanger and again making the same mistake of using the same urban folks to try topple a duly elected government. 

Tunku Aziz, formerly of DAP has rightly described Anwar as an anarchist and untrustworthy and warned the government to put a stop to his dangerous political charade. 

This overconfident chameleonic politician has lost the plot and now resorting to public rallies to rattle, destabilise and hopefully overthrow the government with his streets culture. Aziz also advised Malaysians not to allow themselves be treated as cows by Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

Anwar boasted that by virtue of he and PR having gathered more popular votes, he should be in Putrajaya and should be the prime minister, not Najib and BN, the alleged cheaters. 

PR won by a negligible 386,285 votes, but Anwar thinks it justifies a revolution to overthrow the government. This desperate man coaxed unwary Malaysians into believing that he and Pakatan were cheated by massive frauds perpetrated by Najib and BN. Most Malaysians and, surprisingly, the so-called sophisticated urban dwellers supposedly to be more intelligent and discerning turned out to be more dense than one would have expected. They fall for Anwar's ruse, hook, line and sinker.

This country parliamentary system does not recognise popular votes as the mechanism to determine the winner and Anwar knew this better than anyone that he had fooled to believe otherwise. His greed for power had driven him to the edge of madness and does not give a damn to the well being of the people and the nation.

The same system exists in U.K. and there have been instances where party with less popular votes become the government. 

A referendum called on 5 May 2011 to replace the "first past the post" system  turned out to be a complete failure, 68% voted "NO" and preferred to keep the old system, only 32% voted "YES". Winning by virtue of an overall majority in the Commons continued to be the winning formula in Britain.

There are 650 parliamentary constituencies in U.K. Guess what? Who has the biggest slice of the cake?

England took the biggest slice with 533 constituencies, 59 in Scotland, 40 in Wales and 18 in Northern Ireland. So, the SOB English also gerrymander the constituencies in their favour. No wonder the Scots, Welsh and Irish are peeved with the English. However, the peeved Celts and Gaels organised no big rallies to complain of unfair parliamentary practices.

Trust the English for being fair, fair game is not in their lexicon, but based on population and land mass the English exercised their demographic and democratic rights that majority ruled the land.

In Malaysia, someone, our of intense and selfish desire to rule wants to change the rules of the game.

His name is Anwar Ibrahim!

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