
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gen Y Waterloo for Umno & Dr M: Young M'sians tell Anwar - DON'T CONCEDE GE13 DEFEAT!

Gen Y Waterloo for Umno & Dr M: Young M'sians tell Anwar - DON'T CONCEDE GE13 DEFEAT!
What's happening to Malaysia? The young are taking charge, they are actually leading the way. At the mammoth post-GE13 rally to protest electoral fraud, Gen Y Malaysians were the largest turnout, full of energy, well abreast with the latest political maneuvers and completely intent on reclaiming their Malaysian heritage - be they be Chinese, Indians, Kadazan, Dayaks or Malays.
Saya Anak Malaysia reverberated around the Kelana Jaya neighbourhood last night, so mightily did our youngsters shout. It is a real warning to Prime Minister Najib Razak and his racist-inclined Umno-BN coalition. To Malaysia's Gen Y, Najib and Umno-BN are the bad guys. Listen to them shout Mampus, Mampus, Mampus BN! Same goes for the Election Commission - SPR, letak jawatan!
So why did they turn up in such outstanding numbers, with some even marching from a gathering point in Subang Jaya, did someone pay them? The answer was swift and clear: NO! we just don't Anwar to give up! Are you sure? YES! Don't surrender, no matter how tough!
Dear, dear. Such strength and wisdom from such youthfulness - it looks like Malaysia can be saved after all, Mahathir Mohamad and the Devil we all know, notwithstanding!
World class example
Indeed the very sight of a packed stadium of Malaysians of all races dressed in black should be sending a power-packed message not only to the BN power grabbers but to the whole wide world too. Here is a world class example – Malaysian style, of citizens of all ethnic origins gathering on their own volition to express in a disciplined, peaceful manner that they will not take the reported unfair and fraudulent General Elections lying down.
What is indeed amazing is that many in the crowds that wisely took the LRT and walked all the way to the Kelana Jaya stadium did not even know how to get there. But they did. Therein lies an important lesson in communicative behavior to BN leaders.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
The wet field was not a deterrent. People of all ages just sat on the green – again without any prompting. What is even more amazing is to see a sea of young people – Chinese, Indians and Malays (and certainly many also looked like Sabahans or Sarawakians) – all of them wearing black clothes. It speaks volumes about the tens of thousands being able to relate with and identify their struggle for a single cause, i.e. to return true democracy to Malaysia.
Lim Kit Siang, Ambiga and Anwar Ibrahim received standing ovation even before they could utter a single word. That is the kind of admiration the crowds showered on these two leaders. What is most surprising is the fact that young people – probably only in their early twenties, were backing these three leaders. That again speaks volumes of how true leadership successfully cuts across all age groups and all Malaysians irrespective of their ethnicity.
Ominous for Najib & Umno
Yes, you cannot play dumb; you cannot dismiss this rally. It is a collective expression of the people’s wishes. If BN tries to derail or bin this episode as another political rousing by the opposition, then it does so at its own peril. Here is a momentum that will only get larger over time!
Looking at the energy on the ground, it is very clear that Malaysians are not going to take “No” for an answer. They want justice and the ground and crowd sentiment says it all – loud and clear. It takes a fool to not notice.
BN leaders need to remove their political power and control lens and look at the reality as it is with knowledge and wisdom. The people appear resolved to show the world that through their passive movement they will ensure that democracy is not only said is being practiced but also see to it that democracy is seen and practiced.
As the massive stadium packed crowds left the venue, there were no policemen or event coordinators to help navigate the human traffic that had to squeeze its way out of the narrow and few gates. But there was no pushing, no screaming. They just moved in an awesome manner that would leave any observer with great admiration.
Many young boys – Malays and Chinese and Indians, working side by side, took to managing the traffic as the vehicles were paralyzed into a bumper to bumper jam. The absence of traffic police did not matter. The youths demonstrated they were capable and responsible to resolve the flow.
There was no free food. No free drinks. No free entertainment. But despite thousands of them having to walk many kilometers after the event indicates that people want justice at all cost. It was also so easy to thumb lifts – Indians, Chinese or Malays was not a criteria to oblige. Even the direction you are going was not an issue.
All these experiences and observations were bringing the masses together, a bonding that will be hard to destroy.
This again proves the degree of conviction that there is brotherhood to the rally. That unity is to return fair play into politics.
There is hope still for Malaysia
Indeed, the world will take notice. For here is a nation of people who are time and time again proving that despite all that Tun Dr Mahathir has threatened and prophesied, Malaysians on the contrary keep reaffirming that they are a united co-existing lot supporting each other in ensuring there is a level playing field for everyone.
If BN leaders ignore or belittle this new wave in the country, it is going to set them even further down the scale of credibility. If the global community of leaders look to the contrary and continue to congratulate the BN leaders who are taking office nevertheless, it could only embarrass them eventually.
To put things in the right perspective (or bluntly, if you may), this is not an opposition ruckus or ploy. It is citizens’ action that finds its voice in the leaders who are quick to sense it and galvanize resolution. And for that PR deserves commendation.
Indeed, this rally reignites hope for a nation and also serves as a warning for tyrannies around the world. Hence the sooner the powers that be come to their senses and redress the issues at hand, the better for everyone. Denial will expedite even a permanent demise of BN that probably may take several decades to repair and reinvent.

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