
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, May 16, 2013

Murugesan, time to ditch MIC altogether

YOURSAY ‘MIC lost to PAS in a mixed seat. This seat was a BN certainty prior to 2008. Didn't anyone in BN bother to find out the reason why?'

MIC sec-gen resigns following polls defeat

your sayTpn: This is a very honourable move by S Murugesan. MIC has a few dynamic youth leaders who should quit the party and join PKR. Urban folks will never return to BN.

P.Dev Anand Pillai: Dear Murugesan, you are a nice person. MIC is not for you. You will do well on a multiracial platform. Furthermore, I believe this is the second time you had contested, the first being in 2008 when you stood for the Subang parliamentary seat.

Wira: MIC lost to PAS in a mixed seat. This seat was a BN certainty prior to 2008. Doesn't anyone in BN bother to find out the reason why?

Tohbeng8: This time my friend, the voting is not on racial boundaries. Kota Raja has a large number of Chinese and they voted PAS. If not, Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud would not get such a huge majority.

Only Pakatan Rakyat offers a multiracial platform. Until now, I see only Pakatan being fair to every one and they have proven to be better managers from their performances in Penang and Selangor.

Hill: MIC is not a place for educated people, or people with brains. Good move, Murugesan. Better look at other channels to help the community.

Myop101: As a voter of Kota Raja, I am glad that this non-appearing MP candidate (except during this election and only in the form of banners) has tendered his resignation as MIC secretary-general to retain his dignity.

Anonymous #03815719: Murugesan, don't you already know the reasons for the dismal performance of MIC?

Gone are the days when Indians look towards MIC, because only cronies are looked after. Indians today are akin to kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang (live from hand to mouth) so they vote what their hearts and minds tells them.

Doc: Wow! I'm shocked. At least, there is one MIC fellow with integrity.

Fair Play: The least we can say is that he took ownership of his actions, and not playing the blame game like those ultra sore losers such as that ex-judge Mohd Noor Abdullah.

Anonymous #25558299: Murugesan, though you quit, you still got something by being in MIC - your datukship.

We don't wish to say goodbye to you because we expect good and educated leaders like you to join Pakatan for a better future for the country. Forget about the shameless cheaters and be true to yourself, if you sincerely want to serve the rakyat.

Sincere: So, what have you got to say A Sakthivel, Puchong MIC division chairperson (who replaced Murugesan as MIC secretary-general). You lost, too. Can you own up and have the dignity to quit like your boss?

Fighting for Justice: Murugesan, why are you going back to this Umno-based party, unless you have personal gains from Umno.

Do you personally think that Umno is doing much for the Indians? Come on, we don't want three kilogrammes of mutton and a bottle of beer.

That's the platform Umno has kept the Indians on so far. What is stopping them from giving free tertiary education for all the races alike? After all, it is the rakyat's money.

And that is what every Indian is fighting for. Even with 10As' the poor Indian student is shedding blood to get into local universities. Enough is enough.

If MIC has any shame, the party should abandon Umno. MIC chief G Palanivel and the other three MPs who won by fraud and cheating, are redundant.

RakyatBiasa: First losing in Subang and now in Kota Raja by an embarrassing 29,000 votes is a sign to get lost. So thank you bro for doing the right thing. You should also quit MIC and join the rakyat in our struggle for democracy and justice.

Anonymous #33877536: Murugesan, MIC is a forgotten party in BN. Did you realise nobody talks about MIC in GE13.

This is because the people have decided MIC is not relevant anymore. Palanivel won by few votes only. What respect is he going to command from Umno?

Retnam: MIC must not die off. It must continue as a slave of Umno. This because Hindraf and its chief P Waythamoorthy will now try to beat MIC as the the top slave of Umno.

So if MIC is still around, the two can keep fighting with each other and none of them will be able to be full slaves of Umno.

Anonymous #02382443: The writing is on the wall. MIC, MCA and Gerakan have no more support. The people have spoken and it is very clear. All these parties are no longer relevant. Time to fold up or think about throwing your weight behind the opposition.

These parties have been sitting on their bottom for too long and have grown too fat to do any good for the people they represent.Adios.

Malaysia54: The Indians would rather trust PAS than MIC. Don't worry, Murugesan can get a job in Perkasa vice-president Zulkifli Noordin's ‘ministry'of national unity. - Malaysiakini

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