
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Racist? Ex-judge in his own words, Pt 2

On May 12, Malaysiakini had posted a report on a speech by former Courts of Appeals judge Mohd Noor Abdullah at a forum themed ‘GE13 post-mortem: Muslim leadership and survival'.

In this, he had warned Chinese Malaysians of a backlash from Malays for attempting to seize political power during the 13thgeneral election concluded on May 5.

Mohd Noor received a barrage of criticism from a cross-section of society, including PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim who claimed that the ex-judge was sowing "hatred and discord".

mohd noor abdullah ex court of appeal judge 130513UiTM Malaysia Alumni and Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS), the joint organisers of the forum, expressed unhappiness with Malaysiakini for having "intruded" into the forum and for the"malicious" report.

Claiming that the report had selectively picked up on Mohd Noor's (left) remarks, they demanded that the speech be read in full to determine the correct context.

This is the final of a two-part translation follows of the main points made by Mohd Noor, based on an audio recording of his speech.

Portions that are inaudible, or are an elaboration of points or which are repetitive are indicated as [...].

Mohd Noor Abdullah:

"In a democratic country, population matters. In choosing the government, one's vote counts. So we must focus on our population.

The Malays must listen. I asked just now: who are our cousins? Who are our relatives? I did explained the definition of Malays just now.

Do not resent or be jealous of Indian Muslims or Chinese Muslims because we are of the same faith.

Our numbers are large; that is why I mentioned our quota has to increase to 67 percent. In my calculation, that is a two-thirds majority.

So we hold two-thirds majority in all matters, including businesses, licences and so forth. We need to increase the number of Malays.

I encourage, firstly, for Malays to marry with Chinese and Indians because their offspring will forever be Malays. Why are we not willing to marry Chinese and Indians? [...]

There are many Chinese Muslims who have brought Chinese and Indians [into] Islam.

The Chinese, they are a little proud, they will not enter Islam because of Malays, but they are willing to [enter] Islam because their relatives are Chinese. [...]

'Three questions'

I have included some questions here [that] I will ask and I will answer.

Can a non-Malay become prime minister? According to the constitution, the Agong must appoint a prime minister who enjoys majority [support] - even by one vote - in the Dewan Rakyat. That is all it says. [...]

But according to democratic practices, because this country is an Islamic country, the Agong would surely appoint a prime minster who, other than enjoying majority [support], is also Muslim and Malay.

Can a non-Malay become menteri besar or chief minister? [...]

[The first condition states] whoever enjoys a majority in the state assembly will become the menteri besar. If the DAP gets majority [support], then the menteri besar will be Chinese.

But a second condition states that the person must be Malay and Muslim, so the first condition would not apply [in the scenario above].

However, a third condition states that the second condition could be loosened to fulfill the first condition. This means the second condition [requiring a] Malay and Muslim could be set aside and whoever enjoys majority [support] can become the menteri besar or chief minister.

How can that be?

If you do not agree, then amend the state constitution. In Malacca and Pahang, where the BN holds a two-thirds majority, insert a clause that it should be Malay and Muslim and remove the third condition. [...]

My next question: Can Brunei and Singapore join Malaysia? The answer is, Parliament can through law, bring any territory - including Brunei and Singapore - into the Federation of Malaysia with only a simple majority. [...]

johor singapore causeway 041106Imagine the consequences - this was the agenda of the betrayal I spoke of. The agenda includes bringing Singapore into Malaysia.

That was why the word ‘Allah' was played up, so that people in PAS and Umno - the Malays - will be divided. The aim was to win over the non-Muslim bumiputeras in Sabah and Sarawak. Do you see where they are heading?

The Malays fell for it, but thankfully the Sabahans and Sarawakians supported us.

That is why I said we should abolish [the terms] ‘Chinese' and ‘Indian', because it is not provided for in the constitution.

We should replace these with ‘Malays' [and] ‘non-Malays' [or] ‘bumiputeras' [and] ‘non-bumiputeras'. Use either of them. Thus there will be no more ‘Chinese' and ‘Indian'. [...]

'Eradicate corruption among Malays'

Finally, I say clearly and sincerely that we should eradicate corruption among Malays, from politicians to government officers. If Malays are corrupt, we no longer have dignity [...]

Why? Because we hear on the other side that Malays can be bought with just a cigarette. Aren't we ashamed? So never engage in corruption. [...]

I believe that those who are stubborn and want to break the laws aren't Malays. No. Malays always obey the law. [...]

Which is why I said, other people would be afraid if Malays are not corrupt. Other people would be afraid if the law is fully enforced, since they like to take shortcuts and [do things by] the back door.

Corruption will mortgage the nation and lower our dignity. There is much more to be said but time is limited, so I will end here.

Part 1 of the article was posted yesterday.

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