
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Selangor Sultan wants 6 Malays 4 non-Malays in exco, not 5 each

S'gor Sultan wants 6 Malays 4 non-Malays in exco, not 5 each
Selangor deputy PAS commissioner III Khalid Abdul Samad today said the line-up of Selangor executive councilors are being further negotiated as the Selangor Sultan, Sultan Sharafuddin Shah, wants to see a differing ratio of exco members.
"We were made to understand the Sultan wants to see an exco line-up made out of six Malays and four non-Malays. This is different from 2008 where the exco is made out of five Malays and five non-Malays," he said in his blog today.
This may cause DAP to opt for three exco seats and a Speaker's post, instead of four exco seats as originally intended.
"If the ratio of non-Malays remains at four seats, DAP cannot have all seats, as PKR also has to appoint a non-Malay exco into the line-up," he said.
However, refuting speculations, he said Selangor PAS has no qualms in exchanging their seat ratio with DAP should the original ratio of exco line-up with five Malays and five non-Malays remains intact.
"Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is hoping to get the Sultan's approval so that the original ratio remains. But he has to abide by the Sultan's request should he made a firm stand on the issue," said Khalid.
Pakatan Rakyat had gained equal footing in Selangor during the 13th General Elections, with DAP and PAS gaining 15 seats each, and PKR getting 14 seats.
Khalid said this proved to be a headache in negotiating the line-up this term.
"Therefore, it was agreed upon that the party who took the MB post and the Speaker post will only take up three exco seats, while the remaining party takes four exco seats," he said.
However, Selangor DAP deputy chairman Tony Pua reportedly said that this was not the line-up that was agreed upon during the last meeting.
In an about-turn after that, Pua said the DAP leaders had met with Abdul Khalid and will resolve the matter in two days.
- theSun

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