
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 24, 2013

Kuala Terengganu snubs Najib: Monster crowd turns up to support Anwar's Black 505 rally

Kuala Terengganu snubs Najib: Monster crowd turns up to support Anwar's Black 505 rally
VIDEO INSERTED KUALA IBAI, KUALA TERENGGANU - It looks like Prime Minister Najib Razak will have a fight with the people on his hands. Despite launching a swoop against Opposition leaders, arresting 2 prominent leaders, a civil society activist and a student leader, few Malaysians are impressed at his show of 'power'.
In fact, disdain and contempt seem to be the emotions he and the Umno-BN coalition have evoked with their latest attempt to douse the public outrage that has been manifest by the attendance of tens of thousands of Malaysians at a series of rallies organized by Opposition chief Anwar Ibrahim to protest the purported cheating at the May 5 general elections.
"Many will come," a Malay man in an elaborate Islamic headgear toldMalaysia Chronicle, referring to the Black 505 rallies Anwar launched two days after the ballot to protest the electoral fraud.
"What is there to be 'takut"'(scared). They are the ones who should be 'takut'," a group of young Malay youths dressed in Black 505 t-shirts told Malaysia Chronicle.
"This is democracy," a man in his 40s, who will be attending the Black 505 rally due to start at 9.00pm, toldMalaysia Chronicle when asked if he was worried by news of the multiple arrests.
The rally was streamed live at ustream.tv/channel/kntv2
Please lodge police reports if the indelible ink could be washed off - Anwar appeals to M'sians
Anwar and team had gone on a nationwide tour to garner public support and to pressure Najib into holding re-elections in at least 27 seats where they claim to have "compelling evidence" of vote-rigging, vote-buying and phantom voters.
The rallies are called Black 505 to symbolize 'death' of democracy in Malaysia. According to the Opposition, Najib is forcing Malaysians to accept his Umno-BN coalition as their government through the fraud. Indeed, despite winning 51% of all votes cast, the Pakatan could win only 89 seats compared to BN's 133 seats on a popular vote count of just 47%.
"Umno-BN is making fools of the people," Anwar said in his speech.
The 64-year-old leader called on Malaysians to "save Malaysia" and stop the BN from forcing the "twisted" outcome of the May 5 election down their throats. He urged "as many Malaysians as possible" to lodge police reports against any fraud they may have witnessed on balloting day including the indelible ink which was supposed to stay on for 5 days, but as millions of Malaysian voters found to their shock, could be washed off within the hour after application at the polling centres.
"I need everyone to be united and to co-operate. I need you to help us to help you. All those who encountered whatever form of fraud including the indelible ink that could be washed off, please make reports. This will show to the Najib administration the people are serious and the people are supreme," Anwar said to thunderous cheers.
Malay heartland embraces Black 505
The rallies have been a hit, drawing monster crowds at every venue so far, including in the Malay heartland - the traditional vote banks for Najib's Umno party - and this may be the reason for Thursday's sudden arrests and raids on the opposition newspapers, political observers had said.
On Tuesday, more than 80,000 people had flooded Kota Sarang Semut, Kedah and tonight, at least 50,000 are expected to come to Kuala Ibai. The Malays form some 90% of the population in both areas. By 10.10pm at Kuala Ibai, there were already 50,000 packing the car park and compound of the Mydin complex and more are expected by the time Anwar delivers his speech, which is usually around 11pm.
"How dare Najib Razak and Umno-BN think that by arresting (Pakatan leaders) Tian Chua and Tamrin Ghafar, they could scare the people from attending the Black 505 rallies. Are you all afraid," PAS deputy president Mat Sabu asked the crowd. They responded with a unanimous 'NO'.
"Umno-BN has become arrogant. They are toying the people. But the people will soon teach them a lesson."
Swoop aimed to scare?
The police had around lunch time on Thursday arrested Tamrin Ghafar, the son of former deputy prime minister Ghafar Baba who recently quit Umno for PAS, Tian Chua, the PKR MP for Batu and Haris Ibrahim, a human rights lawyer and founder of the Anything But Umno movement.
Student leader Adam Adli, remanded for 5 days, last week was charged this morning for sedition. He was accused of inciting public sentiments after he said in a speech that Malaysians should unite to topple Umno-BN.
His lawyers and human rights groups have slammed the Najib administration for the charges which they say went against the grain and spirit of democracy, freedom of speech, and the right to choose one's own political party.
"Malaysians will not be cowed. Especially, the youths of Malaysia will stand up to the tyranny of Njib Razak and Umno-BN. The Black 505 rallies will continue. We will not surrender our democratic rights no matter how they try to scare us," PKR leader Badrul Hisham Shahrin, also known as Chegubard, told the crowd.
He called on all Malaysians to attend the Malacca Black 505 rally slated for Friday night as well as the main demonstration due to be held at Amcorp Mall in Petaling Jaya, Selangor on Saturday, May 25.
"We have two purposes - to let the Election Commission know in no uncertain terms that we will not tolerate dirty and fraudulent elections and two, we will not accept the false outcome of the elections that was held on May 5," said Anwar.
Malaysia Chronicle

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