
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, May 4, 2013

How will MIC fare in parliamentary contests?

The president of Malaysian Public Service Association and editor of nayagankini.com analyses the party's chances in the GE13. He is also an MIC member.
By P Gunaseelan
The 13th general election is expected to provide unexpected results as no one is able to predict the number of seats to be won by Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat. Pakatan’s pithy slogans like ‘Ubah’ and ‘Ini kali lah’, has received tremendous attention from its supporters. BN is banking on its track record and is seeking a mandate for continuity with its own catchy slogans.
Anwar Ibrahim is become the crowd puller in the general election. His attendance in Seremban, Johor and some parts of Selangor has drawn mammoth crowds. He has been realistic in admitting that he is unsure if the huge crowds for Pakatan can be translated into votes.
Pakatan has successfully won a psychological war by pressing home the message that they will be forming the next government. Anwar went to say that it won’t be easy for him to bring down the prices of essential goods and he has to crack his head on how to bring down the price of petrol after the election as promised.
Najib has been advising people that when choosing a leader, they should pick someone based on merit, track record, vision and his road map for the future. He called on the people to reject Anwar who he said was only good at giving speeches and making empty promises.
MIC contested nine parliament seats in 2008 elections and won only three. Deputy MIC president Dr S Subramaniam won in Segamat, M Saravanan in Tapah and SK Devamany in Cameron Highlands. S Kamalanathan won in the Hulu Selangor byelection. This time around Najib has allocated the same number of parliamentary seats to MIC, under its new leader G Palanivel.
Cameron Highlands
Palanivel is contesting in Cameron Highlands for the first time. He is involved in a five-way tussle with DAP’s M Manoharan the former Teluk Intan MP, two independents in Alagu Thangarajoo and Kisho Kumar Ketriveloo and Berjasa’s Mohd Shokri. Many feel Cameron Highlands is a safe seat for Palanivel. The fact is that there are no safe seats in the general election. Each and every candidate has to slog and sweat to win their seats in the respective constituency. Palanivel and his team have been working closely with the component parties of BN, NGOs, and the people of Cameron Highlands for the past one year to take care of the needs of the people here.
He initiated several projects even before the elections. People in Cameron Highlands can expect a facelift with better infrastructure and facilities as Palanivel is a Cabinet Minister. Manoharan is a well-mannered politician and would have won hands down if he was given back the Teluk Intan seat. Manoharan has conceded he will be facing an uphill task in Cameron Highlands. Palanivel is expected to win the seat with a big majority.
Saravanan is facing Pakatan’s K Vasanthakumar, a former ISA detainee and a Hindraf strongman. Saravanan has been servicing the constituency well and he has good PR and enjoys the support of all races. He is a master politician and handles problems diplomatically. He can speak well and attracts crowds with his charming and mesmerising speeches. He has read the mood and sentiments of the people. He takes care of party workers and campaigners and his election machinery is well organised. He ensures that everyone who visits his constituency goes back happily. Despite a few unpleasant incidences, Saravanan is confident of winning the Tapah constituency with a bigger majority.
Sungai Siput
Sungai Siput has always been a strong hold of MIC since the late VT Sambanthan. S Samy Vellu kept this seat from 1974 till the 2008 elections where he lost to a lightweight, Dr Michael Jayakumar of PSM, by 1,821 vote majority. Devamany, the vice president of MIC has been nominated for this seat. Najib has appointed Samy Vellu as the chairman of BN Sungai Siput and he has been working tirelessly as if he is the candidate of the seat. In fact, he goes to estates and villages and promises that he will repair dilapidated houses of the poor. He gives statements in the media and Devamany is playing his cards well by being humble, sitting behind Samy Vellu listening to his statements like an earnest understudy.
Dr Michael Jayakumar is a much respected person in this constituency and he is a cultured and a well-mannered human being. Initially he faced some misunderstanding with PKR and now it has been rectified. He can provide service to the people but he lacks fund. On the other hand BN has the funds and can transform Sungai Siput. The people of Sungai Siput will be in a better position to judge the situation on the ground. It is going to be a close fight and Devamany (Samy Vellu) is expected to win the seat by a slim majority.
Dr Subramaniam is contesting the Segamat seat and is facing Chua Jui Meng of Pakatan. Chua was preparing himself for the Gelang Patah seat but it was offered to Lim Kit Siang. He was upset for some time giving statements that he does not have a house and this gained sympathy for him. The Segamat seat was slotted for DAP and later this was offered to Chua after initially being given a cold reception by the DAP. Now he has rejuvenated himself and is giving a tough fight to Dr Subramaniam. Pakatan has vowed to capture the BN fortress in Johor and BN has been working overtime to keep the fortress with them. Pakatan is confident of capturing at least six parlimentary seats including Gelang Patah, Bakri, Kluang, Labis, Pontian and Dr Subramaniam’s Segamat constituency is also in the Pakatan’s target list.
Subramaniam has mastered the art of politics. He talks less but works efficiently behind the scenes. Even people close to him are unable to read his mind. He is in a non compromising mood and is not willing to hand over the baton to Pakatan, and he has not taken much rest since nomination day. He was even spotted campaigning around on a motorcycle. The prediction is a win for Pakatan but in fact Subramaniam has done his homework and is hoping for a comfortable victory.
Teluk Kemang
Former MIC VP K Pathmanathan held this seat from 1974 until Sothinathan took over and kept the seat until 2008. Sothinathan was servicing this constituency and was hoping he will be given an opportunity contest in Teluk Kemang again. But this seat was given to VS Mogan the MIC information chief. This created some unrest in Sothinathan’s camp but this has been handled by the BN leadership and Sothinathan has closed ranks and is working for the victory of the BN candidate. This seat is a winnable seat if BN component parties and the local MIC is united. Mogan, a local boy, is expected to take back this seat from Pakatan.
Hulu Selangor
P Kamalanathan the incumbent is facing a tough fight from PKR’s Khalid Jaafar and Masterskill CEO Edmund Santhara. Several MIC leaders were also lobbying for this seat and were working tirelessly in a hope that they will be fielded as a candidate in this constituency. V Mugilan, an influential deputy MIC Youth leader who was also instrumental for the anti-Samy Vellu movement was shocked to find out that he was not fielded for this constituency. He enjoys strong support from local Umno and other leaders here. Former Selangor MB Muhamad Muhd Taib has joined forces with Pakatan and has been actively campaigning in Selangor, especially in Hulu Selangor.
A surprise candidate is Edmund Santhara who has pledged to bring changes to this constituency and claims that he can easily secure 10,000 votes. Observers feel that he is contesting here just to split the votes to ensure that Kamalanathan is defeated in this election. Kamalanathan has been working round the clock visiting estates, kampungs, small villages pleading with constituents to give him a chance to carry on with his various programmes for the people of Hulu Selangor. He is quiet and speaks well in Bahasa Malaysia and a victory for him will uplift his political career in MIC. There is going to be a neck and neck battle in the Hulu Selangor constituency and the victor will win by a slim majority.

Prakash Rao, the former secretary to Devamany and a strong man of the Sri Murugan Centre as well a loyalist of SMY founder Professor Thambirajah, is contesting against incumbent R Sivarasa and two independents in Subang. He is the second candidate from Sri Murugan centre to contest in a parliamentary constituency apart from Devamany. The third candidate is L Krishnan who is contesting against Professor P Ramasamy for the Prai state seat. Many MIC leaders were eyeing and lobbying for this seat and lady luck is in favour of Prakash Rao. Prakash Rao feels that he will be able to make inroads in this constituency. He has deployed 100 Sri Murugan members to penetrate the constituency and has been working day and night for the past few months. He is a graduate and speaks well in all languages and he is confident of wresting back the seat from Sivarasa. PKR is confident of keeping this seat.
This seat was held by the outspoken PKR incumbent S Manikavasagam who has been transferred to Bukit Malawati state seat. Dr V Nedunchelian was strongly tipped to contest this seat but PKR decided to field lawyer G Manivanan. This caused some unhappiness among the locals who were working hard servicing the constituency. Several MIC leaders were expected to be fielded here, including D Ravindran of Pemandu, Madhu Marimuthu, T Ganesan and others. MIC finally fielded A Saktivel who is a CWC member. Apart from Manivanan, four other candidates are contesting as independents in this constituency.
Saktivel is a pleasant and a hard working person. He is non controversial. It would have been an uphill task for Saktivel if Manikavasagam or Dr Nedunchelian were fielded in Kapar. A tough fight is expected and a clearer picture will be seen on the eve of the election day. Umno has vowed to take back Selangor and Saktivel has their full support. Lady luck may shine on Saktivel if he works hard and is willing to be lavish with finances, which he lacks.
Kota Raja
MIC secretary general and rising star T Murugesan has been nominated for this seat. During the last election, PAS candidate Siti Maria Mahmud won this constituency with a thumping majority of more than 20,000 votes. Human Rights Party’s pro tem secretary-general P Uthayakumar has joined the fray.
He is considered the spoiler, and the real fight is between the BN and PAS candidate. Murugesan has entered the fray with a five-point campaign. PAS has been servicing this constituency well and Murugesan will be a giant killer if he can defeat the PAS candidate.
This is the first general election for Palanivel after he took over the helm of MIC. He has done his best in selecting the candidates. Despite a political tsunami predicted by some, MIC is expected to increase its representation in parliament.

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