
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, May 5, 2013

Destiny lies in your hand

Please vote for a political coalition or individual that would work towards ensuring Malaysia continues to remain peaceful, stable and prosper in this tough economic time.
PETALING JAYA: This is it! The day for us to choose on who will administer our country for another five years is upon us today.
Your ballots will decide not only our fate, but also of our future generation. The entire nation’s destiny would rest in our hands.
So which coalition or individual should we choose? Well, it should be the party that promises peace, stability and prosperity.
We must vote in a government that will ensure our beloved Malaysia remains peaceful, stable and prosper in this bleak global economic time.
But which coalition promises it? This is where voters need to read between the lines of the promises made by our political aspirants.
The people must understand that in order for our country to remain peaceful and stable, we need a government that would respect human rights and the rule of law.
When we are administered by a government that is bent on suppressing human rights such as the right to choose and speak out against the ills plaguing the nation, abuse of power thrives.
Can a government talk about respecting human rights when those who speak their minds against a leader get hauled in by the authorities?
And peace could only be achieved when there exists a government that it is serious about uniting Malaysians of different racial and religious backgrounds.
Mutual respect
For that, we need a government that would invest in high quality education that would not only guarantee employment, but also would celebrate unity in diversity and create mutual respect among all Malaysians.
For that, we need to vote for a government that would not use education as a tool to divide and rule Malaysians in order to keep corrupt elites in power.
We must also vote into power a government that respects the rule of law and is committed to restoring the independence of our key public institutions such as the police force, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and the judiciary.
Vote also for a government that would be tough on anyone who is attempting to drive a wedge between Malaysians, no matter how high and mighty the perpetrator is.
And to ensure prosperity, we need to vote for a government that detests corruption and would curb the monopoly exercised by a select few on key industries such as electricity and water.
We need to vote for a government that will get rid of “leeches” sucking away a lion’s share of our nation’s wealth, while making the ordinary masses pay for their excesses.
Let us vote for a government that would clamp down on corruption, which is driving prices of goods higher.
And let us vote for a government that would not insult our intelligence by giving short-term monetary aid instead of resolving the structural economic problems draining away money from the pockets of average Malaysians.
If that government comes into power, only then will Malaysians enjoy peace, stability and prosperity.

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