
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, May 9, 2013

AWESOME ANWAR: The people want new elections, they want to get rid of Umno-BN

AWESOME ANWAR: The people want new elections, they want to get rid of Umno-BN
More than 150,000 people thronged the Kelana Jaya stadium and its vicinity to support the decision taken by Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Rakyat coalition to challenge the outcome of Malaysia's recently concluded 13th general election.
In his first public address to the people since the May 5 ballot that the Pakatan claims was "stolen" from them, a fiery Anwar minced no words scolding arch rival Prime Minister Najib Razak for a slew of electoral fraud to "cheat" the people so that the latter's Umno-BN coalition could cling to power.
"Tonight the people have given the answer. Some people have asked, what do the Chinese want. I can tell you the answer. Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dayaks Kadazan want new elections. Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dayaks and Kadazans want Umno-BN to be toppled. Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dayaks, Kadazans have a clear message they want to send - don't try to rob us of our rights," said Anwar, who arrived to a near manic reception.
Anwar for PM - YES ; Najib - NO!
The 64-year-old had ridden a motorbike to beat the traffic as the roads leading to the stadium, despite the threats by the police to make arrests on the ground that the rally was illegal, were congested and in some parts fully parked. Many had to walk at least 3 kilometres to the stadium.
Yet the mood was hyper and upbeat. The great majority were mostly young people in their 20s and they seemed very sure about what they liked and wanted, disliked and did not want.
Each time that Najib's name, Umno and BN were mentioned they jeered and booed, reserving  their loudest welcome for Anwar, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang, national laureate Pak Samad, Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah and Bersih co-chair Ambiga Sreenevasan.
When asked if they wanted Najib to be their prime minister, their response was a very emphatic "NO". When asked if they wanted Anwar to be PM, their crowd went wild, making Anwar grin with their cheers.
"This is the beginning of a battle between the rakyat (people) and an illegitimate, corrupt, and arrogant government," Anwar told the crowd.
"We will never surrender!'
Pakatan won, it has 52% of the popular vote:  I won't quit
Despite a hectic schedule over the past few days, securing all the help he could to put together the May 8 rally, Anwar has been slightly downbeat, shocked by the unprecedented level of electoral fraud.
He told the crowd there were 30 seats that Pakatan was disputing, enough to overturn the legitimacy of Najib's government. Pakatan won 89 of the 222-seats in the federal Parliament, while Najib staked his claim on 133 seats.
"Spme people say I should step down because I had previously said I would quit if Pakatan did not win. Let me tell you, Pakatan did win. We have  52% of the popular vote while Najib only has 46%," said Anwar.
"I would not quit until we reach Putrajaya, until we expose all the fraud and claim Putrajaya for the rakyat. They deserved it as we, Pakatan, won the popular vote."
Anwar also announced sister-rallies in Penang on Saturday and perhaps another in Ipoh on Friday. He called on Malaysians to wear black the whole day on Saturday to symbolize the death of democracy in the country, with the people being denied their right to hold free and fair polls.
"Umno-BN cheats at everything. From timber to shares to money, now they even cheat at indelible ink," said Anwar, taking a dig at the Election Commission's fiasco in applying ion voters' fingers indelible ink that could be washed off within a hour or so, defeating its purpose of preventing cheaters from voting twice.

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