
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

OPEN LETTER TO UMNO-BN: Are you sure you really want to change?

OPEN LETTER TO UMNO-BN: Are you sure you really want to change?
After being rejected by the majority of Malaysian voters in the 2013 election (51% chose Pakatan Rakyat), various Barisan Nasional leaders have begun to express arguments of a rational nature, which is rare. Currently, a proposal has been mooted for BN political parties to open up their membership to all races.
There are two main arguments, the first is a suggestion that the political parties within BN open up membership to all races, and second is the suggestion that BN itself become a multiracial party.
Previously, MCA leaders voiced this suggestion, followed by Gerakan leaders and the latest proposal came from an influential UMNO leader, Muhyiddin Yassin. We congratulate them for this intention and awareness.
But before that, it is desirable for the elites in BN and UMNO to review what they have been doing for over fifty years of ruling this country.
Racial games
In the recent 2013 election, PR especially DAP has been pushed to a corner by the racial political games of UMNO/ BN's political elites, who created negative perceptions towards PR.
The racial blame game crafted by UMNO/ BN is designed to spread lies and to bring down DAP and Pakatan, so as to continue UMNO/ BN’s grip on hegemony and power. This has been UMNO/ BN’s political agenda for all these years.
Every policy whether economic, social or education, has been manipulated, twisted, and distorted into a racial issue. This ugly agenda of UMNO/ BN must be exposed so that the people are aware of what lies behind the facade of the “multiracial BN party” proposal.
In the economic aspect for example, UMNO/ BN has accused DAP of opposing policies involving the interests and rights of the Malays especially the New Economic Policy (NEP). UMNO/ BN created an impression that DAP wants to abolish Article 153 of the Constitution.
In actual fact, DAP had never opposed this policy, there is no proof or formal statement issued by DAP on this issue. These accusation and allegations have been proven in Court to be false.
DAP and PR have only questioned the biased implementation of the NEP which has resulted in stock monopolies and sky high profits for cronies, while millions of ordinary malays continue to suffer in poverty.
Corruption ignored
On the issue of corruption, DAP questioned why business opportunities for Malays are being monopolized by elite groups who have political ties with UMNO. The issues raised by DAP involve matters of principle and integrity, not race. DAP speaks out because we do not want the Malays to continue to fall victim to the greed of UMNO/ BN elites.
DAP urges UMNO-BN to explain the loss of RM52 billion worth of Bumiputera shares. DAP demands UMNO-BN to take stern action against BN leaders who are involved in various scandals including PKFZ and NFC, who have violated the people's trust.
We are fully confident that Malays would support this effort because our goal is to ensure that the Malays will benefit from the NEP. Isn’t that the goal of the NEP?
In the social policy aspect, we firmly urge that Malaysians of all races are entitled to receive fair and equal treatment, especially Malays as the majority and backbone of social development in Malaysia. This principle is consistent with the Federal Constitution.
Anti-Islam and nurturing extremists like Zul Noordin
However, UMNO/ BN continues to spread negative perceptions to mislead people from understanding the principles of DAP. They spread lies and label DAP as anti-Malay and anti-Islam based on flimsy and fabricated “evidence”.
It is no wonder why Najib’s racial integration continues to fail as the gap between races remains wide. Especially when some UMNO/ BN leaders continue to mock and insult the beliefs and customs of other races with no regard.
For example, Zulkifli Nordin, Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa continually and openly insult the Indians and Chinese. In fact, there are those among Malay professionals who say that the Indians and Chinese are immigrants. This political style is racial politics as bred aby UMNO's elite.
However, today racial politics seems no longer popular among Malaysians. This is proven when PR managed to win the hearts and popular vote of Malaysians despite the racial accusations and manipulation hurled by UMNO/ BN in the mass media.
Keep in mind that those who supported and voted for PR are Malaysians, including the majority of Malays who voted for PR. This support does not come from the workers of Bangladesh, Philippines or Indonesia.
Go back to basics
Malays are a community on par with other nations in this world, this fact is proven historically. The Old Johor Sultanate, the historical Singapore and Malacca Empire has proven that Malays are able to have the knowledge, autonomy and freedom to compete with other great civilizations.
So why is it that this time, our politics seems make the Malays into small-minded people? Is it true that a Malay is afraid of his own shadow and continually dependent on the government?
UMNO/ BN must go back to the basic principles of democracy, a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
If UMNO/ BN truly wants to change:
First of all they need to apologise in public to all political parties they have vilified, say sorry to all Malaysians for their acts of political racism.
Second, release all PR leaders and activists persecuted under the Sedition Act and other oppressive laws.
Thirdly, UMNO/ BN must take legal action against all those involved in racial politics, including Utusan Malaysia and anyone who incites hatred against other races.
If not, UMNO/ BN's noble intentions will only be a dark comedy in Malaysian politics of democracy. Awareness is the first step against racism.
Let us not forget, although the keys on the piano are black and white, it is the combination of the sounds that give it a thousand melodies. That's the epitome of our diversity, we are all Malaysians.
To the elitist of UMNO/ BN, we say goodbye to their racial politics and welcome to the new political era.
Mahdzir Ibrahim, Political Secretary to DAP Political Education Director, Liew Chin Tong

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