
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The racist argument of DAP supporters

There is no country that i know of which adopt as a public policy this racial segregation education system. Countries try to unite the people but they believe in segregating people by race. In fact isn’t this against human rights? Why isn’t this racist? 
The Right of Reply 
By now the issue has always been the same. I think some of you who have read this before may skip this. As I encounter new readers I’ll be repeating the same thing over and over again. Man, I expect the same will happen for the next five years.
For the past few years, people call me racist merely by uttering I’m Malay first Malaysian second. I’m racist if I call for Malays to unite. I’m racist if I defend any of the Malay rights.
This is certainly a result of brainwashing of DAP and PR. What we see now Chinese unite for political purposes. This is not racist. We see DAP fighting for Chinese right and culture. This is not racist. We see DAP / PR play the racial card and this is not racist.
DAP has used racist argument very wide to the point that anything to do with Malay unity and rights as racist but others doing the same is not. My current argument with partisan dap/ pr supporters attest to this mindset and thus the reason I’m writing again.
Core to this racist propaganda is the Malaysian Malaysia concept propounded by DAP. All those who argued against me accept the fact and believe that one must put Malaysian first above race of ethnicity. Thus they pompously deride anyone saying being Malay Malaysian as racist.
But this is where the problems lies. At the same time they wholeheartedly support segregating our youngs by race. They don’t care if my children has no non Malay friends. They don’t care whether our children are separated in racial silos and carry deep racial prejudices. All they care are putting their race language and culture above Malaysian interest. And suddenly walla its not racist. They give the same excuses like the people they detest give. They argued its their constitutional right as if its different from how Malays argue its their constitutional right. They argue that the right to vernacular schools is inviolable but when it comes to Malay right its violable and subject to change. They condemn and criticise Malays uniting under pas and umno as racist. But its not a problem if Chinese unite under DAP. Others cannot play racial card but its perfectly suitable to play racial card against Mca for dap/ pr purposes. Their web propagandas are littered with the racial propagandas asking the Chinese not to allow MCA to represent them.
The worse was how hypocritical they argued all their actions as not racist thinking others are dumbed to follow hook and sinker. They argued that the existence of vernacular school is part of human rights to be educated in their own mother tounge. This is rubbish. There is no such right. In Malaysia, there is no such legal restriction at all for you to learn your mother tounge. They can do this on their own. But what they ask is different from that. They are asking for the government to provide policy, funds and facilities to segregate our children by race. This has nothing to do with human rights. There is no country that i know of which adopt as a public policy this racial segregation education system. Countries try to unite the people but they believe in segregating people by race. In fact isn’t this against human rights? Why isn’t this racist?
The argument on mother tounge is also hypocritical as they are fighting only for their own race mother tounge. They believe their language and mother tounge are superior and never bothered to fight for other people’s mother tounge and language. We in Malaysia have more than 40/50 ethnics with different mother tounges. The Sikhs, kelantanese, ibans, kadazans etc etc are different. But these dap/pr supporters have never propounded or supported 40 or 50 ethnic schools or languages. You know why? Because it doesn’t make sense to separate our youngs like that. But isn’t this selectively hypocritical and racist? Yes. Just look at their superior chauvinistic argument justifying why its better than the rest and deserve support.
Many don’t realise that the vernacular schools were initially created to separate all the three races by the British. Its part of a divide and rule structure. It has nothing to do with education quality. When our national school was on British syllabus DAP and DJZ were still insisting to have a separate vernacular school to protect their heritage, culture and language. The foremost prominent and highly respected proponent of vernacular school Lim Lian Geok aptly put:
“One’s culture is the soul of one’s ethnicity, and its value as important to us as our lives. And if any of you (Chinese) want to inherit Chinese cultural heritage, and if any of you (Chinese) want to live a ‘true’ Chinese, your children must be sent to a Chinese school.”
It’s all about race. Until now DAP has been foremost on this (together with MCA). They have never supported our children of various races to unite since young. They’ve never ever supported a one school system. And they pushed it in the PR manifesto. They don’t care whether my children has non Malay friends. They don’t care whether Malay children grow up together with non Malays. They expect that once all of them becomes adult they suddenly will put Malaysian first and forget about race.
This is the duplicitous racist argument by DAP. They have applied the Malaysian Malaysia concept selectively to lure the chinese. Thus in real life there’s no issue if Chinese conduct discriminatory business. They have no issue when Malays are prejudiced by race for employment. These are not racists to them.
They think people don’t see this. Their supporters think they have moral authority. They think people don’t see their reluctance to push for anti discriminatory law and practices. They think people don’t see their hypocritical stand on Malaysian Malaysia. They think people don’t see their dishonest use of the word racist and Malaysian Malaysia. So long as they adopt this selective racist definition, they will always be in my and many other books as RACIST.

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