
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Look Zahid, if you're not happy that over 5 mil M'sians prefer Pakatan - then ARREST THEM ALL!

Look Zahid, if you're not happy that over 5 mil M'sians prefer Pakatan - then ARREST THEM ALL!
Holy grail! Even before he could have warmed his newly appointed chair as Home Minister, Datuk Zahid Hamidi has belted out his first threat, demanding that Malaysians who do not like the system here can leave the country.
What he failed to assimilate is that his statement is extremely provocative, downright insulting and beyond doubt an absolutely uncalled for bully-statement against the very subjects of His Royal Highness.
More than 5 mil Malaysians support the Opposition
OMG! What on earth is happening in Malaysia? Are the citizens such pathetic political eunuchs and suckers to earn such brandishments?
The 52 percent of the total voting citizens who cast their ballots for the ‘Opposition’ and the Independent candidates, clearly have taken a stand of not supporting or agreeing with the BN-political position. The more than half of the voting population has taken a position that is in summary, one that is not in agreement with the BN mantra of governance. This is a foregone conclusion, otherwise why did they not vote for BN?
Now, with the given background to the voting pattern, what Zahid’s statement means is that more than five million Malaysians should ‘GET OUT’ of this country. Yes or no?
Where in the world do we hear in-coming Ministers warning their citizens who voted for the ‘opposition’ (i.e. should be rightly termed as ‘alternative political party’), that they better show support for the party that took governance with a minority-votes-system supported by gerrymandering, or they should get out of their country?
Okay, Mr. Honorable-newly-minted Home Minister, let us all agree to your prescription. Let us then de-register all opposition political parties for disagreeing to your BN system and declare them as anti-nationalists. Let us all fall behind BN. We shall have only BN in this country as there shall be no need for any opposing political block. We shall only have your main stream media. We shall banish any media that reports anything against your system. We shall take it lying down. We shall all sing praises and not question anything at all as long as it is the BN system.
How is that? Okay for you Sir?
Arrest everyone
Let us take that given rule of thumb where more than half of the voting population translates to more than half of the entire contry's population, Now, given this rule-of-thumb, just because the more than half of the population does not agree with BN’s system you are threatening us to get out of this country? And that warning, coming from the Home Minister of this country - of all persons, must be taken very, very seriously. Worse, if the in-coming Prime Minister keeps his trademark silence it also means that the entire, newly-minted government agrees with this outrageous threat and warning from a fellow appointed leader.
Okay. So be it! Then here is the challenge to the Home Minister who carries that burden of yoke of national security:
Haul up all – each and every single man and women who voted not for BN. Haul every single man and woman who is for the ‘Opposition’ political blocks. Every single one, mind you – from the humble road sweeper to the MPs and leaders of ‘Opposition’ political blocks. Everyone - Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Dayaks, Kadazans and others. Put us all in ships and drive us out to the open seas. Of, course, you cannot house us in detention centers because we will bankrupt your BN system as you have to clothe, feed and care for us and true too you do not have that many lodges to house almost more than half the nation’s 28 million people.
Mr. Honorable Home Minister, are you prepared to do that then? No? Then why on earth (rather, why the hell), did you belt out such a statement?
Caught talking nonsense
Please do not go around the bend and say, “I have been quoted out of context”. Remember, as the Home Minister, it is your sole responsibility and imperative duty to ensure that what you spew out to the media is a hundred-percent fool-proof and therefore, no way it can be misquoted in the first place.
And if you have been misquoted, and that it is also established beyond all reasonable doubt that you did not insult the subjects of His Royal Highness, then go after all the media that reported you to have threatened the citizens of this nation.
The rakyat expect to hear from you. Your silence and your collaborating partners and leaders’ keeping mum will confirm that you did make this outrageous and dangerous statement and therefore you must be brought to task as it is an insult to the citizens who are subjects of His Royal Highness.
There is no room for a ‘forgive and forget’ here because your statement is an insidious assault on the very security and safety of this nation.
The moral responsibility too lies on the leaders of professional organizations, NGOs, religious congregations and the international community to register their displeasure.

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