
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 19, 2013

End of the road for BN and Najib: It has got to be JUSTICE FOR ALL MALAYSIANS

End of the road for BN and Najib: It has got to be JUSTICE FOR ALL MALAYSIANS
It is very telling that the onslaught of racists slurs and demands for ‘Malays’ rights is all geared to distract the rakyat from the core issue that needs to be addressed affirmatively. Thank God too that the honorable citizens – Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans and others have not fallen for the UMNO bait or the BN poison.
UMNO and its BN coalition are shrouding the electoral results that are being questioned by the rakyat. Their tactics so far is not fooling the rakyat who are determined to return the honor and glory to the nation and restore its dignity and pride in the eyes of the global community of citizens who are watching Malaysia very closely.
But it won't work
Using the UMNO-newspaper and the national television to pump all kinds of ammunition-propaganda is not working. Utusan can without mercy paint the pages of its newspaper red for all the rakyat cares. It is not going to distract or derail the people from their seeking answers to the many issues, allegations, and concerns surrounding the 13the GE.
If the citizens can relate well with the cry “Death of democracy”, no artillery or armor can withstand the momentum. And history teaches us this lesson.
Already some but few wise men within UMNO and BN have spoken up with courage. But it appears certain that even those prods are not going to take the heat away from the BN power house.
Even threatening to take away the citizenship of the opposition leader is not going to stop or muzzle the rakyat. In fact, that may just be the last straw to break the camel’s back for UMNO and BN.
Citizens can no longer stand BN
Well BN may get away with the Altantuya murder – even to the unprecedented extent of establishing motive as relevant but essential. But murdering democracy will not be tolerated by the global community that is already well on its way riding the waves of liberty and human rights. We do not have to go far – even neighboring Indonesia, Cambodia and Thailand are good enough examples for UMNO-BN to chew on.
The fact is the citizens are so resolved that even all the security barricades and onslaught of chemical laced water cannons and batons may not hold back the nationwide of unhappiness over the GE-13 outcome.
Now, this Letter to the Editor is not a threat. Citizens are not used to the ways of the BN government these past three decades. They are merely advising UMNO-BN to wise up. If the members of UMNO and BN are serious about having their party returning onto more favorable and firmer ground, they better learn fast and to begin with they should first learn to eat humble pie.
If the opposition could learn to eat mud pies for over five decades and still perservere, what is so difficult for UMNO-BN to chew on humble pies for a start after 55 years?
BN about to implode
What is most obvious is UMNO is already stretching very thin and is almost at a snapping point given the tension between the right and left wing members of the party. MIC and MCA and Gerakan are in a state of delirium that is too obvious not to notice.
It is the rakyat who crown leaders and not power brokers within political parties who can bestow such a vestige of power. So, if you see hundreds of thousands willing to congregate adorned in black, it is a message that no advertising or propaganda churning can match, let alone drown.
Today, as the clock keeps ticking on the count of the 21-days grace period to lodge complaints on the elections, UMNO-BN remain adamant to not wanting to demonstrate leadership strengths that can win the confidence and admiration of the citizens.
Instead, it continues plundering on that savage path of more threats, more police reports, more warnings, more riling of the rakyat’s nerves, and raging race and religious madness.
Stop, that's the message from the people
Bluntly put, the rakyat are saying stop! Stop being unpatriotic to the nation by being so undemocratic! Stop being so desperate by trying to bait the citizens onto the warpath! Stop making a mockery of the democracy that is already working very well in neighboring nations where there are also muslims and non-muslims and a multi-racial and multi-tribal population working in harmony and thriving on the pathway of democratic principles.
If UMNO-BN truly has an adequate inventory of right and wise leaders, it will not be tumbling down this road of divisive politics. Instead it will have the strength to address the GE-13 outcome decisively and favorably not only for all Malaysians but also pass in the eyes of the global community of democracy-centered governments.
Please UMNO-BN, stop making the rakyat into a cornered dog. And I you do – blinded by your own omissions and excisions, the price may be too high for you.
The mantra is: embrace, collaborate, cooperate, consult; do not continue with your condescending disposition with your flawed mantra of the outdated ‘mathiristic’ philosophies.
And please do not say the rakyat never told you so. Likewise, the age of politicians telling off the rakyat is long over - that goes as way back as the 2008 elction tsunami ut somehow UMNO-BN never could get it right into their swollen heads.

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