
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, May 12, 2013

Najib hiding Umno's blemishes, says Guan Eng

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s claim that DAP’s ‘racist politics’ had prevented BN from winning more seats in the recent general election is merely an attempt to hide Umno’s weaknesses, said DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

He said it is to mask the party’s failure to stamp out corruption, cronyism and abuse of power, which are the main causes of its poor performance, as well as to hide the fact that Umno is the “most racist party in the world.

NONE“Even the African National Party that advocated apartheid against the majority blacks in South Africa has been disbanded.

“And yet Umno continues to proudly articulate racial dominance and that racial dominance justifies Umno and its non-Malay allies in BN to be corrupt and reject open competitive tenders,” he said in a statement today.

Lim was responding to Najib’s speech at the Umno 67th anniversary celebrations yesterday, where the latter also claimed that Umno isnot a racist party.

He said Umno can only show that it is not racist by eliminating corruption, open the party’s membership to Malaysians of all races, adopt the 1Malaysia slogan, and cease its campaign of “hatred and hear” against non-Malays.

He also challenged Najib to show proof that DAP’s policies. In contrast to the accusations and to Umno, he said DAP’s membership is open to all Malaysians regardless of race, gender and creed, and even boasts a multiracial lineup of elected representatives.
Umno's weapons: Fear, hatred and lies

DAP has also fought corruption and campaigned on ideas and policies, he said.

“How can Umno be moderate when it preaches fear, hatred and lies? Malaysians are not stupid to believe that Umno is moderate and clean when its 56-year record in government is full of corruption and abuse of power,” he said.

In addition, he said the party upholds the federal constitution’s provisions where, including on the status of Islam, Bahasa Malaysia, and the special position of Malays and Bumiputeras.

On Najib’s accusation that Pakatan Rakyat parties are hypocritesby swearing in as the state government in three states while complaining that the electoral system is flawed, Lim said Najib has missed the point.

He pointed out that Pakatan Rakyat representatives have won not only the majority of votes in Kelantan, Selangor and Penang, but also the majority of the state assembly seats.

This is in contrast with the situation in parliament, where BN won only 47 percent of the popular vote compared to Pakatan Rakyat’s 51 percent, but the former controls enough seats to form the government.

“Najib must stop blaming the Chinese or the DAP for BN’s failure to win a majority of the popular vote. Instead he must recognise the new paradigm shift of this general elections – that the people are sick and tired of race-based and extremist politics,” he said.

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